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.....She had walked away from him, her own decision however much it hurt.

.....“How can I stand by and watch your world be destroyed when I have the power to save it?”

.....“Catherine No!”

.....“I’m going to marry him Vincent.” Determination was etched defiantly on her delicate features.

.....“I cannot allow you to sacrifice yourself in such a way.”

.....“That’s not your decision Vincent, and he loves me as much as a man like Elliot can love.”

.....“But you do not love this man!” he reasoned.

.....“I have no choice!” she cried.

.....She turned away and headed for the ladder to the sub basement of her Manhattan high-rise. Vincent stumbled back visibly shaken. Bracing himself on the wall his breathing was labored, his heart was pounding wildly.

.....“No. How can this be?”

.....Vincent screamed out his anguish in a harrowing cry that echoed off the bare stone walls. His pain had not brought her back this time. She was gone, lost to him forever.

.....Still, a year later with the onslaught of labor Vincent could again feel her presents as 18 hours of agonizing pain brought forth Breanna Burch, seven pounds three and a half ounces. Until this time Catherine had walled up the bond she’d shared with Vincent. With the delivery behind her now the bond was again sealed off.

.....Wandering aimlessly above Vincent found it difficult to stay away from Catherine’s balcony. The last time he had been there tore the heart from him. He knew he should rejoice for her happiness but inside himself he felt dead and alone. Yes Catherine’s great sacrifice had saved his world but for what? There was nothing there for him anymore. Everywhere he turned something would remind him of her. His depression grew progressively worse as time went on and he found himself above more often, sometimes not returning for days.

.....This had caused Father to worry endlessly. When he questioned his son asking where he’d been or if anyone had seen him, Vincent’s answers were abrupt and sarcastic.

.....“Don’t worry yourself Father, Your world is safe, your secrets are still well guarded.”

.....“Do you know what they’d do if they saw you up there or found you down here? They would kill you or cage you and make you wish you were dead!”

.....“The time for that is past. I am all ready dead to the one who matters most. Without Catherine there is nothing.”

.....“Vincent,” The older man tried to sound sympathetic. “You knew it was only a dream. You said so yourself when you first learned of Elliot. He can give her everything. Would you want less for her?”

.....“I wanted me for her!” he shouted back. “Me! I wanted Catherine to be mine alone! To love only me!”

.....“That’s very selfish of you Vincent. What kind of a life would she have down here?”

.....“No matter, it was never meant to be. I hope you’re satisfied.” He spat bitterly. “You got what you wanted. Now she can no longer cause me pain.”

.....Vincent turned on his heels and taking the stairs from Father’s study left for the world above once more. Father was beside himself.

.....“Dear God, What will happen now?”


.....Vincent’s aloneness was so immense his heart so heavy he felt he could no longer go on.

.....“Without her, I am nothing!” he cried holding close to the shadows. “Why must I live a life of torment?”

.....As Vincent allowed his grief to wash over him he didn’t see the young woman walking past the Beaumont Theatre until her screams brought him back to the present. Three men were dragging her kicking and screaming into the old building. Without thought Vincent rushed forward. Reaching out he caught one by the shoulder. A quick snap of his neck was all it took. The second and third had managed to enter the portal with their victim. Vincent roared as the second man went down. By this time the third had relinquished his hold on the woman and prepared to fight for his own life. Raising a metal bar he slammed it down onto the back of Vincent’s head. Turning with a deadly swipe of his razor sharp talons the man was downed before he knew what had hit him.

.....Vincent sunk to his knees as his vision blurred before him. He reached for the back of his head and felt a warm sticky substance. Darkness threatened and he fought to elude the nausea rising in his throat. His last thoughts were of Catherine. “She is lost to me… forever.”

.....Hours later he woke to an unfamiliar humming. Female but not one he recognized from the tunnels. The room was dark as pitch and this was not his bed.

.....“Father?” he called as he tried to sit up but was forced back down by the pounding in his head. The humming had ceased and he could hear the sound of light footsteps coming his way. ‘Wooden floors’ he thought to himself ‘I am not home.’

.....“How are you feeling?” Her voice was high pitched and delicately shy.

.....“Confused.” He answered. “Where am I, how did I get here?” he questioned. “And why do you keep it so dark?”

.....His deep gravelly voice floated on the air and she sighed lightly as it reached out purring in her ear. “Dark? It’s only noon and there are no shades on the windows?”

.....Vincent hunkered down in the sheets in an attempt to conceal himself when the woman spoke again.

.....“I’m sorry about the condition of this place and lack of fresh air. With the windows twenty feet in the air they’re impossible to reach. As for where, we’re in an abandoned factory on the Lower East Side of town, Broom Street I believe but don’t worry I’ve checked around and we’re the only one’s here.”

.....Feeling a little safer he sat up slowly holding the back of his head.

.....“What happened?” he asked wincing slightly.

.....“You stopped some terrible men from doing God knows what to me. You were hurt in the process and so I brought you here. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come along when you did. Thank you so much ah…”

.....“Vincent.” He replied and you are?”

.....“Dusty” she answered smiling. “Are you hungry? I can get you a plate of rice?”

.....“Dusty… I… I can’t see.”

.....Moving closer she placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m right here Vincent. I’ll get you that rice and be right back.”

.....Although he could not see her face he knew she was smiling. For the first time in over a year, Vincent felt at ease.

.....Over the next few days Vincent found himself drawn to this woman. Her gentle laughter and ease, with which she spoke to him, even in the quiet times the silence was not uncomfortable. Dusty had made it a point to touch him when she spoke. His hand, his shoulder or toying with a lock of hair. Surprisingly he rather enjoyed it and her nearness as well. Vincent was content to stay with Dusty never mentioning home, responsibilities or loved ones who would worry should he not return.

.....One evening well past the hour Dusty usually retired for the night Vincent lay quietly contemplating sleep when her gentle voice broke the silence.

.....“Vincent?” she whispered softly. “Are you awake?”

.....“Yes, I’m awake.”

.....“Would you like a cup of tea? I just made a fresh pot.”

.....Over the past three weeks Vincent had become accustomed to her routine and knowing she was never up this late he questioned. “Is something wrong Dusty? Would you like to talk?”

.....“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind," she said setting their all ready prepared tea down on the floor beside the mattress.

.....“No not at all.” Vincent sat up and leaned against the wall. Pulling two of the many pillows out from behind him he placed them beside his and fluffed them noisily saying, “Here, make yourself comfortable.”

.....Dusty sat on the edge of the make shift bed and wiggled her way back to snuggle into the warm pillows. “Thank you Vincent.”

