My Gentle Giant
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My Gentle Giant

To know you is to love I'm sure the man you have become
You work so hard and long but when your day is finally done
You come home to me and take me in your loving arms
And make me feel protected from all things that can do harm

Your frame is large and your embrace has hidden me from sight
Your gentle hands so big and strong caress me with delight
You're kiss upon my lips is deep, passion in us grows
The love we feel within our hearts has blossomed like a rose

The emotions you instill in me have set my mind to reeling
Your touch just sets my skin on fire your scent is so appealing
You whisper sweetly to my heart "You know there is no other
You are my Lady right and true my confidant and lover"

You lift me in your arms and carry me to where we lay
Your hands begin to wander and across my body stray
I return the loving touch and feel your body shiver
I reach to stroke your manhood and I feel you nearly quiver

The girth alone would frighten almost anyone alive
But experience has taught you how to use your 9.5
You're gentle as you enter filling me with all your love
Our bodies glide in unison you fit me like a glove

A "Special" man you may be call and "Special" you may be
But Gentle Giant is the name that's known by only me
A giant bear with great big paws a heart as big and tender
As gentle as a lamb with me, to you I will surrender.

Darlene April-12-1998

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