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Through the Eyes of a Child
Chapter Six

Vincent's day was pretty much routine. Although he did find himself day dreaming a few times. That morning, while installing a new stretch of pipe with Mouse and Cullen, he found himself staring into their worried expressions.

"Sick maybe?" said Mouse, "Should get Father."

"Nah" said Cullen, "I've seen that look before, he's all right, we just have to keep his mind on the work at hand instead of the fantasy in his head." Cullen said pointing to his own temple.

"Vincent! Vincent!" shouted Cullen, "Come on Pal, We got work to do!"

Vincent cleared his mind, but had only heard Cullen's last three words.
"Yes?" questioned Vincent. Then realizing the situation changed his tone. "Yes, YES! We have work to do."

Busying himself with a metal clamp, he fastened one piece of piping to another. Reaching for more piping he noticed the two men watching him.

Have you become my supervisors? Am I here to work alone?"

Mouse and Cullen look at one another. Shrugging their shoulders, the pair went about their duties assisting their leonine friend.

They had not been the only ones to catch Vincent off guard that day. Evening meal had found him tracing circles in and around the food on his plate. With his eyes closed and a slight smile upon his lips. Vincent could see in his minds eye, a clump of bushes in the park. He was enjoying a midnight picnic with Catherine, but dinning was the last thing on their minds. Holding her close, he dared to brush his lips to her cheek. As he did, Catherine turned and their lips met....

"Something wrong with the food?"

Vincent opened his eyes a crack, a devilish grin playing about the corners of his mouth.

"I said is there something wrong with the food? Vincent?"

Vincent's eyes focused on the older man. The worried expression on his face prompted Vincent to inquire. "What is it Father? Is something wrong?"

"You tell me Vincent. I'm not the one playing with my food."

"My... " Vincent was staring at the untouched food on his plate. "Yes, my dinner. I'm afraid I'm not very hungry this evening." Vincent put his fork to one side of his plate and dabbed the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

"Are you all right" questioned Mary with concern. "Can I get you anything?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Came the velvety reply. "Perhaps a cup of tea, Thank you Mary."

Father positioned his hand over Vincent's and stroked the long soft hair with his thumb.

"You're not ill, are you?"

"No Father, just tired."

"Tired enough to begin dreaming at the dinner table?" father said with a smirk. "If I recall that look on your face correctly it may be worth continuing."

Mary set a steaming cup of tea on the table before Vincent. Taking it and rising from his seat, he said his goodnights with, "Then I shall not delay this opportunity, Good night Father, good night Mary. Jacob, will you be sleeping in your chamber tonight or shall I expect your company?"

"I slept well last night Father. My chamber will be fine."

Reaching out, Vincent tousled the boy's hair. "See me before you sleep."

Jacob quickly downed the remains of his milk then wiped his mouth with the back or his hand.

"I'm ready now Father. Can you read to me for awhile?"

Putting his fantasy on the back burner to simmer Vincent replied lovingly. "Get the book you wish to hear and change for bed. I will see you in my chamber."

Mary sat beside Father and looked at him questioningly. "I swear I could see a trace of the old Vincent just then."

"You did." he stated in a soft voice. Narcissa has told him Catherine is alive."

"Catherine? Alive?" Mary was stunned. "Why would she do that? Why would he even believe her?"

"I don't know for sure, but whatever the answer may be, nobody is to know what I've just told you. Especially Jacob. Vincent will be going above, Jacob is not to be without supervision at any time. I cannot stress this enough. Knowing that boy we'll have to post sentries."

Mary flashed a smile that instantly faded. She knew Father had been worried about Vincent, now she knew the reason.

'How could Vincent believe such nonsense after he told me himself how Catherine died in his arms. How he had carried her all that way back to her apartment?'

"Father?" she asked nervously, "Do you think the fever will come again?"

Father let out a heavy sigh. "Something is coming, this much I do know. But God only knows what?"