.....“Tell me,” he said in a soft whisper. “What seems to be troubling you?”

.....“I don’t really know?” she said in a small voice. “ I guess I’m just feeling alone, It’s hard to explain.”

.....At that moment from the next room a loud crash was heard followed by a thud. Dusty jumped for Vincent as his arms reached for her protectively. Breathlessly they waited.

.....“Meow hiss.”

.....The two sighed in relief still clinging to one another. “You’re safe” he breathed into her ear. “It was only a cat.”

.....Vincent could feel the steady beat of her heart and she trembled slightly. The heat from her body bore into his and her scent engulfed him causing his body to respond. Hesitantly he took her by the shoulders and held her at arms length. “Dusty?”

.....“Please Vincent” she whispered. “Just hold me?” and she pressed her body to his.

.....Vincent held her for what seemed like an eternity savoring her essence. He wanted this woman in ways he had never known before.

.....“Please” he began. “Don’t be frightened.”

.....Dusty raised her head from his chest. As she spoke he could feel her sweet warm breath on his face. “I want you” she whispered echoing his thoughts of a moment ago.

.....His voice caught in his throat, Unable to speak his mouth tenderly sought hers. Lips parting Vincent tentatively touched his tongue to Dusty’s. His heart raced wildly, his senses reeled at the sensations a mere kiss could bestow upon him. The kiss deepened as he found himself leaning over her partially covering her body with his larger frame then measuring his length upon her. They moaned in unison.
.....Vincent’s fingers fumbled as he struggled to untie the lashings of his shirt. Unencumbered he again took her in his arms to find she had removed her nightclothes. Bare skin pressed against his was more than he could stand. Rising to his knees he pulled open the closure of his trousers popping every button. Standing Dusty followed his lead. She tugged at the legs of the garment as he lowered them from his hips freeing his pulsing manhood from its restraint.
.....The heat from her body burned where it touched. Standing this close he realized for the first time she was nearly as tall as he was. Reaching out he kissed her hungrily, his tongue begging once again for entry. Dusty’s lips opened and she searched for her own taste of this incredible being. Pulling her closer Vincent’s large hands cupped her buttocks drawing her up to his swollen member. Dipping his head he took a firm breast into his mouth feeling the different texture of its areola. He could feel the nipple elongate as he sucked, tenderly at first then with more urgency.
.....His legs trembled and he had to set the woman back on her feet. His left hand strayed to find her warmth and stroked the slick wet folds of flesh. She was lost in his touch and moved her hips rhythmically to his caress. Dusty moaned his name over and over as Vincent fought hopelessly for control. He kissed her deeply as she shivered in the wake of her climax.

.....The young woman’s hands flowed gently yet firmly down his frame. She could feel his muscles twitch and bunch under her ministrations. Down his back and along his buttocks, out to his hips to the front of his thighs. Her hand tenderly encircled his rigid organ. At her touch Vincent jerked back only to find himself pressing forward into her palm. He could wait no longer. On his knees he pulled Dusty to his lap. Wrapping her legs around him she opened herself to him. She could feel the gentle probing of his manhood. She gasped and dug her nails into his shoulders pressing down to meet him. Perspiration ran from their bodies as a second attempt on Vincent’s part to enter failed. This was not going to be easy. He was quite large and obviously her first lover as she was his.

.....Reaching a hand down between them, Dusty raised herself and grasped his member. Guiding him she pressed firmly. The pain was minor compared to the ecstasy he now filled her with.

.....Never before had Vincent felt this sensation. Surly there was nothing closer to heaven. He shuddered as his shaft was buried to its fullest. Cradling her posterior Vincent lifted her, and raising his hips to meet hers pulled her close. He leaned forward to nestle her upon the pillows. Grasping her hips he pulled out slightly only to thrust in again. Dusty matched his rhythm as he quickened his pace. He could feel her climax nearing and leaned into it giving it all he had. Slamming his body into hers they cried out in unison as wave after wave pulsed through their loins. Sated they lay in one another’s arms until sleep finally claimed them.


.....Catherine sat up out of breath, her hands trembling. Her heart was beating wildly. She looked around the darkened bedroom. Everything seems to be fine. Breanna was sleeping in her crib and Elliot lay snoring at Catherine’s side. Padding from her warm bed she peered out the window. “Nothing.” She whispered to herself.

.....Retrieving her housecoat, she glanced at Elliot and left the room closing the door behind her. Turning only the upstairs light on she stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

.....“Vincent?” she whispered into the darkness.

.....Proceeding into the living room she opened the drapes a crack and peered around the darkened front yard. Sighing she closed them and headed for the kitchen. Catherine left the lights off and sat down at the table, her hands were still shaking. “It’s as though I just physically exerted myself?” she said watching her hands tremble uncontrollably.

.....Getting up she again looked out the window this time for a view of the back yard. Even at night it was beautiful with its darkened colors shadowed even more in the umbrage of the trees. Elliot had persuaded her into moving here just one month earlier. “A better place to raise a family”, he had said. “Almost like a vacation villa away from the hustle and bustle of city life….”

.....“I could have sworn I heard Vincent’s voice.” She puzzled to herself confused.

.....She was startled as the kitchen light flickered to life. Elliot was rubbing his eye with the back of one hand; the other stretched over his head. He yawned as he spoke. “What are you doing down here? It’s two o-clock in the morning?”

.....Catherine stood looking a little guilty. “I…I thought I heard something. I just came down to double check the doors.” She lied.

.....“Come back to bed and quit prowling around like a cat.” He said heading for the stairs. “God Cathy, it’s either you or the baby. I get better sleep staying at the office.”

.....Catherine stuck her tongue out at the retreating figure. With one last longing look out the window she sighed heavily, turned out the light, and made her way up the stairs to bed.


.....Morning found their positions only slightly changed. Vincent was lower on her, sleeping with his head in the hollow of her ribs his arms wrapped tightly around her hips. Dusty had one hand tangled in Vincent’s golden tresses the other lay lovingly over his shoulder. She was the first to awaken and the memory of the love they shared caused her to sigh. Her hands tenderly caressed the broad lightly furred shoulders of her lover. Vincent stirred and sleepily moaned her name.


.....“I’m here,” she said running her fingers through his mane.

.....“Mmm,” he murmured turning his head to kiss the softness of her belly. “I know and you feel wonderful.”

.....Sliding his form along hers their lips met in a gentle caress. He touched his nose to hers and whispered, “Tell me what you look like?”

.....Dusty took his hands and placed them on her face. “See for yourself.” She said smiling.

