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Chapter 1
They Got It

        One summer day Emma and her sister Abby were sitting by their orlando home pool, listening to the radio. The song "God must have spent a little more time on you" by N sync was playing.They loved N sync both of them. Emma liked Justin, and Abby liked Lance. They were singing along when the song ended and the Dj came on and said "That was 'God must have spent a little more time on you'. And remember don't miss them performing especially in their hometown, when they perform with Hanson. Well do you still not have tickets and want to go? Then listen up. We have two free front row tickets complete with backstage passes to meet the guys!So if you feel interested, give us a call at 1-800-2-104 and if your the tenth caller you get all that! So start callin'!"
        Emma ran inside, got the portable, came outside, and started calling.She got a busy signal. " Keep trying!!"abby exclaimed
        "I am!!! I am!!!" Emma replied. She hung up the phone and then called again.......another busy signal. She hung up once again, gave it a
second, and called again. The line was open!she got through!
        "Hello? Thanx for calling the Z. whats your name?"the Dj said. Abby
heard it on the radio and started jumping up and down.
        "EMMA!!" She said a little to loud " I mean Emma" she said a little
more calmer. "Am i the tenth caller?"
        "You bet!!!Your going to the N sync concert, do you know who you want to take?"
        "MY SISTER ABBY!" Emma replied
        "Thats great, well stay on the line so i can get all your info. The
concert is in 3 days!"
        Emma did as he said and gave him all the info he needed. After she
hung up, they were really excited.Abby looked at Emma and smirked "You know what this means right?"
        Emma laughed and shook her head and in unison they both screamed
        "Yea because I just had my birthday and I've saved up for a long time. I have like  $400.00 and you with your paychecks from work.. hehe....This'll be great!!!But for now let's go swim..I think we're tan enough" Emma suggested

Chapter 2