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Thanks for not Morphing Trivia

Forget this episode? Here are some quotes to refresh your memory...

Are you ready for some Thank You For Not Morphing trivia? Get out a piece of paper and a pencil, and write down the answers as you go. The answers are at the bottom of the page. Don't cheat!

I True or False

1. In the very beginning of the episode, Prue and her sisters went to a party at the neighbor's house and Prue said that she wanted to leave that party in 30 minutes.

2. Phoebe said that Prue's party tip was to "meet, greet, and bail".

3. Phoebe arranged it so that Piper would meet Leo at the party.

4. When Piper left the party and found the door to their house unlocked, she immediately blamed Phoebe.

5. When Prue returned home after the party, she was greeted by a very agressive dog.

II Multiple Choice

6. In response to Prue's nagging Phoebe to lock the door, Phoebe...
a) temporarily locked Prue out when she left the kitchen
b) yelled at Prue for nagging her
c) simply agreed to lock the door from then on
d) suggested that they get a guard dog instead

7. Prue first sees their father in this episode in...
a) a hotel
b) their house
c) Bucklands
d) Quake

8. When Phoebe goes to see her father in the hotel, he calls her...
a) Penelope
b) Prue
c) Piper
d) Phoebe

9. When Phoebe hugs her father, she has a premonition of Victor...
a) dying
b) killing Piper
c) killing Prue
d) taking the Book Of Shadows

10. The evil shapeshifter who, posing as a mailman, tried to steal the Book Of Shadows, saw Prue coming and morphed into...
a) Kit
b) Andy
c) Piper
d) Phoebe

11. Prue did not want to go with Piper and Pheobe to dinner with Victor the first time because she said that she...
a) didn't trust him
b) had already seen him
c) was angry with him
d) wanted nothing more to do with him

12. Victor told the girls that he hadn't come back any sooner because he...
a) he was afraid that he would disapoint them
b) he couldn't afford it
c) Grams would not allow him to visit
d) he hadn't had time

13. Victor referred to the shapeshifters as
a) warlocks
b) demons
c) morphers
d) shapeshifters

14. When Prue, Piper, and Pheobe were vanquishing the three shapeshifters, Victor protected himself by
a) leaving the house temporarily while the girls cast the banishing spell
b) putting on his protective ring to protect him form the banishing spell
c) touching the Book Of Shadows to shield himself from the banishing spell
d) touching a picture of him with the girls to protect himself from the banishing spell

15. At the end of the episode, when the girls are waiting to go out again with Victor, _______ shows up at the door.
a) Leo
b) Andy
c) Rex
d) Victor

16. Where did Andy invite Prue to?
a)The movies
b)Out to dinner
c)A Warriors game
d)The neighbor's party

17. What hotel was Victor staying at?
a) The Ballmark
b)Le habite une nuit
c)The Days Inn
d) The Bay Inn

18. How did the neighbor get into the attic?
a) He used his telekinetic power
b) He morphed into water and slid under the door
c)He walked through it
d) He knocked the door down.

III Short Answer

19. What did the video tape that Victor left for Prue, Piper, and Phoebe have on it?

20. In the note that Victor left with the video cassette, why did he say that he wasn't showing up for dinner with them?

21. Why did Phoebe want to wear Prue's dress to dinner with Victor?

22. What were all the animals that the three shapeshifters morphed into throughout the whole entire episode?

23. Why did the shapeshifters say that they wanted the Book Of Shadows?

24. Why was Prue find it suspicious that Victor came back right then?

25. How did Piper and Phoebe feel about Victor?

26. How old were Piper and Phoebe whenever Victor left?

27. When and where did Victor mention that he knew they had powers?

28. Why did Victor say he wanted the Book of Shadows?

IIII Bonus: What is the actor who played Victor?


I True or False

1. In the very beginning of the episode, Prue and her sisters went to a party at the neighbor's house and Prue said that she wanted to leave that party in 30 minutes. = FALSE (Prue said that she wanted to leave the party in 20 minutes.)