.....Vincent’s clawed fingers delicately traced every inch of her face. Her eyes, nose, cheek bones and then her mouth. As he outlined her lower lip she opened her mouth and tenderly sucked his finger in nibbling as she did. Slipping her tongue under his sharp claw she flicked it a few times, then released her hold.

.....“You’re very gentle, it must have taken a long time to perfect that skill considering the damage they can do.”

.....“Dusty, you are… my first… my only lover.” He said shyly. “I have known no other. We have shared our first time…together.”

.....As they lay content in each other’s arms Dusty’s hand came up to caress his face.

.....“My turn to see you.” She whispered.

.....“I feel the same as I look.” He chuckled taking her hand and kissing the palm.

.....“But I’ve never seen you.” Stated Dusty.

.....Vincent’s eyes grew wide in horror. “What…? You’ve never…?

.....Panic stricken he pulled away from her.

.....“I’ve been blind for eleven years, since I was fourteen.” She said. “What’s wrong?”

.....“Blind!” stated Vincent. “And you made love to me not knowing who I am! WHAT I am?” His voice was hoarse and choked his breathing uneven. “What have I done?”

.....Dusty held her ground and fired back at him. “I see more with my heart than most do with perfect vision. I know you’re different, I’m not stupid you know!” Her tone softened and she reached for him,

.....He flinched back from her touch.

.....“Wh…Where are my clothes?” he stammered, “I must leave”

.....“No Vincent, Please!” she began. But he was well out of reach putting on what clothes he could find.

.....Dusty surrendered. Searching out her own clothing she dressed quickly.

.....“Where will I find your people?” she said coldly. “I’ll tell them where you are and they can come for you.”

.....Without thinking, he answered. “Central park, the south east drainage ditch. Go inside, there are pipes on the right wall. Follow them to an Iron Gate. Bang a rock against the pipes and wait, someone will come. Tell them you must speak to Father about Vincent. They will lead you to him. Tell him where I am and he will deal with it accordingly.”

.....Before she left she turned to Vincent. “I won’t be back.” She said softly, “But before I go I need to tell you something. I know both sides of your nature. The human and the not so human, I was there that first night, remember? I know what happened. I also know what could have happened if you hadn’t been there. I can honestly say, I never have or will I ever love anybody as deeply as I love you now Vincent.”

.....There was a moment of quiet weeping then the sound of her footsteps leaving...

“The journey was long and took many hours but she finally found her way. Banging on the pipes as instructed she waited. Soon she heard the sound of grinding metal as the false wall slid back.

..... “Who?” Came the voice from the opening.

..... “Dusty” she said. “I need to see Father about Vincent.”

..... “Vincent! Where?” said Mouse excited.

..... “He’s safe,” said Dusty quickly. “But he said I had to talk to Father.”

..... “Mouse” Said the young man. “Follow.”

..... “Wait, take my hand. I’m blind.”

..... “Ok good, ok fine.” He said and led her down the many paths to Father’s study. When they arrived Mouse let go of her hand and scurried down another tunnel.

..... “Mouse?” she called after him. “Where are you going?”

..... Looking up from his desk Father was puzzled. “Who are you?” he questioned.

..... Turning toward the voice she was startled. “Oh! Dusty.” She said. “Vincent sent me, he’s fine but someone here must go and get him. His sight has been damaged and there’s too great a risk for him to try to make it on his own.”

..... “Vincent! Why wasn’t I contacted sooner?” Father was furious. “We thought he was dead or worse! Everybody has been searching endlessly! It’s been a month! Has he been with you all this time? Young lady don’t you have better sense?”

..... “Dusty lowered her head.

..... “Surly you must have realized there would be people worried about him?” He spat.

..... Stepping forward to defend herself, she stumbled down the stairs.

..... “Dear God child! Are you blind?”

..... “Yes… I am.” She said groaning.

..... “Well…” stammered Father. “Are you alright?”

..... “I don’t know.” She moaned. Dusty tried to move but her ankle was bent at an odd angle and caused great pain when she attempted to get up.

..... It was a simple fracture that would required a cast after re-aligning the lower tibia. As Father worked Dusty explained where they could locate Vincent. Knowing the exact whereabouts Winslow and a few others made the long trek through the tunnels to find their friend. Father completed his duties with Dusty as he spoke.

..... “You’ll have to stay with us for a few days, I want to be sure there’s no swelling. Is there anybody we can contact for you so they won’t worry?”

..... “No, There’s no one.” She said. “And please, don’t tell Vincent I’m here. I don’t want to upset him.”

..... “Upset Vincent?” questioned Father. “Why would your being here upset him?”

..... “Its personal, end of conversation.” She stated “If he wants to tell you then so be it. But it’s not my place to say.”

..... Vincent’s return home came well after midnight. Father had checked and double-checked his sons’ injuries, which seemed to be well cared for. There was no damage to his corneas, lenses or either retina that Father could detect. Chances are the blindness was temporary.

..... “What ah…” began Father. “What happened between you and the girl?”

..... “Why do you ask?” questioned Vincent.

..... “She didn’t want to be here when you returned, said she didn’t want to upset you.”

..... “Father I was wrong to judge her, to doubt her.” He rambled. “Did she say where she was going? Well she would go home of course. Please Father, I need to see her, speak with her. I must tell her…”

..... “Vincent, Calm yourself!” Father was stunned at his uncontrolled outburst. “What’s gotten into you? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

..... Vincent expelled his breath and relaxed. “Only that I must speak with her, apologize to her.” He said softly.

..... “For what?” asked the older man.

..... “For… my own piece of mind.” Came the reply. “I said some things that… I was not…” he sighed and shook his head. “I just need to speak with her.”

..... Father thought for a moment before speaking. “She’s in the hospital chamber Vincent.”

..... “Hospital chamber! What Happened?”

..... Vincent was up and trying to find his way to the chamber door but his equilibrium had still not returned. Swaying sideways and with Fathers help he sat back down on the bed.

..... “She’s blind you know.” Stated Father.

..... “I know.” Vincent was holding his head still feeling a little woozy. “Is she alright?”

..... “She fell down the steps to my study and broke her ankle. Had I known she couldn’t see I would have led her down the stairs myself…”

..... “Is she alright Father?”

..... “Ah…. Yes Vincent. She’ll be fine once it heals. She’ll have to stay a few days though. I want to be sure there’s no swelling. How long has she been this way?”

..... Vincent thought for a moment. “Eleven years, but I don’t know how?”

..... “She has cataracts Vincent. A simple operation can correct that. Why hasn’t she had it done?”

..... Dusty has been alone most of her life. She doesn’t know anybody because like me, she lives mostly at night. Take me to her… Please? I must see her Father.”

