The award is NOT given as a result of frequency of postings. Aplayer who posts the minimum requirement of once weekly, played well, is equally likely to win as the player who posts twenty times in a week.

The award is given merely as a token of the GM's appreciation for the players and is not meant to be seen as a judgement against players who haven't won. With 18 players (and rising), all of them very good, it is impossible to judge any as being better than anyone else. Winners are selected monthly by the GM with additional advisement provided by two randomly selected players each month.


April 2000
Invisible Kid, played by Wane Murphy
Green Lantern -- Rond Vidar, played by Brian Spivy

May 2000
Wayne Murphy, Larry Malick, Drew Harris, Eric Burke and Brian pivy for helping me get huge site updates finished for the new players.

June 2000
Brainiac 5.2, played by J. Morgan Neal

July 2000
Mongoose, played by Michel Huber

August 2000
Lightning Lad, played by Scott Sharitt

September 2000
Ultra Boy, played by Kelly McKay

October 2000
Dev-Em, played by Scott Sharritt
Ultra Boy, played by Kel McKay

November 2000
Dreamer, played by Cliff

December 2000
Holo, played by Denise Peterson
Alchemist, played by Peter Alan
Condo Arlik, played by Scott Sharritt
Lyle Norg, played by Wayne Murphy

January 2001
Rebound, played by Mark Weisenberger

February 2001
Shadowhawk, played by Dan Ilott

March 2001
Evolvo Lad, played by Doug

April 2001
Condo Arlik, played by Scott Sharritt
Savant, played by Adam Fisher

May 2001
Jo Nah, played by Kel McKay

June 2001
There was no award as the game was in transition between GMs

July 2001
Garth Ranzz, played by Scott Sharritt

August 2001
Supernova, played by Brian Spivey

September 2001
Leviathan, played by Christopher Cobb

October 2001
Saturn Girl, played by 'Chel Huber

November 2001
Lone Wolf played by Adam Fisher

December 2001
Banshee, played by Gale

January 2002
Thom Kallor, played by Wayne Murphy

February 2002
Umbra, played by Caroline Sharritt

March 2002

The Player's Choice Award

How to win:

  • You have to be a player in the game (duh).
  • You have to accumulate the most votes in each given month (voted on by your peers)
  • and that's it.


April 2000
Phantom Girl, played by Gale
Kid Flash, played by Drew Harris

May 2000
Dawnstar, played by Eric Burke
Wildfire, played by Peder Dukefos

June 2000
Pod Boy, played by Jake Somers

July 2000
Laurel Kent, played by "Domino"
Stone Boy, played by Adam Fisher
August 2000
Mongoose, by Michel Huber

September 2000
Rebound, played by Mark Weisenberger
Polar Boy, played by Terry Thomae

October 2000
Mongoose, played by Michel Huber
Platinum, played by Sean Taylor

November 2000
Kid Flash, played by Drew Harris

December 2000
Static, played by Wayne Murphy

January 2001
Rokk, played by Mike Salloum

February 2001
Kati played by Brian Spivy
Rokk played by Mike Salloum
Rebound played by Mark Weisenberger
Shadowhawk played by Dan Ilott

March 2001
Lyle Norg, played by Wayne Murphy

April 2001
Lyle Norg, played by Wayne Murphy
Shadowhawk, played by Dan Ilott
Holo, played by Denise Peterson

May 2001
Jo Nah, played by Kel McKay

June 2001
There was no award as the game was in transition between GMs

July 2001
Catspaw/April Dumaka, played by Sean Taylor

August 2001
Garth Ranzz, played by Scott Sharritt
Triad, played by Jen Contino

September 2001
Triad, played by Jen Contino

October 2001
Andromeda, played by Terry Thomae
Catspaw, played by Sean Taylor

November 2001
Prince Garth, played by Scott Sharritt

December 2001
Catspaw played by Sean Taylor
Lone Wolf played by Adam Fisher

January 2002
Catspaw, played by Sean Taylor

February 2002
Kent Shakespeare, played by Eric Burke

March 2002
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