Curled on his father's lap, Jacob was nearly asleep. Placing the book on the bedside table, Vincent wrapped his arms protectively around his son. His left hand wandered up to caress the boy's temple. Lowering his head, he settled a kiss atop Jacob's brow. "Are you asleep?" he whispered into his hair. A sleepy groan escaped the child indicating it would not be long. Continuing to caress his temple, Vincent was content to sit a while longer and savor this beautiful child, whom he would soon share with his beloved Catherine.

"Soon," he whispered softly. "Soon I will be whole again, and we shall live as one."


Watching herself in the mirror, Catherine gave her hair a few more strokes with the brush. Sighing. She turned out the bathroom light and strolled out to her bedroom. Even though everything here, the apartment, furnishings, and miscellaneous items were identical to her own, nothing had ever seemed familiar to her. Her captors had even gone as far as potting a pair of rose bushes. One red, the other white, both in the same pot. They didn't know her own bush at home was a special breed. One which produced, with Vincent's assistance and knowledge of horticulture, it's own unique hybrid.

Most of the time it would bloom with white and red roses, but sometimes it would pull through pink. However, once, and only once, it had brought forth a single rose, baring red and white petals with a splash of pink in its center. Finding herself standing on the terrace she closed her eyes and imagined Vincent was there with her. She could almost feel his arms around her, the warmth of his body as he pressed his length to hers, his cheek resting on top of her head. A faint moan escaped her lips.

"Oh Vincent, Please be well."

Slowly she reentered her bedroom and slipped between the cool satin sheets of her lonely bed. Burying her face in the pillow, she wept quietly until sleep had claimed her.

In her dream she seemed to be enjoying a midnight picnic in the park with Vincent. The feast that lay before them, forgotten. There were things far more palatable than food on their minds.

Holding her close, Vincent dared to brush his lips to her cheek. As he did, Catherine turned and their lips met in a tender kiss that set their souls on fire...


With Jacob tucked safely into his own bed, Vincent lay in the stillness of his darkened chamber. A recent fantasy tugging at the edge of his subconscious. As he drifted into slumber, he could feel moistness pressing against his lips. He tried to back away, but a gentle pressure at the back of his neck urged him to continue. The persuasion, he found, was not needed. He seemed to be floating above the scene watching, as he and his beloved Catherine found magic in each other's arms.

Willing himself back to earth to feel her loving touch, Vincent took the initiative. Breaking from the kiss he eased Catherine to her back. Nuzzling the exposed flesh of her neck, he moaned.

"Oh Catherine!"


Catherine was unaware of armed guards and vicious Rottweilers patrolling the grounds, as she rolled to her back sighing gently in her sleep. She could feel the soft stubble of Vincent's chin as he feather kissed a fiery trail from her neck to collar bone and down. Nestling into her cleavage, a clawed hand came up to release her delicacies to his hungry eyes. Taking a love ripened bud into his mouth, he suckled tenderly, swirling his tongue in delicious circles. They moaned in unison. Catherine's hands were finding treasures of their own as her fingers found and unlaced the leather thongs of his tunic.

Roaming the forest beneath his shirt was not enough for what she was craving. Tugging at his sleeves, Catherine freed him from his cover. Her heart raced at the concept of his exquisite form.


The occasional tapping of the pipes could be heard as Vincent drifted deeper into the realm of dreams.

He could see the passion in Catherine's eyes as she beheld him for the first time. With one graceful movement, Vincent tossed her now shed clothing to one side. His eyes journeyed over this feast that knelt before him. Overwhelmed, he reared back on his heels and "ROARED." An earth shattering sound that expressed his heated desire for her.

Holding her arms out to him, Vincent could sense only trust and love. There was no fear in her heart as he moved into her waiting embrace.

Grasping her hips, he held her close. Their limbs trembling as they explored this new world they ventured into. With passion still building, Vincent took her month almost violently as he pulled her to his massive frame. His tongue pressed between her parted lips to dance with hers.