..... “In the morning. She’s probably sleeping now which is just what you should be doing. I’ll be in early to see how you are.” The older man kissed his son on the forehead and covered him with a blanket. Sleep well Vincent and … it’s good to have you home.”

..... Father left and Vincent rolled to his side. He heard a noise from the far wall of his chamber and smiled broadly. “Mouse! I’m glad you’re here.” He whispered. “I’m in need of your help.”

..... Mouse led Vincent down the many passageways to the hospital chamber. The boy muttered to himself as they approached the archway. “Father be angry at Mouse.”

..... “Don’t worry Mouse.” Chuckled Vincent. “I’ll absorb Fathers blows.”

..... Gently pushing Vincent forward into the hospital chamber Mouse spoke “There in front, two… three feet maybe. Mouse go now.” Vincent smiled to himself as he listened to the young man shuffle alone the path toward his own living quarters.

..... Reaching out in front of himself, Vincent felt for the beds. She was close. He could hear Dusty’s breathing, shallow and even. ‘Maybe I should wait until morning. I wouldn’t want to wake her if she’s going to be in pain.’ He thought to himself. He fumbled around for a bed close by, choosing to sleep there rather than attempt the journey back to his chamber. He fell asleep to the soft breathing sounds of the woman he now longed to be close to.

..... Dusty woke to a familiar scent and knew Vincent was close by. Her pulse raced at the thought of his nearness. She had to leave before he discovered she was still there. Slipping out of bed she found the ankle wouldn’t hold her. Falling forward her hands searched for something, anything to grab hold of to break her fall. It felt like another bed as she pulled herself up to stand on her good foot. She lowered her head to the mattress thankful she hadn’t made much noise.

..... “I can’t leave if I can’t walk.” She whispered.

..... “Then stay.” Came the deep gravelly tone. “Dusty, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

..... Startled, she jumped back reaching for the bed she had occupied just moments before.

..... “Please…forgive me?” he went on. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. I was wrong.” He reached out for her. She was standing by her bed. His hand caught hers and he gently pulled her toward him. Swinging his legs over the edge of his bed Vincent pulled her into his arms helping to support her weight. He buried his face into her neck and inhaled deeply.

..... “Mmm,” he moaned. “I’ve missed your nearness.”

..... Dusty wrapped her arms around Vincent’s neck and leaned into his strong embrace. Raising his head they’re lips met in a gentle yet lingering kiss…

..... Father chose that moment to walk into the hospital chamber. He was disturbed at what he was witnessing and immediately thought to him, ‘This one has to go.’ Clearing his throat he entered the chamber.

..... “Well, I thought I might find you here Vincent. How did you manage?”

..... “With help.” He admitted. “But I shall accept all the blame Father.”

..... I see. Well… Have you told Dusty the good news yet?”

..... “Good news?” echoed Vincent puzzled.

..... “Yes, about her eyes?”

..... “Her eyes!” repeated Vincent now remembering. “No, I haven’t. Why don’t you do the honors Father?”

..... “Very well… Dusty, I know a Doctor who can restore you sight.”

..... Stunned, she stammered. “I’ll…I’ll be able to see again?”

..... “Yes, that’s right.” Said Father.

..... Vincent put his arm around the woman and gave her shoulder a slight squeeze. “This is wonderful news Dusty. Father, how soon can it be done?”

..... “As soon as I can arrange it with Peter, ah…Dr. Alcott.” He directed at Dusty. “ A personal friend and fellow physician.” ‘The sooner the better’ he thought. “I’ll contact him today and get things started.”

..... Vincent and Dusty spend the day in the hospital chamber talking about the last few weeks and making tentative plans for the future. Vincent was a little nervous about her seeing him for the first time, but he also knew if she were to leave, it would not be because of his appearance. Spooned behind her he raised himself up on one elbow and brushed his lips to her ear.

..... “Getting your sight back is very important to me.” He whispered.

..... “To me too.” She chimed.

..... “Then let nothing stand in your way. Peter is a very good Doctor and a trusted friend. You have nothing to worry about, no reason to be afraid.

..... Dusty rolled to face him, wound her arms around his neck and squeezed. “I trust you Vincent. If you say everything will be all right then I have no reason to doubt. I promise, I won’t let anything stop me from having this operation.”

..... With the arrangements complete, Father made his way slowly back to the hospital chamber to inform Dusty she could start packing, so to speak. By morning she would be out of Vincent’s life permanently. Feeling good about his decision he found himself humming as he entered the chamber.

..... Vincent held Dusty in his arms stroking her hair as she lay at his side, her fingers dancing lightly across his furred chest. Father was not at all impressed at the sight before him.

..... “How do you two manage to eat all tied up like that? You’ve barely moved since I left this morning. Well… never mind.” He said waving a hand in the air. “I have some news to share with both of you. Peter can do the surgery tomorrow afternoon. He wants you there in the morning Dusty for check in and some minor tests.”

..... “Tomorrow?” The pair said in unison.

..... “Well yes.” Said Father puzzled. “You wanted to know how soon. I ask Peter to make it a priority.”

..... A heavy sigh escaped Vincent’s lips and he pulled Dusty close again.

..... “I was hoping we would have a few days together before she had to go above. How long will she have to be away Father?”

..... “Three weeks at the very least.” He answered. “Longer if there are complications. She’ll have to be monitored.”

..... “Couldn’t we watch over her Father?”

..... “No, I’m sorry. We can’t take that risk Vincent. You know we don’t have the facilities or equipment should something go wrong. Besides the Ophthalmologist will be in to see her daily. We couldn’t possibly provide that down here. Now, enough of this I want you back in your own chamber and I want Dusty to get a good night sleep. She’ll need to be well rested for tomorrow.”

..... “She will be Father” assured Vincent. “I’ll make sure of that myself. I’m staying here with her tonight.”

..... Father was shocked. “Vincent!”

..... “Yes Father?”

..... “I… you… we… Vincent?” Stuttered the old man.

..... “Good night Father.” Said Vincent. “Sleep well.”

..... Without another word Father turned and left quickly. ‘How dare he?’ he thought to himself. ‘This is all HER doing! If she weren’t here Vincent would never be so insolent! Tomorrow can’t come soon enough as far as I’m concerned!’

..... Vincent chuckled softly and leaned close to Dusty. “I would have loved to have seen the expression on his face.”

..... Morning came and everybody was well rested as planned. Everybody that is except Father. He’d spent the entire night pacing the floor of his bedchamber trying to devise a plan that would keep this retched woman out of his son’s life for good! Entering the hospital chamber Father was glad Vincent couldn’t see how slovenly he appeared. ‘He’d get a good laugh out of this, I’m sure.’

