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I awoke this morning with a smile
Just a few minutes before the alarm
I laid and counted my blessing
All warm and safe in you arms

I turned off the alarm
Before it could wake you
Wanting to watch you sleep
Then to wake you with kisses

Some day when we are old
We can stay like this forever
But that day is not today
So up we get Mr. sleepy head

We go about the job of preparing for the day
Showering, dressing, breakfast and such
All the while sharing our thoughts and dreams
One last kiss and we are off to our separate days

You surprise me with a call in the middle of the day
Just to tell me that you love me
My heart and soul fill with joy at your words
Again I take a moment to count my many blessings

Finally the time is here
Together again after all these hours apart
You chop the vegetables as I stir the sauce
Together we prepare our evening meal

You light the fire I set the table
We share with each other our days
Encouraging and sympathizing
You make all my troubles go away

Off to the kitchen you dry as I wash
Laughter fills the house
You can always make me laugh
One of the many things I love about you

Now to the couch we walk
Hand in hand like some silly teenagers
It is your turn to choose the movie
And of course you choose my favorite

You hand me a tissue and tweak my nose
As I cry at the sad ending of the movie
Time for bed sleepy head you tell me
As you pull me from the couch

Up the stairs you chase me
Were again we share our love
I fall asleep with a smile
All safe and warm in you arms

And my last thought
Before sleep over takes me
Is that there could never be
Anything better than being your wife

next love

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