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Rick Dee's


Listen to the Interview

RICK : She is multi, multi….Wow…. Shakira is here First of all Shakira, I love your hair.
SHAKIRA: Thank you, I love your Spanish.
RICK: Gracias Gracias Your hair is so… Did you come up with the style or was it something that was submitted to you?
RICK: So is your own style. Its beautiful Ellen , if you don’t mind,describe it.
ELLEN:Oh yeah, its long and blonde and curly and is naturally there kind of sweeping down her face and flowing down her back.
SHAKIRA: You are so poetic.
RICK : Isnt it wonderful? You are on the cover of TIME Magazine
SHAKIRA: I know, they just showed it to me. Is it true ?
ELLEN: It is true. It’s been printed.
RICK: This is the special issue just for you, and show how global music is, and is a special time because music really is a universal language. So this is something that is been a dream of yours for years and years, now is coming true. You have this huge group of people here, its an army of people , so hopefully you don’t have to pay each of these people.
SHAKIRA: I hope not
RICK: Whenever, Wherever, this is what the world is talking about… Here it is: Shakira Live.
RICK: A pair of jeans purchased in Colombia and spray painted on. The amazing, that’s the p??? isn’t it ? that’s nice.
SHAKIRA: From the Andes.
ELLEN: Tell us about the hot boyfriend who is the son of the president of Argentina.
SHAKIRA: Ha ha ha, what do you want to know.
ELLEN: Oh everything, come on, girl talk.
SHAKIRA: I’m still discovering things.
ELLEN: Oh you are, that’s the best kind.
RICK: Let’s get back into other questions. First of all the name Shakira, your parents came with this name, Shakira, what does it mean ?
SHAKIRA: Ahh,… Full of grace… Thankful person
RICK: Oh yeah , and I’m sure you are for what is happening now.
SHAKIRA: I’m very grateful , you know…
RICK : Which place would you be recognized the most, would it be Colombia, would it be parts of South America. I mean when you walk through an airport people would come up to you, in which city would people say the most you are Shakira.
SHAKIRA: Ah I don’t know, that’s a tough one. United States is probably the easiest one, the less.. I mean people still recognize me but people is more used to seeing artists on the street, no?
RICK: Yeah , and now you have done a soap opera in espanol, you are going to be recognized for that.
RICK: I think we have you lined up to do a soap opera in espanol.
SHAKIRA: No, no more soap operas. I did one when I was 17 years old.
RICK : So you did do one.
SHAKIRA: And I’m not planning on doing another one.
RICK: So its music exclusively for you now.
SHAKIRA: Yeah, now and forever.
RICK: As you put a plan together with Tony Demann…
SHAKIRA: The man
RICK: Where would you be in America so people can see this package, this entertainment package you offer.
ELLEN: In any language Rick, that means back off…
RICK: No, no,no I mean when she is upstage with dancers and performers I say is an entertainment package, but if you are going to read something sexual into that, all of you are fired. So where could we see you...?
SHAKIRA: Well I’ll be around , next month I hope next year.
RICK : But will you be performing in a concert or where could we see you?
SHAKIRA: Not right now, I already toured last year. Actually I performed here. Where did I performed , the staples ?
RICK: Is OK if you don’t know.
SHAKIRA: No, no,no. At the pond. But not right now , I just started to promote this record, I think I will start concerts for next year.
RICK: Do you live in the U.S?
SHAKIRA: For this year yeah, last year I was basically in Uruguay and the Bahamas producing this record but I think I’ll spent more time here this year.
RICK: Well we love to have you here. Now lets talk about the guy that is the son of the president of whatever. Is it the son of the president of Argentina? Is it serious or is it more publicity?
SHAKIRA: No, its totally serious. It’s been almost year and a half.
ELLEN: When you go out with him, do you have secret service everywhere?
SHAKIRA: Well , yeah , he’s got to have bodyguards around but not too many , one or two.
ELLEN : You probably have more people than he does.
SHAKIRA: Its obligatory, mostly him.
RICK: But they protect both of you. But then when the door opens…
ELLEN: He is gonna say , when the door closes and the two of you are alone there are no secret service agents.
RICK: Maybe outside the door. You have what, eight, nine people here with you. For the listener what do these eight or nine people do? The people that are here with you today.
SHAKIRA: I’m still finding that out.
RICK: Are any of them bodyguards? Which one are the bodyguards?
SHAKIRA : The bald one. The biggest one. That one is my brother , he also protects me.
RICK: Good deal, what’s his name?
RICK : Tony , welcome to the show. Arent you proud of… Is it your younger or older brother.
SHAKIRA: younger.
RICK: Aren’t you proud of your older sister? She is fantastic. What is the style that we’ve just heard. That’s like a real sound.
SHAKIRA: It is like a fusion of different elements like instruments that come from the mountains of southamerica, a little bit of Arabic rhythm.
RICK: I heard some Arabic there , that was really good.
SHAKIRA: And a little bit of Spanish flavor too, and then of course drums, live drums , and base and guitar, electric guitar. It’s what I like to do mostly fusion.
RICK: That’s what people need, specially now in America and around the world. We need some music to make things better , don’t you think?
SHAKIRA: Oh yeah , specially now that the world shrunk , the world became smaller. That’s why music is so eclectic now it’s more about the fusion.