..... Both were dressed when Father entered.

..... “Well Dusty, are you ready then?” said Father cheerfully. “Ah, here’s Winslow with the wheel chair now.”

..... “In a moment Father.” replied Vincent.

..... Reaching out for her Vincent moved close, both hands going up to cup her face. Lowering his head slightly he pressed his lips to hers. Father and Winslow couldn’t believe Vincent was openly displaying affection, and in front of them?

..... “Until we are together again” began Vincent. ”Know that my heart is with you… always. I will miss you more than words can ever say.” He whispered.

..... “I will think of you often Vincent. Don’t worry, we’ll be together again soon.”

..... Vincent held her close and kissed her deeply. Father cleared his throat breaking the spell.

..... “Well… Shall we go?”

..... Winslow and Father left with Dusty for the freight elevator. Vincent waited for Mary to escort him back to his own chamber. Once at the elevator Father dismissed Winslow saying it was unnecessary for both of them to wait for Peter.

..... Alone now with the young woman Father spoke.

..... “So… You want my son to be happy?”

..... “Yes!” Dusty said with surprise. “More than anything!”

..... “Then you must never return here.”

..... “What! Why?”

..... “The last woman in his life left him and it nearly destroyed him. I refuse to stand by and wait for you to do the same. Vincent wants you to see again, of this I am sure. But this operation will never take place unless you promise me you will never see my son again.”

..... ‘This is very important to me.’ She could still hear Vincent words echo in her ears. ‘Let nothing stand in your way. Nothing.’

..... “Peter is making living arrangements for you once you’re released from the hospital. Young lady… are you listening to me?”

..... Dusty nodded her head slowly.

..... “He can never have a life with you. There are too many dangers, risks and God forbid should you end up pregnant. That would surly break him. He would never survive it. No Dusty, You must stay away, never see him again. It will be easier for him this way, I promise.”


..... “Can I at least leave him a note?” she said weakly.

..... “Of course.” Came the reply. “But he won’t get it if you tell him what I’ve just said.”

..... Father pulled a note pad out of his vest pocket and handed it to the woman along with a pen.

..... “You’ll have to read it to him anyway.” She said thrusting the items back at him. "You write it!"

..... Telling him what to write. Father penned the lines.

Weeks had passed without word from above. Vincent was panic stricken. His vision had begun to return but not near well enough to venture beyond the safety of the underground community. Father had not even heard from Peter lately. The operation was a complete success but that was the extent of the news coming within the first two days of her absence. Vincent rose from his chair to go in search of Father as the older man strode into the chamber.

..... “Vincent, a message just arrived addressed to you.”

..... “Is it from Dusty?” he said excited. “Read it to me Father.”

..... Opening the single page, Father began reading.

..... Dear Vincent,

.……... Please forgive me for what I am about to do. The time we spent together was wonderful and I wouldn’t change it for anything, but I’ve lived in the dark for too long now. I recently met a very nice man who reminds me of a lover I had when I was fifteen. I’m sorry Vincent, I know you’ll find someone else. Please forgive me for hurting you this way. Now that I am able to see I can’t possibly live in a world that offers only shades of gray.


..... “It’s a lie!” shouted Vincent.

..... “Vincent I’m sorry, I thought it would be good news.” Lied Father. “I had no idea she would…”

.....No! NO!” he barked slamming his fist down on the table. “She had no other lover!”

..... “You don’t know that for sure Vincent.” The older man soothed.

.....I DO KNOW!” shouted Vincent. “I was her only lover! ME!”

..... “Her lover? Vincent what are you saying?”

..... “Father, we made love and I know there has never been anyone else. She’s been alone since she first became blind. The letter said a lover when she was fifteen. She went blind at the age of fourteen. Tell me Father! What have you done now? Where is she?”

..... Father now realized the trap. The girl was a lot smarter than he gave her credit for. He hadn’t known enough about Dusty’s past to know she was using the letter as a decoy to snare Father at his own game.

..... “Vincent, your relationship with Catherine nearly destroyed you. I was only trying to protect you.”

..... “By dictating my life?” He shouted. “It was you who kept Catherine and I apart with your lies! The risks and dangers you said. What I might do to her if we ever became physically close! Lies... all of it! I will not allow you to do it again. I will find her father and when I do you WILL except her or you can forget me!”

..... Storming out of the chamber Vincent felt his way along the wall until he came to a stretch of pipe. Tapping out a message, he waited.

..... Vincent’s plans had been put into action. Peter was appalled by his friend’s deceitfulness of his own son’s trust. He had known nothing of Father’s plans to destroy the happiness Vincent had found with this lovely young woman. To compensate Peter agreed to do anything Vincent asked of him. He contacted Catherine and asked if she could help to find Dusty as a favor to Vincent. The housing arrangements Peter had set up for the girl had apparently fallen through and instead of telling him just continued on her own way. Catherine was more than willing to help. She’d do anything and everything possible to find her. It was the least she could do after leaving Vincent the way she did.

..... The months flew by and as many leads as Catherine had had Dusty had already moved on. This was proving to be a difficult case indeed. Vincent too had been combing the streets as well. Over the last six months his vision had restored itself to perfect. He would frequent the Lower East Side in search of the woman he loved. Although he had never seen her face he knew in his heart he would know her.

..... Catherine knew only a portion of the story. Dusty was a friend of Vincent’s and he needed to speak with her. It was urgent that this woman be brought back to the tunnels even if only for a day. Father explained Dusty’s characteristics to Catherine saying she was a pretty girl with dirty blond hair and fine features not unlike her own. Tall and quite slim, maybe five foot ten inches or so, one hundred and thirty-five or forty pounds and crystal blue eyes. Catherine had a friend in the police department draw up a composite. Father confirmed the likeness upon her next visit.

..... Standing outside an old apartment building Cathy stared at the picture. A dream came flooding back to her. A night she had woken up out of breath and trembling. She was sure it had been Vincent’s voice she had heard. She remembered seeing herself standing on a mattress with Vincent. Their clothing was shed and he was touching her body, as he never had before. They were making love but she looked different somehow. Staring at the sketch she knew why she didn’t quite look like herself. It was Dusty she had been seeing, not herself. ‘Could Vincent and this woman be that close? Was it possible that he had shared himself with Dusty when for so long he had told me that it was impossible? Was this woman able to give herself to Vincent regardless of the risks involved?’ Catherine put the thought out of her mind.

..... “You need more sleep Cathy.” She said to herself. “Vincent would never put someone at such a risk.”

