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My Book of Shadows

My B.O.S. is not very large, but I have some things written in there, things that can be shared, and I feel like sharing them, to have knowledge known to the world, and my thoughts as well, some things that I feel about the Craft, and just some stuff that I have found that I find interesting.

"....Let's get clear on one point right away. Magick is not black or white, or even grey. The racist, sexist society we've been living in for at least a millenium has determined that white=good and black=bad. Black magick is good, White magick is good, and Grey magick is a cop-out.

Energy is unfocused potentail and power is energy put to work. It's directed by my will, which is my goal or purpose, my magickal intention."

That is quoted from my B.O.S., my beliefs as well as others I know. Although you may have noticed that there are many references to Black and White magick on my page, I assure you, I do not believe in such catagoizing of magick, they are series of information quoted from books that I have accumulated over time.

I have heard many explinations of what Wicca and Magick are, and how they work, I have heard a lot of different opinions, and I care nothing for so called "facts". I believe that magick is what we make it, we all have different ways of worship, some of us belong to a coven, some to a circle, and some choose to stay solitary. Either way, all wiccans have their own beliefs. My friend once explained to me, what she saw as Wicca. What she believe happened when she and others casted magick. I have taken this explination as my own belief. The way she explained it, made total and perfect sence to me, and I rather enjoyed her explination, I am going to share it with you.

Energy is all around us, it is constantly flowing toward a certain goal. When we cast a circle to complete a specific deed, we are changing this natural flow, but not in a bad way. Picture each deed that is done in the world, as a long line of energy, flowing from the time when a certain action was carried out, to the time when the consequince was repayed. Now if we want to change what the outcome would be, we use a ritual.

When we cast a spell, to change something, we are tapping into the energy stream, and we are bending it from a straight line, to a curved one, curving toward our will, and only or faith will keep it on that track. But now the line is turned... it is no longer on a stragiht path. Eventually a curved line will turn into a complete circle, and it shall once again strike the place in which the caster decided to change it's course. When this energy returns, it strikes the wiccan, and it repays the dept, a sort of payment, it is payed three-fold. Since the energy only knows what you have sent it out on, that is what it repays you in. It repays you in what you sent it forth to accomplish.

I don't know how to further explain that. I have added pieces to it from when she explained it to me in her own way, I have adapted it myself, and have added my own beliefs in there as well, not just her own. I have taken this from Wicca Craft as well, and have copied it into my book, I would just like to share it with you.


The spiritual roots of Wicca can be traced back to paleolithic times when Nature deities were worshiped by all people around the world; however, as a result of the influence of Christianity, anti-Witchcraft church propaganda, and the modification of folk tradition, the Pagan priests priestesses of early times were transformed into evil sorcerers and sorceresses of the Middle Ages. And as history clearly proves, it is not unusual for gods and goddesses of one religion to be turned into devils and demons of the next. This is definitely the case with Old Religion and Christianity.

Unfortunately, as a result of deliberate misconceptions popularized by the Christian realm, the news, media, horror movies, talk shows, and forth, many misinformed people who are not familiar with the actual practices and philosophy of Wicca believe that all Witches are evil. (Some do not even believe that Wtches exist in this day and age.) And many people who have either been a victim of ignorance and/or religious brainwashing believe that Witches and modern-day Pagans are involved in one way or another with Satanism and perform blood sacrifices to to the old gods or to the Christian's Devil. This is absurd and not true at all! Wiccans definitely do not advocate human or animal sacrafice, nor the killing of any living being as an offering to any deity, and as far as the connection between withches and Satanism is concerned, the fact is that real witches do not worship, receive their powers from, sign pacts with, or sell their souls to the Devil. Actualy, Witches do not even acknowledge the existence of the Devil as defined by the Christian religion!

The Devil is an anti-Pagan propaganda device invented by the Christian church. He (or, more appropriately, "it") had never existed in written literature prior to the New Testament. The Craft is a pre-Christian religion which has been around much longer than the church or its concept of Satan, who was never worshipped as a deity of the Old Religion. The Devil is strictly a part of the Christian belief system, not the Nature-loving earth religion of Wicca.


After the Christian Church was formed and came into power, the ways of the Pagans were believed to be a threat to the newly-established religious system, and the worship of the gods of the Old Religion was banned. Ancient Pagan festivals were supplanted by the church's new religious holidays, and the old gods of nature and fertility were turned into hidious and evil demons and devils. (The patriachal church even changed many of the female Pagan goddesses into evil, male demons, not only to vitiate the deities of the Old Religion, but also to erase the fact that the female aspect was ever the object of worship.) In the year 1233, Pope Gregory IX instituted the Roman Catholic tribunal known as the Inquisition in an attempt to suppress heresy. In 1320, the church (at the request of Pope John XXII) officially declared Witchcraft and the Old Religion of the Pagans as a heretical movement and a "hostile threat" to Christianity. Witches had now become heretics and the persecution against all Pagans spread like wildfire throughout Europe. (It is interesting to note that before a person can be considered a heretic, he or she must first be a Christian, and Pagans have never been Christians. They have always been Pagans.)

Witches (along with countless numbers of "innocent" men, wonem, and children who were not witches) were persecuted, brutually tortured, often sexually molested or raped, and then executed by sadistic, bloodthursty church authorities who taught that their God was a god of love and compassion. Witchcraft in England was made an illegal offence in the ear 1541, and in 1604 a law decreeing capital punishment for Witches and Pagans was adopted. Forty years later, the thirteen colonies in American also made death the penalty for the "crime" of Witchcraft. By the late 17th century, the followers who remained loyal to the Old Religion were in hiding and Wtchcraft had turned into a secret underground religion after a estimated one million persons had been put to death in Europe and more than thirty condemned at Salem, Massachusetts, in the name of Christianity. Although the infamous Salem WItchcraft trials of 1692 are the most memorable and well-documented ones in the history of the United States of America, the first hanging of a Witch in New England actually tookplace in Connecticut on 1647, forty-five years prior to the Witchcraft hysteria which plagued Salem Village. Other pre-Salem executons occurred in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1662. The most popular method of Witch extermination in New England was the gallows. In Europe, it was burning. Other methods include pressing to death, drowning, decapitation, and quartering. For 260 years following the last Witch execution, the followers of the Old Religion kept their Pagan practices hidden behind he shadows of secrecy, and not until the laws against Witchcraft in England were finally repealed in 1951 did Witches and Pagans officially come out of the brrom closet.

Nice huh? Something that had nothing to so with Christianity, was turned it a Satanic cult, the followers of Satan, I only have one word to say to that name...... who? I mean, I know who the Christian devil is, but we have never had anything to do with him. His name was never heard of before the Catholic church came around, and our belief system has been out there far longer than there's has.