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Clan Ghost Bear: Official Application


What is your screen name (in lower case)?

What is your character's full name?

What is your character's age?

What is your characters race?
(i.e. Immortal, Human)

Are you in any other guilds (if so please list rank and dice)?

Please give a brief history of your character
(See profile is unacceptable):

Please give a brief description of your character
(See profile is unacceptable):

What does Honor mean to you (In your own words)?

What does Loyalty mean to you (In your own words)?

Who recruited you?

Please give the string command for the following dice:
1d6 initiative:

Please define the following:
AA ~
HM ~
DM ~
SM ~
RM ~
HS ~
IC ~
:: :: ~
(( )) ~
Spar ~

Are you new to RhyDin and need training in certain areas
(If yes please list which areas)?

Please mark the division you wish to serve in ( mark with an X, only one X):
[ ] Clan Infantry (warrior/warrioress)
[ ] Templar (mage)
[ ] Khalai (spies)
[ ] Praetor Guard (body guard)
[ ] Sargas (assasin)
[ ] Furinax (healer)
[ ] Shelak (priest/priestess)
[ ] Akilae (royal clan protectors)

Now that you have chosen your field of interest please put down another field of interest here; _____________________; incase you can not be placed in your first choice

I,_____________________, here by agree to carry out any orders given to me by the GC or SiC with out dispute. To protect the CGB to my last breath. To not herras any members of the CGB, and to not abuse the power of my rank and position. And Finally, to respect all members of the CGB no matter what their rank and position. Any deviation of these rules is grounds for imediate Discharge.

I,_____________________,Here by agree not to committ any capital crime against the CGB, including Giving away of rosters, Clan members names and dice and rank, killing CGB members, comencing with illegal kills (killing some one while not in a war, or not assgned by the GC or SiC), and anything else that would in any way shape or form harm the CGB. Any one who comits any crimes such as the ones listed, or ones that harm the CGB is subject to imediate dishonorable discharge, or capital punishment of death.


You should be notified of entrance into the CGB within 48 hours of turning in this application. When you are ready to turn in this application please turn in the completed copy to Tassedar7. We thank you for your support of CGB