..... With the sketch in hand she continued her search. Going from apartment to apartment she had shown the composite to at least a hundred different people in the last three days. It was now eight fifteen in the evening. Exhausted and aching from head to toe she aimed for her car and the long drive home. She was searching her purse for her car keys when a young boy of about twelve descended the steps.

..... “Excuse me Miss?” Came the small voice. “Could I see that picture again?”

..... Catherine retrieved it from her coat pocket and handed it to the boy. Frowning he handed it back.

..... “I’m not sure.” He said pointing at the structure across the street. “But a lady looks a little like her in that building over there. She’s not as skinny like in the picture though.”

..... Catherine glanced over her shoulder. Turning back she said. “Thank you. Do you know what apartment?”

..... “No.” said the boy. “But I think maybe the third floor.”

..... Thanking the boy again she handed him a five dollar bill. “Here’s a little something for your trouble.”

..... “Oh boy!” he cheered. “Five bucks, Thanks lady!”

..... Catherine watched the boy run off down the street before turning and crossing the street to the Tenement house. Going to the first door on the third floor Catherine again produced the composite of the young woman.

..... “Have you ever seen this woman?” she said to the old man at the door.

..... “Yeah.” He said with a nasty tone. Jerking his thumb in the direction of the next apartment he snapped again. “And tell her ta shut up would ya. I’m tryin’ to get some rest and I can’t if she’s gonna keep screamin’ like that every twenty minutes.”

..... The old man slammed the door in Cathy’s face before she could answer.


..... Father bent over Vincent as the latter lay prone on the tunnel floor. “Well what brought this on?” asked Father.

..... “I don’t know?” replied Vincent. “I became dizzy and had to lean on the wall for support. Then this pain shot through me so intense I doubled over. I had to lay down, I couldn’t get back up.”

..... “How do you feel now?” asked Father concerned.

..... “Tired. The pain is gone. I can move freely now.”

..... “Let’s get you to your chamber where I can have a better look at you. You know Vincent, you’ve been overdoing it. Working all-day and looking for the girl at night. I knew she would be nothing but…”

..... Father’s words halted as a firm clawed hand grasped his shoulder. Cool blue eyes burned into his and Vincent spoke barely above a whisper.

..... “Enough. If you had not meddled in the first place she would be here by my side. Then you Dear Father would not have to concern yourself so much with my health.”

..... Wetting his lips Father looked away from his son’s intense gaze knowing well what the young man said was true. Shame filled him but he could think of nothing to say to rectify the matter.

..... “Yes, well… Let us get you back to your chamber before something else happens.”


..... Catherine stood outside a partially opened apartment door. From inside she could hear a woman’s voice pleading.

..... “No please!” she said softly. “Not now, not yet. It’s not time!”

..... The woman was moaning and straining as if attempting to lift something too heavy for her. Catherine nudged the door slightly for a look inside. As she did the woman began to scream. Catherine stepped into the apartment and froze.

..... In the entire apartment there was an office chair occupied by the woman, a dirty torn half curtain placed haphazardly over the window and a phone hanging on the wall. The lady was definitely pregnant and ready to deliver!

..... “Oh My God!” Catherine whispered in shock and reached for the phone close by. All thoughts of Dusty gone. Helping this woman was all she could think about right now.

..... Listening for a dial tone she slammed down the receiver. “ Damn, it’s Dead!”

..... Turning to the woman she said. “Don’t worry, I’m going to help you. Is there anybody I can get for you? A relative, a friend, anybody?”

..... The contraction had subsided and she tried to speak. “No, nobody.”

..... “What about the baby’s father?”

..... “No, he doesn’t know about this.”

..... Crouching down beside the chair Catherine touched the woman’s hand.

..... “My name is Cathy. My car is just outside, let me get you to a hospital. How close are the contractions?”

..... “About twenty minutes but it’s not time! I’m only seven months!” she said, her voice rising in pitch. “I’m going to loose him, aren’t I.” She cried.

..... Tears welled up in her eyes and flowed freely down her swollen face. “This is all I have left of him. Cathy, I’m so scared!”

..... For being only seven months the woman was huge. With proper medical treatment the baby had a better chance of surviving than the woman thought.

..... “Don’t worry about that now.” Said Catherine. “We’ll get you to a hospital and they’ll take care of everything. What’s your name?”

..... Cathy was trying to help her out of the chair but she pulled back.

..... “NO! No hospital! I have to stay here!”

..... “Why?” said Catherine confused. “ They can help you?”

..... “They’ll take my baby away from me if it’s different!” she cried. “I can’t let that happen. He would never forgive me!”

..... Catherine assumed this was not the woman’s first child.

..... “Who would never forgive you?” she asked.

..... “The baby’s father.”

..... “You said he didn’t know you were pregnant?”

.....”He’d find out when they took the baby. He’d know!”

..... Another wave of pain began to rise causing the young woman to stiffen and grind her teeth while holding tight to the arms of the chair. Cathy checked her watch. Fifteen minutes.

..... “The contractions are getting closer! You need to get to a hospital! Listen, I work for the District Attorney’s office. Different or not, If I can promise you they won’t take your child will you let me help you?”

..... The woman’s face was ashen as the pain ebbed. Although the room was cool, sweat rolled down the side of her face.

..... “Just a drink of water, please. I’m so dry.”

..... Catherine searched the cupboards and found a single drinking glass. She ran the water and washed out the glass then filled it with cold water. Returning to the living room she held the glass to the woman’s lips.

..... “Not too much now, just a little.” Urged Catherine helping to support the glass.

..... Taking a small sip she waved the glass away. Nausea threatened and that was something she didn’t need.

..... “Just stay with me till it’s over?”

..... “I’ll stay. But you need a Doctor. I can’t do anything to help you.”

..... “Talk to me. Just talk to me and keep my mind busy.”

..... Catherine thought for a moment. “Why doesn’t the father know about the baby?”

..... “His family didn’t approve of me. I was told to leave and never return. I didn’t know about this at the time.” She said caressing her prominent belly. “He didn’t even know I was leaving. His father forced me out.”

..... “Can’t you somehow contact him and tell him what’s happening?”

..... “No, it’s too late. I don’t even know where to begin to look. I don’t know the city at all and he doesn’t exactly have an address.”

..... They sat in silence for a moment. A tightening in her abdomen caused the young woman to grip the arms of the chair again.

..... “Oh God Cathy…! It hurts so much…! Do all women go through this much pain?”

..... “I’m afraid so.” Came the sympathetic reply. Catherine sat thinking about her own experience. Then she remembered something the woman had said earlier.

..... “If this is your first child, How do you know it will be different?” she queried.

..... “Because the baby’s father is different.”

..... “Different how?” Questioned Catherine.

