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Chapter 6
I Need Love...

        When they got to the ice cream parlor they bought their ice cream, and Emma and Justin got a seperate table. Lance, Abby, Amanda, Jc, Joey, and Chris sat at the counter with their ice cream. Abby and Lance talked to each other, and realized they had alot in common. Lance laughed and said " I love your ear rings... thats a very handsome figure on there"
        Abby laughed " I think so too!"
        "You know you'r very pretty" Lance told her
        "And you'r very handsome and sexy"Abby smiled. They both leaned in and kissed.
        Meanwhile Emma and Justin were talking. "So Emma tell me why don't you have a boyfriend? I mean your pretty, smart, funny, great personality..." justin asked.
        "O Justin.. well I guess I havent been interested, and been waiting for the right guy.And besides what about you ? I mean you too are sexy, handsome, talented, smart, funny, perfect personality, great dancer, sexy voice.. irresistable in every way!"
        "Well I never told anyone this.. but all the girls i go with only want me for the fame and the money."
        "Thats terrible."
        "And they don't get to know me either, thye just judge me for looks, money, and fame. I hate it. And they all like pretend they care."
        "I dont understand why girls are like that. They're such bitches.."
        Justin smiled "You really think?"
        "Yes they make me so mad. They give us such bad damn names... I can't stand it i really can't.I wish i could get rid of all of them"
        "You'r really sweet you know? I think you'r not one of them"
        "O I'm not... I can't stand them.If someone said I was like that i would slap them... just no to hard.. thats just mean"Emma laughed. Just then Giddy Up came on the radio and Emma said " Lets dance!!!"
        "No..Not to my own song.."
        "Why you do it on stage? You dont want to dance with me?" Emma gave him a puppy dog sad face like she was gonna cry.
        "Ugh fine...Let's go" Justin took Emma's hand and they danced right beside their booth.
        "You'r good..." Justin said "Really Good" He continued
        " I know" emma laughed. Justin just smiled "God i really like her" He thought to himself.
        "Hey Abby look at Emma and Justin!" Amanda said
        "O my gosh.. they look so cute" Abby said
        "They are!" Lance agreed. Then the all of the guys were watching them, and then Emma said "O God you guys.. what are you looking at?"
        "Nothing! Nothing at all!" They all said in unison.
        "Whatever" justin said. "Let's sit down." They sat down in the booth on the same side and held hands. they were about to kiss when emma said "O my god look at the time.. I think Abby and I should get home.Call me" Emma took a pen and wrote her number on his hand.
        "We'll see you tomorrow!"
        "Ok See ya" Justin was depressed she didnt let him kiss her. He really liked emma, and he though she felt the same way. So he gave her a kiss on the cheek and Emma almost melted she loved it.She walked to Abby and said "Let's go"when they were walking out she couldnt help herself. She walked back to justin who was with Lance, and gave him the best kiss he had in a long time. Whne
she pulled away from him she said "I'll see ya tomorrow! You've got my number.. use it! Bye Guys! Bye Amanda" After Emma left Lance said "You know you liked that..."
        "I did... I really like her.Well let's get back home. I'm tired" Justin said.