2. Phoebe said that Prue's party tip was to "meet, greet, and bail". = TRUE

3. Phoebe arranged it so that Piper would meet Leo at the party. = FALSE (Phoebe arranged it so that Prue would meet Andy at the party.)

4. When Piper left the party and found the door to their house unlocked, she immediately blamed Phoebe = FALSE (When Prue left the party and found the door to their house unlocked, she immediately blamed Phoebe.)

5. When Prue returned home after the party, she was greeted by a very aggressive dog. = TRUE

II Multiple Choic

6. In response to Prue's nagging Phoebe to lock the door, Phoebe
*A* temporarily locked Prue out when she left the kitchen
b) yelled at Prue for nagging her
c) simply agreed to lock the door from then on
d) suggested that they get a guard dog instead

7. Prue first sees their father in this episode in
a) a hotel
b) their house
*C* Bucklands
d) Quake

8. When Phoebe goes to see her father in the hotel, he calls her
a) Penelope
b) Prue
*C* Piper
d) Phoebe

9. When Phoebe hugs her father, she has a premonition of Victor
a) dying
b) killing Piper
c) killing Prue
*D* taking the Book Of Shadows

10. The evil shapeshifter who, posing as a mailman, tried to steal the Book Of Shadows, saw Prue coming and morphed into
a) Kit
*B* Andy
c) Piper
d) Phoebe

11. Prue did not want to go with Piper and Pheobe to dinner with Victor the first time because she said that she
a) didn't trust him
*B* had already seen him
c) was angry with him
d) wanted nothing more to do with him

12. Victor told the girls that he hadn't come back any sooner because he
*A* he was afraid that he would disappoint them
b) he couldn't afford it
c) Grams would not allow him to visit
d) he hadn't had time

13. Victor referred to the shapeshifters as
a) warlocks
b) demons
c) morphers
*D* shapeshifters

14. When Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were vanquishing the three shapeshifters, Victor protected himself by
a) leaving the house temporarily while the girls cast the banishing spell
*B* putting on his protective ring to protect him form the banishing spell
c) touching the Book Of Shadows to shield himself from the banishing spell
d) touching a picture of him with the girls to protect himself from the banishing spell

15. At the end of the episode, when the girls are waiting to go out again with Victor, _______ shows up at the door.
*A* Leo
b) Andy
c) Rex
d) Victor

16. Where did Andy invite Prue to?
a)The movies
b)Out to dinner
*C* A Warriors game*
d)The neighbor's party

17. What hotel was Victor staying at?
*A* The Ballmark*
b)Le habite une nuit
c)The Days Inn
d) The Bay Inn

18. How did the neighbor get into the attic?
a) He used his telekinetic power
b) He morphed into water and slid under the door
c)He walked through it
*D* He knocked the door down.*

III Short Answers

19. What did the video tape that Victor left for Prue, Piper, and Phoebe have on it? * Home movies of Victor, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe opening Christmas gifts together. *

20. In the note that Victor left with the video cassette, why did he say that he wasn't showing up for dinner with them? * Something had come up and he had to leave town. *

21. Why did Phoebe want to wear Prue's dress to dinner with Victor? * Phoebe wanted to wear Prue's dress, because she said that she wanted to look good for Victor since she did not know how much longer he would be around. *

22. What were all the animals that the three shapeshifters morphed into throughout the whole entire episode? The shapeshifters morphed into two ravens and one dog during the episode. *

23. Why did the shapeshifters say that they wanted the Book Of Shadows? * So that they could use it to grow more powerful themselves, weaken the Charmed One's powers, and eventually kill Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, while they were in a weakened state. *

23. Why was Prue find it suspicious that Victor came back right then?
*They had just got their powers and then he showed up.*

25. How did Piper and Phoebe feel about Victor?
*They wanted to get to know him better*

26. How old were Piper and Phoebe whenever Victor left?
*Piper was four and Phoebe was one.

27. When and where did Victor mention that he knew they had powers?
*When they were at the restaraunt and Piper froze everything because the waitor tripped.

28. Why did Victor say he wanted the Book of Shadows?
*He said that he wanted to protect them from their powers.*

Bonus: What actor played Victor? * Tony Denison*

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