..... “Just… different…” she said. “ I don’t know?”

..... Catherine’s mind raced. She felt as if her heart was being squeezed from her chest.

..... “Tell me your name?” she said not sure that she really wanted to know the answer.

..... Taking a deep breath the woman ran her tongue along swollen lips. “Dusty.” She whispered. “My name is Dusty.”

..... “Oh My God!” gasped Catherine. “Vincent is the father?”

..... Dusty’s eyes flew open. “Do you know Vincent? Can you get me to him?”

..... “Is Vincent the father of your baby?”

..... “Yes.” She said softly with a glint of love shinning in her eyes. “Then you understand why I must protect this precious gift, no matter what the cost may be.”

..... Another contraction hit, sending Dusty into a gut wrenching cry of pain.

..... Catherine stood up determined. “Maybe I can’t take you to a hospital but I can get you to Father! “

..... Helping Dusty from the chair the pair left the building. ‘I can collect my car later.’ She thought. Flagging a cab Catherine helped Dusty into the back seat, slid in behind her and charged the driver. “Central Park and hurry!”

..... “But the lady’s havin’ a baby?” said the bewildered cabby. “Why the park?”

..... “She a nature lover!” Spat Catherine sarcastically. “Now step on it!”

..... Twenty minutes brought them to a bridge in the center of the park. Tossing the driver a fifty-dollar bill Cathy led Dusty down the grassy hill to the most frequently used entrance of the underground community. Looking around to be sure they weren’t being watched they entered the drainage ditch. The contractions were now ten minutes apart.

..... “How are you doing Dusty? Can you hold in there a while longer?”

..... “I’ll be fine Cathy, I just need to see Vincent.”

..... ‘See Vincent?’ Thought Catherine. ‘Oh No! She’s never seen him before! What now?’


..... “Honestly Vincent” said Father. “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were in labor! I can’t find any reason for your discomfort at all.”

..... “Discomfort is putting it mildly,” exclaimed Vincent. “I’ve never felt such intense pain for no apparent reason in all my…”

..... Cocking his head to one side Vincent strained to hear a message being tapped on the pipes.

“Park Entrance … found Dusty… Father needed Urgently… DON’T SEND VINCENT”

..... Vincent had already vanished from the chamber racing down the paths that would lead him to the woman he loved. Rounding a bend he stumbled and rolled to the ground convulsing in excruciating pain. As he writhed on the dirt floor all he could think was ‘She needs me… Dusty needs me!’

..... Moments later his torment turned to an irritating gnaw. One that allowed full movement with some discomfort. He continued on his way.

..... Trotting to a stop as he approached what appeared to be a dead end in the passageway he reached for the hidden lever. The sound of grinding metal filled the air as he waited impatiently for the portal to open. Pushing on the metal gate it swung open easily. Dusty lay on her side her head pillowed in Catherine’s lap, eyes closed. Catherine raised her hand in protest.

..... “Vincent,” she whispered. “Wait, she’s never seen you. I’m afraid she might…?”

..... Kneeling down beside the women Vincent’s eyes met Catherine’s.

..... “You have little faith Catherine. True love has no boundaries.”

..... Lifting Dusty to his lap he held her close his face scant inches from hers. Brushing his lips to her cheek he whispered her name.

..... “Dusty?”

..... Her eyes fluttered open. Smiling she sighed his name. Noticing her condition Vincent tenderly rested his hand on her swollen abdomen. Tears welled up in his eyes and slowly made their descent.

..... “You’re with child…! My child?”

..... Dusty placed her hand over Vincent’s. As if on command, the baby moved.

..... “Our child.” She said. “Yours and mine.”

..... “If only I had known…”

..... Vincent could feel the contraction starting. He laid his forehead on Dusty’s and moved his hand in wide circles around her stomach. He began to breathe deeply in through his nose and out through his mouth and Dusty found herself doing the same. Within moments the contraction ended. Dusty sighed and leaned her head into Vincent’s chest. Catherine touched his arm and spoke softly.

..... “Her labor pains are ten minutes apart Vincent. We need to get her to Father.”

..... “Five minutes.” He stated. “Yes, we should go now.”

..... Cradling Dusty close, Vincent lifted her and started off for the hospital chamber stopping every five minutes to assist Dusty with her breathing.

..... Mary and Rebecca just happened to be in the hospital chamber as Vincent entered. One look and Mary sent Rebecca to fetch Father. Vincent laid Dusty down on a bed and spoke quietly to the older woman.

..... “The contractions are now 3 minutes apart lasting for a count of sixty-three. How long before things will be ready for the delivery?”

..... “As soon as Father gets here. I’m always prepared you know. I’ve delivered hundreds of babies Vincent, you don’t have to worry about anything.” She laughed. “Come Vincent, Let’s get your young lady into something a little more comfortable.

..... Rebecca rushed back into the chamber and straight to Mary. “Jamie has fallen and cut hersef badly. Father says she’ll need stitches.”

..... “Then I had best go to her. I think Father should be here with Dusty.”

..... Collecting the few items she would need she left with, “Father will be here very soon. Don’t worry, it won’t be long now.”

..... Catherine stood back and observed Vincent as he tended to Dusty’s needs. It was as though he had performed these tasks a thousand times even though she knew it was not so.

..... Vincent gathered a few extra pillows and tucked them in behind Dusty to help her sit up. Taking a warm wash cloth he tenderly sponged her face and throat as he spoke.

..... "It's almost time Dusty. How do you feel?"

..... Dusty smiled. "I'm fine, just a little tired."

..... Father entered the chamber slightly out of breath. "I got here as soon as I could." He said. "How are we doing in here?"

..... The older man set his medical bag down and began to examine his patient. Catching a movement from the corner of his eye he glanced up.

..... "Catherine! What a pleasant surprise! Mary didn't say you were here but I could certainly use your assistance if you don't mind?"

..... Catherine moved forward. "I've never been on this end of the delivery. I don't know what to do?"

..... "Oh don't worry, there won't be much. Just hand me a few things and get a blanket ready for when the baby comes. I'll look after the rest."

..... As he spoke another contraction began and Dusty started to push.

..... "Not too quickly now." Said Father. Steady pushes. Hold it… hold it. That’s right. Good. Relax now."

..... "Breath." said Vincent demonstrating. "In through your nose, out through your mouth like this."

..... As he spoke he gently swirled his fingertips in circles around Dusty's abdomen. Within a short time the head started to crown. Vincent moved to the foot of the bed and massaged her thighs and hips all the while breathing with her. Circling up to her abdomen he felt the next contraction begin.

