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In here is mostly the Pictures that I think are cool.Mostly from Bands that i like.

I just thought this Mustang looked preety cool with all this shit on it.Its one Suped up Mustang Race car

This picture is of Rob Zombie the coolest and the creepst music star i like

Korn is another Cool bad i like very much

Pictures of the X-games. This is the Bike Flatland stunt.

The Bay Bridge. Looks nice form this point of view Huh

Blink182 another Cool Band i like

The Deftones Rock Hard Core too there cool

Oh yea Its the Limp Pimp

Static-X Damn they sound hella good too

Its System of a Down

Hah look at that Tank Killer

Nice M1A1 Tank Blast

This is a piture I took out side of my house.

This is on the hill next to my house

this picture is in Hawaii