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Un Poco de Amor

Un Poco de Amor

rasta rootsme again so come listen to one
this is the plain, no this is of message
from the alluland
hoy es un día de aquellos
en que miro hacia el cielo
tratando de descrifar el que estés
de vez en cuando lejos
y de vez en cuando cerca
unas veces subir
y otras caer y yo
cuando tú te me acercas
no respondo de mis actos
siento que aqui voy
de odiarte a quererte
de principio a fin
buscando un poco de amor

rockit out and rockit in
from dublin to babylon
jumpit out and jumpit in
from kingston to providence land
buscando un poco de amor

hay cosas en la vida
en que no encuentras salida
y ante tus ojos se cierra el telón
y tapas la boquilla del volcán
que se hace lava que hace
mil años está aquí dentro y yo,
tejiendo redecillas para ver si
puedo atraparte y aqui voy
colando la macilla en medio de
este tropico mortal

rockit out and rockit in
oh yeah
from dublin to babylon
buscando un poco de amor.
the jumpit out and jumpit in
from brasilia to medellín
buscando un poco de amor...

A Bit of Love

Today is one of those days
in which I look towards the sky
trying to decipher that you are
once in a while far
and once in a while near
sometimes coming up
and others coming down, and I
when you get close to me
am not responsible for my actions
I feel that, here I go
from hating you to loving you
from beginning to end
searching for a little bit of love...

There are things in life
that you don't find a way out of
and before your eyes the curtain is drawn
and you plug the mouth of the volcano
that becomes lava that has been
a thousand years here inside, and I
knitting hairnets to see if I
can capture you and here I go
straining off the putty
in the middle of this deadly tropic
searching for a little bit of love...

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