..... "Push Dusty." He said. "Good, now hold it… push… keep pushing."

..... Dusty strained and groaned as she worked to bring this new life into the world. Vincent seemed to take over Father's position and was now guiding the baby's head as the first shoulder popped out.

..... "Good Dusty. One or two more like that and you'll be done." He said. "Rest for a moment. Close your eyes. See yourself relaxing on the beach by the ocean, the waves gently washing over you."

..... Father was in awe as Vincent continued to talk the young woman through this difficult time. Her body visibly relaxed and the stress drained from her face. The doctor looked to Catherine to see the same look of wonderment. He wanted to speak, to ask Vincent how he knew what to do, but couldn't find the words.

..... "The blanket Father." Said Vincent bringing the older man back to the present.

..... Handing his son the birthing cloth Vincent laid it on the bed below Dusty. She began pushing again. A high pitched cry came from the tiny mouth as he was forced out into the cool chamber air. Vincent wrapped him and immediately handed him to Father saying. "Take him quickly."

..... Father chuckled and answered. "It's alright Vincent. It's over now."

..... "No Father. It's not over. There's another one!"

..... Father looked and saw the head just starting to crown. "Dear God! Twins!" He quickly cleared the mucus from the baby's mouth and nose. Handing the little boy to Catherine, Father instructed her to get him into the incubator. He had to ready a second one for the newest child.

..... By the time he returned Vincent announced the arrival of their daughter. Placing the newest member into Father's arms Vincent now tended to Dusty. He knelt by her bedside and brushed a few tendrils of hair from her forehead.

..... "They're beautiful Dusty. My heart is filled beyond words… Thank you."

..... Catherine watched with tears in her eyes as Vincent leaned closer to the young mother and kissed her deeply with feelings Catherine had not known he was capable of demonstrating. Her heart ached for him, for a life she would never know. A dream she had once thought possible. Father touched her shoulder and motioned they should leave them alone. Once out of the chamber Catherine wept on Fathers shoulder.

..... "That should have been me!" she cried. "I should be the one to have his baby, not her!"

..... "There there now." Said Father patting her back and swaying gently. "You have your happy life with Elliot and your child. You should allow Vincent his fairy tale ending as well. Like me, you have no choice but to except what has come to pass."

..... Catherine couldn't believe what she was hearing. But of course, Father was right.

..... Hour's later Dusty lay sleeping peacefully. Both babies lay in separate incubators side by side. Vincent re-entered the hospital chamber after a hearty meal bringing with him some soup and tea for when Dusty woke up. Catherine was sitting in a chair beside the incubators, hands in her lap, head down. Vincent approached her forgetting she had even been there.

..... "Catherine? Are you all right?"

..... Catherine wiped her eyes and looked up but not in Vincent's direction. "Yes I'm fine." Came the reply. "They're beautiful Vincent and you were wonderful. I had no idea that you would be so…"

..... "That's obvious Catherine." Interrupted Vincent. "You always did underestimate my capabilities. You would not have otherwise married Elliot."

..... Catherine turned toward him in shock, opened her mouth to say something and thought better of it. He was right and she knew it. What could she say?

..... The little girl began to cry and Vincent went to her lifting her gently in his big hands. Cradling her close he lifted a bottle and placed it to her tiny lips. She grew quiet as she suckled hungrily. Finding an empty chair close to Dusty Vincent sat and fed his daughter. The boy began to wail and Catherine turned to Vincent and asked. "May I?"

..... Sitting in a chair opposite Vincent she fed the now quiet youngster.

..... "These could have been ours." She whispered softly.

..... "They are Dusty's and mine." He stated firmly. You have your family now. Your choice, remember?"

..... Catherine was hurt and Vincent knew it. Dropping his gaze to the child in his arms he apologized. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. Forgive me Catherine?"

..... "You had every right." She said sadly. "Yes, it was my choice and now I'm paying dearly for it."

..... As Father entered the chamber Catherine stood and placed the baby in his arms. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to leave. "I have to go now." She stated. "I'm expected home!"

..... Vincent laid his well-fed daughter back into the incubator. As he did Catherine ran crying from the chamber. Looking to Father Vincent sighed heavily and followed her. Reaching out he took hold of her arm and slowly pulled her to a stop.

..... "What's wrong?" asked Vincent.

..... "What's wrong?" she shot back. "This isn't the way it's suppose to end! We were supposed to be together! FOREVER!" she wailed.

..... "This is not what you wanted?" he questioned.

..... "NO!" she cried

..... "Then change it Catherine."

..... "Change it?" she echoed. How? Tell me how and I'll change it right now!"

..... "It's easy Catherine." Said Vincent smiling.

..... "Oh, wake up Vincent! She spat at him. "What are you going to tell Dusty and those babies in there? Or Elliot for that matter?"

..... "That life is what you make of it and you must see that every moment of it counts." He said softly.

..... Catherine looked at him puzzled.

..... "Now Catherine, it's your turn to wake up."

..... "What?" she said holding her head suddenly feeling dizzy?

..... "Wake up." Said Vincent softly. "Catherine wake up."

..... Catherine opened her eyes to find herself in Vincent's bed. He was at her side, blue eyes etched with worry.

..... "Are you all right?" Came the deep gentle rumble. "We've been worried about you."

..... "Me?" she questioned.

..... "Yes, you took a dizzy spell in the kitchen a few hours ago and fainted." Replied Vincent.

..... Father stepped forward and checked her pulse. "We've all been concerned, with your due date so close. You know you need to rest more. I've told you that numerous times. We managed just fine before Vincent married you. I'm sure we can struggle along again until your back on your feet."

..... "Married? Vincent and me?"

..... "I'm sure she'll be fine." Said Vincent. "She just needs to rest a while longer. Dusty, pass me that glass of water please."

..... "DUSTY!" shrieked Catherine turning around for a better look.

..... "Yes ma'am." Came the small voice.

..... Catherine gazed up into blue eyes framed with longish dusty blond hair.

..... "My name is really Dustin." Said the young boy holding the glass of water out to her.

..... Catherine accepted the glass and began to laugh.

..... Father and Vincent looked to one another in confusion. "What's so funny?" Asked the older man.

..... Laughing uncontrollably she tried to speak. Sitting up she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and through tears of joy said. " It was just a dream… just a silly dream! Remind me to tell you about it someday. Right now Vincent, just hold me and tell me you love only me!"

..... "You know I love only you Catherine. There never has, or ever will be anyone but you for me. My life, my love, my world you are these and so much more." He whispered.

..... Catherine sat quietly held in Vincent's embrace. Content at knowing she had indeed found… A Happy Life!

By: Darlene
June 1999