Guiding him to the ground Catherine straddled his hips with an urgency. The throbbing need of his loins found and pressed into her silky moistened folds seeking entry. Pulling her hips down to meet his, sharp claws punctured her flesh slightly, leaving tiny blood lines down her right thigh.

Catherine's pelvis rocked against his as she took his full length deep within her. He could feel her close around him, pulsating with each thrust...

From somewhere in the distance, a voice was calling to him...

"Come daddy, let's play soldier."

Finding himself transported from one dream to another, Vincent was now standing in a large field with his son, Jacob. Looking around bewildered he questioned, "Where's Catherine?"

"Oh" said Jacob calmly, "She's behind enemy lines and we get to save her!"

Sporting M-16 assault rifles Vincent and Jacob begin walking across the vast field, when from out of the night they are surrounded by very large, ferocious dogs. Snapping and snarling at the pair, the Rottweilers closed in on their victims....


Waking with a start, Vincent sat on the edge of his bed, beads of sweat adhering to his face, his hands trembling. From fear or unfulfilled desires, he was not sure. As his thoughts drifted back to Catherine, he realized the cause.

Pulling his quilt up, Vincent rolled to his stomach and pressed, longingly into the mattress. Closing his eyes, he tried to envision Catherine's naked form beneath him, holding him close while she burned with desire for his passions. Silently, he begged for sleep to possess him. Slowly he thrust his hips, feeling his hard jutting length buried within her yielding cavity, Vincent quickened his pace. With his hardness wrapped in the folds of his own palm, his urgency peaked...

With his tensions relieved, he wept, his desires for Catherine still raged, burning to the core of his being. As he waited for sleep to claim him, he murmured a silent prayer.

"Forgive me Catherine. Although I have never feared the darkness itself the oppressiveness of the fever frightens me beyond comprehension. I know the excuse may seem dismal to most, but sexual release of my biological needs, appear to be the only way to keep the fever at bay."


Catherine woke in the morning with her own unbridled passions.

"It felt so real!" she whispered. Impulsively she turned to view the opposite side of her bed. Finding only emptiness, she collapsed, sobbing, uncontrollably against the cold satin pillow...

Her tears now spent, she pulled the sheets from herself to rise, and discovered traces of blood on her nightgown. Pulling it to her waist she found four tiny scratches, trailing down her right hip. A sorrowful smile creased her lips. 'If only it were so.' she thought, as her fingers delicately traced the newly acquired love bites.


Sunday found her just as confused as the previous day. For try as she did, Diana couldn't find any information on Barbra.

“It’s like she doesn't exist!”

Slapping her pad of paper down on the counter she ran a hand through her hair.

“O.k. Bennet think. Where do you go from here? Do you keep digging for answers you may never find, or do you take the chance and tell Vincent?”

Diana hadn't slept since the night before Barbra had come to see her. Exhausted, She sat down on the love seat to rest. Trying to eliminate the pounding tension in her skull, Diana dug her knuckles into her temples. Without warning, she fell into a deep sleep.


Chapter Seven

Vincent sat in his chamber reading from a journal. Sighing he shook his head in the negative and leaned back in his chair.

"Father." came the small voice. "Grandfather has sent me to get you for morning meal."

Closing the journal, Vincent rose from his seat. "Thank you son. Come, we must not keep him waiting." Taking Jacob by the hand, they left for the kitchen.

After breakfast, Jacob had gone off to play. Vincent returned to his chamber and Father to his study. Mary sat quietly sipping her tea, eyeing the aftermath of mealtime that was already demanding her attention.


A short while later, Father entered Vincent's chamber, where the latter seemed engrossed in a book. So enthralled was he, Fathers approach came unnoticed. Realizing his son's involvement, the older man spoke softly.

"Am I ah, disturbing you?"

With a start Vincent looked up.

"Father, no I was just...." Returning his gaze to the journal. Vincent fell silent. When he failed to complete his sentence, Father questioned him. "Just what, Vincent?"

