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Chapter 4
Giddy Up

        Emma looked at the girl next to her, she looked about her age. And
said "Hey... which is your favorite N Sync?" Little did Emma know, that was Justin's cousin.*WE DONT KNOW IF HE HAS A COUSIN THATS A GIRL OR EVEN A COUSIN WE JUST ADDED IT FOR THE STORY LINE*
        "Well i love them all, I mean they're all really cool funny and nice.
But I guess as his cousin Justin has to be my fave."
        "Ummm excuse me? What did you say?" Abby asked
        "I'm his cousin" she replied
        "Your Justin Timberlake's cousin?" Emma asked
        "Yup.. Nice to meet you I'm Amanda Timberlake"
        Emma and Abby studdered. "Hi.. I'm.. I'm.. Em...Emm...Emma Robertson."
        "And I'm Abby Robertson." They shook hands and got to know eachother better. When Hanson came on. They performed for about 30 minutes and everyone went crazy. Then they left the stage, and Emma and Amanda went to get something to eat before N Sync came on.
        "So.... Is Justin a cool cuz?"Emma asked
        "O yes.. he's awesome! And my mom and I live with them so thats really cool"
        "Really? That's really cool!!So...ummmm..uhhhh....Is he like....single?"
        Amanda laughed " You like him huh?"
        "Yea I do.. he seems like a really great guy.. and he's really hot
        "Yea he's single! And you seem perfect for him! I'll take you
backstage to meet him. Hey are you free tomorrow?"Amanda asked
        "Yea... why?"Emma replied
        "Well the guys and I were planning on going to the movies... You wanna come?Abby can come too" Amanda asked
        "Course! we'd love to!Well we better get back."
        "Hey when we get back let's wave at justin! I bet he'll smile and wave
too!"Amanda suggested
        "YEA!!!" Emma said
        When they got back the concert was just starting. They sang "Here We Go" first.
        " They look so incredibly HOT!!!" Abby yelled
        " O I know!!! LOOK AT JUSTIN!!!" Emma replied
        "Hey I love the ear rings!!" Amanda yelled
        "Thanks!!"  They both yelled.
        "Let's do it Amanda!!" Emma said
        "Yea!!" Emma and Amanda were jumping up and down and they were waving at just. Lance hit justin and pointed towards Amanda and Emma. Justin laughed a little and smiled and sure enough he waved. So did Lance.
        "O MY GOD!! DID LANCE JUST WAVE AT YOU TOO?" Abby asked Emma and Amanda laughed and said "Yea!" About 1 hour and a half the concert ended.
        "Abby guess what? We're going to the movies tomorrow with Jc, Chris, Joey, Lance, Justin and Amanda! And we're going backstage right now!!!!"

Chapter 5