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The Power of...umm...2 trivia

Forget this episode? Here are some quotes to refresh your memory...

Are you ready for some "The Power of Two" trivia? I hope so! Here's how it write down your answers as you go. At the bottom of the page are the answers. Don't cheat!

True or False

1. A finger print detector was used to see Jackson's fingeprints on the knife.

2. Judge Renault was the judge on Jackson's case.

3. 1329 Beau Lane is the Halliwell's address according to this episode.

Multiple Choice4. Where did Piper go to?
a. Honolulu
b. Tahiti
c. Bermuda Triangle
d. No where

5. What were the names of the IA guys? (Pick two)
a. Treaudou
b. Morris
c. Rodregis
d. Anderson

Short Answer

6. What is Jackson Ward known as?


True or False

1. A finger print detector was used to see Jackson's fingeprints on the knife.=FALSE. THEY USED A FLORESCOPE

2. Judge Renault was the judge on Jackson's case.=TRUE

3. 1329 Beau Lane is the Halliwell's address according to this episode.=FALSE THEIR ADDRESS IS 1329 PRESCOTT STREET

Multiple Choice4. Where did Piper go to?
*a.* Honolulu*
b. Tahiti
c. Bermuda Triangle
d. No where

5. What were the names of the IA guys? (Pick two)
a. Treaudou
b. Morris
*c.* Rodregis*
*d.* Anderson*

Short Answer

6. What is Jackson Ward known as?=THE GHOST OF ALCATRAZ

How did you do? E-mail me and tell me.

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