The younger man turned to face his parent. "Forgive me Father, Please, won't you join me? Perhaps you can be of some assistance?"

Pulling another chair over to the desk, Vincent inquired, "Where is Jacob?"

"The last I saw of him was about ten minutes ago. Mary has been baking this morning, and we both know what that means."

Vincent chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, that he may still be there come evening meal."

The two shared a laugh as Father put in, "He does seem to have inherited your sweet tooth."

Turning back to the journal, Vincent explained his dilemma. "I have been keeping a record of Jacobs's dreams, but I cannot make any sense of them. Look here."

Sliding the book so as both could view its contents, Father read aloud.

-playing ball in park. (Jacob very young)
-10 birds in tree
-8 birds in tree but there are no birds.
-walking into tunnels Jacob wants to go in the opposite direction for a great distance.

-Jacob wants to play soldier. (age 5)
-Standing, than walking in vast field
-carrying guns, possibly M l6's
-surrounded by vicious Rottweilers.


"These are my grandsons dreams?"

"Narcissa," began Vincent. "Did not say that the answers would be straight forward. She said only that his dreams told more than stories."

"I'm only a Doctor Vincent, Not a detective!"

"I'm sure we don't need a detective Father, just a little juggling and sorting perhaps?" Vincent raised his brow in question. Sighing, Father leaned on the desk.

"Perhaps." he said with reserve, "Well, where do we begin?"


Sitting on the floor, legs crossed Indian style her shoulders quivered as she cried softly. Some days were much harder to deal with than others. This was just one of them.

Catherine knew, that by tomorrow she would have, at the very least, some news about Elliot. Still, that was tomorrow. She had to manage her way through today first.

"Please God." she pleaded meekly, "Give me a sign, any sign. Let me know that this inhuman suffering, this living purgatory will soon come to an end." And the weeping continued....

Lunch had come and gone untouched. It was now nearing suppertime. Stretching, she realized she had fallen asleep. Spread out on the floor as she was, looking toward the terrace doors, her hip began to throb. "The floor is definitely not for you Cathy."

She pulled herself up to sit on the bed. Glancing at her watch, she knew why her stomach was growling. Rubbing her hip, she padded out to the kitchen.

Catherine filled and plugged in the kettle. Retrieving a mug from the counter she dumped into it, a teaspoon and a half of instant coffee. "I need something good and strong, and since Vincent isn't here..."

A weighty sigh escaped her lips as she repeated his name. Glancing down at her attire, her voice was barely audible.

"Oh Vincent, look at me. What would you say if you could see me now? I've seen transients that look better than this."

Catherine's hands were absentmindedly smoothing her rumpled nightgown and finger combing the hair from her eyes. She had been in such a foul mood, she hadn't bothered getting dressed or anything else for that matter. A high pitched whistle startled her from her reverie. She poured the steaming hot liquid into her mug, turning the once clear fluid into ebony gold.

As she closed the bathroom door behind her she smiled and thought to herself, 'Vincent would say I look beautiful, even if I had nothing on.' Then giggling aloud, "Especially if I had nothing on!"

With deep warm thoughts of Vincent, she started the bath water.


From where she was standing, Diana could see a fenced in camp, with guards and dogs everywhere. The building in the center of the camp was five stories high. The only balcony was on the third level. The remaining surface of the structure was brick and glass. There were no other protrusions. Office blinds hung in all the windows, but the terrace doors seemed to be flowing with billowy sheers. From the same glass enclosed doors stepped a woman.

Diana could not see the woman's face clearly. Circling the camp, she noticed that there were no gates, only endless fencing. Electric through and barbed on top. From out of the corner of her eye, Diana saw another woman, dressed in a white uniform coming toward her. As the woman grew closer, Diana could see that it was Barbra. As if in a transcendental state, Barbra strolled past Diana, unseeing. Reaching the fence, she disappeared momentarily, to reappear on the opposite side. Without concern or caution, the uniformed figure entered the building.

