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Just today
In a place very near
There lives a woman
So joyful and happy

She fancies herself in love
Her heart filled with hope
Her head filled with dreams

She cleans the house
Singing all the while
Counting the hours
Till they are together

She prepares a quick dinner
And eats at an empty table
While happily counting the hours

The time is near
He will soon arrive
She brushes her hair
And nimbles her fingers

For she will spend the next few hours
With the man she loves
They will share everything
Every joy and sorrow

He comes to her
Each and every night
He says all the right things
Whispers sweet nothings

She has found her soul mate
Her knight in shining armor
He is all her dreams fulfilled
He is worth any sacrifice

There are times when she longs
For arms to hold her
Lips to kiss her
A hand to wipe away a tear

But he has promised soon
Maybe only three more months
Till his job is thru
Then we will run into her waiting arms

She is understanding
For his sense of commitment
Is part of what she loves

She knows his past loneliness
And why he has agreed
to be so far from home

He is here now
Her happiness abounds
As she reads his words of love

Just today
in a place very near
There lives a man
Uncaring and Bored

He spends his days
boasting with his friends
about his way with women
that he meets online

Tonight after eating
the dinner his wife has fixed
He will meet with his new toy
and play his little game


October 29, 2000

Friends Please Be Careful
Just as there are BAD PEOPLE
in the real world.
They have also invaded our cyberland

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