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What Is Love?

Is it those butterflies in the tummy
when we first meet?
Or maybe it is not minding the smell
from his feet?
Is it the pounding of our hearts?
What is this thing we call Love?

Is it planing the wedding day?
Or when we find cute all of his parts?
Or when I do we say?
What is this thing we call Love?

Is it all those sweet names you call me?
Or maybe some bug I caught?
Or the catch in my breath when you I see?
What is this thing we call Love

Is it the spinning of my head?
Or that without you I'd rather be dead?
Is it cupid's arrows he shot?
What is this think we call Love?

Who really knows?
Who really cares?
All I really know
And all that really matters
Is that

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By: BabyRoseBuds

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