RICK: But you’ve been around, you see… its interesting. We’ve never seen this happening in America in our lives, what happened on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Pennsylvania, this planes, and the terrorists and everything, but in Colombia you have been used to this most of your life , haven’t you? Car bombs and things like that.
SHAKIRA: Well yeah, you never get used to hear news like those. RICK: Where were you when it happened ?
SHAKIRA: I was supposed to come here, remember?
RICK: To be on the show.
SHAKIRA: Yeah . I was here in L.A , and I was shocked like the rest of the country and the rest of the world. I think I was one of the thousands or millions of people who were affected and saddened by this horrible….
RICK: Well, we need music like yours to sheer people up. Because it does have a ??? quality doesn’t it, has that feel to it. Do you write your own music ?
SHAKIRA: Yeah , I do , and I produce it too. RICK: Really , so you produced the song we just heard.
SHAKIRA: Yeah, with a coproducer.
RICK: Wow , that’s excellent.
SHAKIRA: I’m a control freak, that’s the problem , I want to control everything.
RICK: Well if you talk to Freddy Demann I’m sure he can tell you that some of the people that he has work with are those who want to be in control and control their own destiny as an artist, but then you have to let the person who is going to mix the song mix it and then it’s a number of elements after that.
SHAKIRA: I’m actually in the mix too with the mixer.
RICK: Are you?
SHAKIRA: I’m everywhere. I’m horrible.
RICK: That’s Ok. So does your boyfriend mind it?
SHAKIRA: No, he likes it. [LAUGHS] That’s the best part for him.
RICK: Would you like to be controlled , give her a call 1800-stand by.
RICK: Shakira is here, and the brand new cd… when is the release?
SHAKIRA: On the 13th of November.
RICK: Can we speed that up a little bit, come on Freddy. Look at these people that are dying for it. It’s Rick Dees , Louise, and Shakira is here. Louise , Maria ?
RICK: How are you ?
CALLER: Fine, thank you. How are you?
RICK : Couldn’t be better, say hi to Shakira.
CALLER: Hi Shakira , oh my God. I just wanna tell you that this is what we need with everything that is going on, you know you come from a country where so many things have gone wrong and yet you’ve always been so positive, and that’s what we need , we need more of you in the world. And I missed you last year, I have an eleven year old boy who is in love with you and says when he grows up he is gonna marry you.
RICK: What’s his name? What’s the name of my future husband?
CALLER: His name is D? , he is in school right now and we missed you last year , we couldn’t go to the pond. He’d got good grades, and the student of the month and everything, but we couldn’t get tickets so I promise you the next time you come around I’ll get tickets. So you know is great, thank you Rick .
RICK: What a pleasure of have you on, Maria. Doesn’t it feel good Shakira, I mean I know you get in a studio in front of microphone like this and you don’t really now who is consuming what you do and then that happens.
SHAKIRA: I really like to be close to my fans. I really like to be in touch with the audience.
RICK: How do you do that ?
SHAKIRA: I really enjoy doing different aspects, I like being in the studio for a while , and produce and make my own music but then I like to be on the road and the stage is one of the things that I enjoy the most.
RICK : So I’m hearing that being close to your fans when you are on the road means to pick up a telephone book and call somebody that you’ve heard about.
SHAKIRA: Actually there are fans that have followed my career and have been so faithful to me and I always find them every time I go to a city. I see them and they become so close to me.
RICK: Let me run some of the titles. For those who don’t know Shakira. One of the cuts is Underneath your Clothes. Tell me about that.
SHAKIRA: Listen to it. You’ll find out. I’m better writing than talking so…
RICK: It’s ok , a sample here.
RICK: Seriously they look like they’ve been on the road for too long , they need to smile. This is Shakira. That’s better, I like that. That’s the greatest smile I’ve ever seen. You are the man. This is great music. Did you write all this ?
SHAKIRA: Yeah, of course I had collaborators on some of the songs. I write all the lyrics and almost all the music, some of it I write by myself some of it I cowrite.
ELLEN: As a former model, are you getting a lot of endorsement offers.
RICK: As a model , how does the music help you …Does people like Nike call you or are you going to represent a fragrance of any type.
SHAKIRA: I’m not that interested in doing advertisement except if is for…
RICK: Your manager just walked out of the room.
SHAKIRA: I did the commercial for Pepsi, I have a relationship with them. This is the second campaign we are doing together.
RICK: You are perfect for this though.
ELLEN: I think a hair commercial will be good.
SHAKIRA: No way.
RICK: If the eleven year old see something and you are advertising it and he has a choice of drinks, and Shakira drinks one drink and he is thinking of drinking another, his mom is going to steer to your beverage. That means money in your pockets.
SHAKIRA: Not necessarily.
RICK: How about this, this is interesting.
SHAKIRA: I have to explain you a couple of things.
ELLEN: I love the way she said that.
RICK: Shakira, she is now dancing around the controlling area of the radio station.
RICK: Look at you dancing around here.
SHAKIRA: It’s another way to lose weight.
RICK: It’s fantastic. Shakira.

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