1. Ciega, Sordomuda
2. Si Te Vas
3. Moscas En La Casa
4. No Creo
5. Inevitable
6. Octavo Dia
7. Que Vuelvas
8. Tu
9. Donde Estan Los Ladrones
10. Sombra De Ti
11. Ojos Asi
Click on the song titles to see the lyrics in English, hear the song, or see the music video.
"Donde Estan Los Ladrones" means "Where Are the Thieves" in English. She chose to name her CD this, because of all the people who stole all of the songs she wrote when she was younger.
This CD has reached gold or plantinum status in: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Pero, United States, and Venezuela.
The song "Ojos Asi" has a verse in Arabic.
The Time magazine review said missing out on "Donde Estan Los Ladrones" would be "at least a misdemeanor".