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Heart Break

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For no real reason
Our hearts begin to hope
To cling to a fantasy it has created
To believe that there is perfection
Here on earth

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To Believe that this perfection
Is the one we love
Our loved one will never hurt us
Never ever have a bad day
Never speak an unkind word

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Our hearts take flight
With wings like those of eagles
Soaring through clouds of fantasy
The winds of elation we glide
Ours eyes closed against any reality

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We are being so unfair
For are we really loving
The one we claim to love
Or the fantasy we have built
Do we not all want
to be loved for who we are

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Then one day it happens
The shutters are pulled from our eyes
This person is not perfection
They are just a human
with all of the weakness and flaws

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We are devastated and heartbroken
Even angry with the one we love
Our hearts and dreams are shattered
The pain is so unrelenting
Tearing and clawing
at the love we feel

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We must now choose
Are we to let this pain consume us
To destroy all love and happiness
Or are we to admit to our mistake
And love the real person
not the fantasy

* * *

By: BabyRoseBuds
January 12th 2000

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