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Hosted Stories

Here's where you'll find the stories which I've been asked to host. I'd be glad to host any of your stories, no matter what, as long as you follow a few certain "guidelines" I've come up with:

1) Check your spelling, I don't do it, so try to fix as many spelling/gramatical errors you have

2) Try and keep things realistic, unless you are going for the "un-natural" type stories, such as a science fiction, or adventure, or "fantasy" type story. Inform me of this

3) Try to be origional. Don't be like everyone else and do a "love at first sight" or "bumping into (blank) at a mall" theme. Come up with something new

4) Have some sort of a direction in which you plan to head, don't babble on for seven chapters, and then have the main idea occur

5) Put "STORY: (title here)" as the subject of the emails you send me. Please, this'll make things easier for me, which in turn, gets your stuff up sooner

6) If you want me to host your story, please make sure I'm the only one hosting it.

7) Check before hand if any one else is using your story title.

That's pretty much it. I'll host for anyone, as long as these rules are followed.

Backstreet Boys
Twist of Identities
The Love Chronicals
She Cried
Into The Darkness
The Tour
One Night
*NEW*Love Takes Time

N Sync
I Drive Myself Crazy

No Authority
Dusk Until Dawn
Our Story
Life Goes On

Until The Time Is Through