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From Baby's Garden

Never Alone

Our two souls have known
Each other since the beginning of time
We are so much a part of each other
We feel each other's pains and joys
I am only complete when you are near

Even thou you have traveled far away
To a place I can not go yet
I still feel your presence watching over me
At night I feel you holding me as I dream
I know that you are awaiting my arrival

Yet as the new days dawns
And this body holds me prisoner for still another day
I mourn and grieve for your closeness
Your tender kindness to surround me once more
To be again be entertwined as one with you

My heart and soul know that my time here
Is nothing but a drop of rain in the ocean
Compared to the eternity that we shall share together
But each day away from you my love
Seems to me now as a hundred years

I hold tight to the knowledge that soon
We shall be one again forever
I shall shed this mortal body
Which now feels such loss and loneliness
And I will never be alone again

By: BabyRoseBuds
January 14th 2000

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Background By: Black Wolf

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