Radio script
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Radio or TV Script

Meanwhile, back in the city of Athens, King Aegeus was having a hard time controlling his land. All of Aegeus's cousins thought that they were the rightful heirs to the thrown and were continuously arguing about it. The people of Athens were also getting tired of the old King because he had lost a war against Minos of Crete. As a result, a tribute of seven of the strongest youths and seven of the fairest maidens of Athens was fed to the Minotaur every year. When Theseus arrived in his father's city, the King did not recognize his son, for it had been a long time. Ridea, King Aegeus's most trusted advisor said:

Ridea-"Your Highness, the hero you are about to see is a traitor. He only wants your crown and your Kingdom."

(The King nodded his agreement)

Ridea-"I shall brew up a drink for him filled with poison and one sip will kill him. You must invite him into the palace like a hero, and have a banquet prepared for him. I'll give him the last drink he'll ever taste."

(At the banquet, Theseus realized something was wrong by the look on his father's face. So after he received the wine he drew his father's sword as if he were going to cut meat with it. His father recognized the sword so grabbed the cup and through it away. The picking of the 14 people had just taken place and Theseus was told the story of the Minotaur.)

Theseus-"Why has nobody gotten rid of the Minotaur? Why don't I go slay him for Athens?

Aegeus- "No my son. You have only just arrived and Athens will need a ruler."

Theseus-"I can do it father. I battled my way to get here and I'm not gonig to let our people suffer anymore."

Aegeus-"But son. You have to be King.

Theseus-"I don't want to be King if I have to rule under Crete. I'm going, my minds made up."

Aegeus-"If you must go than go but do one thing for an old man. As you approach Athens on your journey home, raise a white flag so that I will know if you're safe for the ship leaves with a black one."
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