Diana, amazed, looked on. Focusing on a movement beyond the fence, she spied a guard readying his aim. Knowing at once the answer she peered up at his target, which she could now make out with clarity.

C A T H E R I N E !

Diana was panic stricken. She could see the guard's finger tightening on the trigger. A roaring blast filled her senses as she threw herself to the ground....


"Don't you want your supper?" came the gentle rumble.

"My stomach hurts." groaned Jacob rubbing his slightly extended abdomen.

"He does look a little green." remarked Father.

"Perhaps then just a slice of pie, or a cookie?" prodded Vincent, knowing very well the answer.

With both hand held to his mouth, Jacob fled to the nearest bathing chamber.

Looking sternly at Vincent, Father protested. "That was taking it to extremes, don't you think? I mean, as I remember it, a mere upset stomach never stopped you from tasting, sampling, and devouring as many of Mary's treats as you could get your little paws on. No pun intended.

"And receiving little sympathy." chuckled Vincent. "I'll see to Jacob"

"Let me get my medical bag, I'll go with you. Perhaps I can help ease the upset."


With Jacob settled into bed for an early night and Vincent about to read to him. Father aimed for his study and Vincent's dream journal. Sitting heavily in his chair, Father expelled his breath.

"Now" he said patting the many papers about his desk, "Where did I put my glasses?"

After several minutes of searching.... "Ah, here they are." unfolding their arms and adjusting them on his nose, Father mumbled to himself. "I suppose I really should get a second pair.... Ah, well, now, where was I?"

Studying the senseless lines for some time. Father sat back disillusioned. "I can't figure head nor tail of this."

Just then Mouse came sauntering in. Relieved at the welcomed intrusion, Fathers mood lightened.

"Well Mouse, what brings you here at such a slow pace?"

"Bored." came the dragged out statement. "Vincent reading, Jamie above, Kipper with Pascal, even Arthur not home. Bored, bored, bored."

By this time, Mouse was half-stretched across Fathers desk as if playing some dramatic role when he spotted the journal.

"What?" he questioned, tapping the book with the flat of his hand.

"Oh it's just a.... just a..." Father stuttered searching for the right words. "Just a riddle of sorts."

"Good at riddles! Mouse help!"

Father waved his hand as if to say go ahead, but if I can't figure it out, what makes You think you can.

Turning the journal to face him, Mouse studied it for only a moment. The young man looked up at Father with a silly off centered grin.

"Kidding, right....? Easy" he said, his hand moving in a flowing motion.


Vincent continued to read silently to himself once Jacob had fallen asleep. As the boy slept, Vincent noticed a slight twitching of his sons left wrist. Assuming the final performance was at hand, Vincent closed his eyes, opened his mind, and spiritually stepped forward....

He knew he was in the tunnels, but which one? The darkness enveloped everything. A spark was caught from out of the corner of his eye. He turned quickly, perfect vision trying to focus on the malingering light. He could hear the soft clatter of stones being grated together, as if in ones palm. Another spark, higher and more to the left. Then two simultaneously, close to ground level. Vincent edged closer to better inspect the fragments of light A giggle, and shifting on the dirt floor. Cautiously he veered a step closer. The nearer he came to the grating sound, the brighter the tunnel became, barely enabling him to make out a small shape sitting five feet before him. A cluster of lights danced briefly to Vincent's right, a giggle to his left. Moving a shade closer, brought to his sight, Jacob, pitching stones at the Iron Gate at the park entrance.

"See that daddy, sparks. You told me about electricity, but this is the first time I've seen it. Is the gate plugged in somewhere?"

Jacob tossed another stone, smacking it into one of the thick iron rungs. Sparks flew everywhere, but within seconds, vanished.

Jacobs puzzled expression stared up at his father. The next moment, Vincent was plunged into total blackness. Opening his eyes, Vincent's first thought was the Merry-go-round, with dogs, birds and soldiers. Visibly shaking his golden tresses, he dismissed the idea.

