Home: This is the main page to Significant Other.

Index: Well, it's where you're at right now, find out info about all the sections.

News: Check out all the latest news about Limp Bizkit and anything related to Limp Bizkit and this site.

History: Learn the history about Limp Bizkit.

Band: Find out info on Individual band members of Limp Bizkit.

Pictures: You want Limp Bizkit pictures? I don't think any other page has as many as I do.

Logos: I have so many Limp Bizkit logos, I made a seperate page for em.

Music: I got all the songs from 3 Dollar Bill, Y'All plus rare and live ones.

Lyrics: Lyrics to every Limp Bizkit Song.

Song Meanings: Explains the meanings behind the songs of Limp Bizkit.

Tabs: Tabs to Limp Bizkit's music.

Discography: Limp Bizkit's releases to date.

Music Videos/Clips: music video clips, live clips and interview clips.

Interviews: Interviews with Limp Bizkit.

FAQ's: Frequently asked questions about the band Limp Bizkit.

Sponsers: Learn about the sponsers of Limp Bizkit.

Tour Dates: Is Limp Bizkit playing near you soon? Come check it out.

Backgrounds: Need some Limp Bizkit backgrounds for your desktop or webpage? Go here.

New Stuff: If I ever get new stuff for this page, like pictures or songs, they will be featured here until I move them to their correct place.

Desktop Themes: Need some desktop themes? Hers are a few Limp Bizkit themes.

Fonts: If any Limp Bizkit fonts show up, they'll be here.

Links: Go here for some phatty Limp Bizkit links.

Webrings: Any Limp Bizkit webrings I'm a part of will be here.

Merchandise: Wanna buy something from Limp Bizkit? Go here.

Record Labels: Find out what record labels Limp Bizkit are under.

Misc. Stuff: Any Limp Bizkit things that don't fit in any category can be found here.

Vote: Go here to vote for your favorite Limp Bizkit song or memeber.

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Email Me: Drop me a line about how cool I am or how cool my page is! Or send me suggestions on what I can improve or if you want your link added to my page.

Email Limp Bizkit: Send Bizkit some mail.

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