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~~~I am At Rest~~~

My children, I am at rest now.
Our Circle will now be one.
You must slow down and not worry.
You have much love in your heart for me,
And I know it to be true.
Your heart is heavy,
But I will help to carry your burden,
You do not walk alone;
For each step that you take, I will take two
To help lift your heart and burdens.
You have taken care of many and now it is time to take care of yourselves.

You have carried many burdens on your shoulders,
And not all of them were yours.
It is time to let me help you.
You have been pack horses;
Now it is time to eat the spring grass
And grow strong for the winter.
You must rest knowing that I am in the Land of Plenty.

I am strong; my Spirit is strong.
I can feel the wind and it is good.
I can taste the rain and it is sweet.
The thunder speaks to me and it is good.
The grass under my feet lifts me above the clouds and I see clearly.
The song of two eagles surround me and give me strength and lift my heart.
Their colours and songs are much beautiful here.
They sing of Love, Peace and Harmony;
Their gold, brown and white feathers are extremely bright.
They are like a distant campfire.
The old growth trees are strong, tall and green,
Their bark is healing.
The sky is everywhere and the air is clean with the scent of pristine snow;
It is good.
The ground is strong and powerful;
I feel its power rushing up through my feet
And into my Spirit.
The rocks have much colour and they sing to me.
You are a part of me and I will wait always.
I am proud to be your mother --
You will always be my children.

( ~Guanja )

~Ayor Anosh'ni~


~whisper softly ciao baby~

~G's Circles

Please Visit the North American Wolf Association (NAWA)


You are Kindred Spirit

August 27, 1999