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Kids and Cliches

Students complete well known sayings ...

The grass is always greener ...
when you leave the sprinkler on.

A rolling stone ...
plays the guitar.

A bird in the hand ...
is a real mess.

No news is ...
no newspaper.

It's always darkest ...
just before I open my eyes.

If you can't stand the heat ...
don't start the fireplace.

A penny saved ...
is nothing in the real world.

We have nothing to fear ...
but our principal.

Laugh and the world laughs with you ...
Cry, and someone yells, "Shut up!"

It's always darkest ...
before 9:30 p.m.

Early to bed and early to rise ...
is first in the bathroom.

A journey of a thousand miles ...
begins with a blister.

There is nothing new ...
under the bed.

The grass is always greener ...
when you put manure on it.

author unknown

Sent To: BabyRoseBuds
From: Veronica
September 5th 1999

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