As Jacob slept on, Vincent donned his cloak and followed the beaten path to Fathers study. He spoke as he entered. "Father, electric fencing...."

Seeing Mouse, and knowing he must keep the secret to protect his son, Vincent fell silent.

"There!" Shouted Mouse excitedly whirling around to point accusingly at his leonine friend. "Vincent knows answer to riddle....! CAMP!"

Mouse looked at the two as if they should know what he was talking about. Exasperated, the young man let out his breath and lifted the journal.

" Look." He spoke carefully as if explaining to a child.

"From North side of park, go south. Ten birds, eight birds. Not birds.... Miles. Ten plus eight.... eighteen. Eighteen miles South. Soldiers, guns, dogs. Military camp! Saw it once. Stuff no good there. Boring. Fenced in electricity. No gate, just fence. Dogs and men, bad. Worse than bad, worse than worst. Better to stay away."

Mouse was nervously bouncing from one foot to the other, fearing Fathers anger at being above and so far away.

"Anyway" he stammered. Riddle too easy. Mouse going up top, find Jamie.

Vincent and Father stared at each other dumbfounded. As Mouse started up the stairs of the study Father called after him.

"You be careful up there now, and stay out of trouble!"

With both hands waving in the air, Mouse scurried out of the chamber and down the tunnel.

"I've underestimated the boy again," said Father running his fingers through his graying hair. "That boy never ceases to amaze me... well, I suppose you'll be going then."

It was a statement more than a question.

Vincent lowered his gaze in answer and turned to leave. From behind he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Gods speed Vincent."

Vincent faced the older man and was pulled into a loving embrace.

"Bring Catherine back Vincent... To all of us."

Vincent let out a choked, "I will." and left Father standing in the center of his study, heart low but hopes high and a prayer on his lips that his children would be home and safe very soon.


Feeling a new pain in her head, Diana woke to find herself on the floor, her head against the wooden ottoman. Looking around the loft, her thoughts were hazy.

"I must have fallen on the floor, when I threw myself to the ground."

Slowly she pulled herself up to a kneeling position resting her elbows on the couch. Her eyes widened as the dream came back to her in its entirety.

"The ground! "She shouted, "I have to tell Vincent!"

Glancing at the clock, she cursed. Running and hitting the down button for the elevator, she made a grab for her coat and a stale jelly doughnut. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten, or when her next opportunity would be. Looking at the distasteful tit bit, Diana entered the elevator and began munching.


Chapter Eight

It was well past dark, so safety was not a major concern. Still, keeping to the shadows, Vincent proceeded south.

Once on the outskirts of the city, traveling was less hazardous. Moving through the open fields at a distance from the highway, commuter's headlights could not spot him. Keeping to a steady pace, he would reach the camp by daybreak.


Try as she did, the answering machine kept picking up her calls. Slamming the phone back into it's cradle, Barbra hissed between clenched teeth.

"Damn! Maybe Bennet can't be trusted after all! I've got to warn Catherine, Tonight!"

Throwing on her coat Barbra hurried out into the night to catch a cab to the Military camp.


"Ah Diana, welcome."

Father rose from his desk as he spoke. Gesturing to a nearby chair, he continued. "If this is a social visit, I'm afraid Vincent is not here right now."

"When do you expect him back? I need to speak with him urgently."

"Well, I don't really know. My guess would be, a day or two?"

"Is there anyway of contacting him, or sending someone to find him? Maybe Mouse?"

"No, I'm sorry Diana. He's ah... Vincent's out of town."

"OUT OF TOWN!" she barely shouted. "DO YOU MEAN ABOVE OUT OF TOWN?"

"Now Diana, calm yourself please. Perhaps I can help you with, whatever it is that has you so distressed?"

Diana stuffed her hands into her pockets and began pacing Fathers study. She explained the happenings of the last few days as Father listened on in silence. Toying with his glasses he wondered if he should involve her further, or if by doing so, could he possibly be placing his son and Catherine in greater danger?

In the last five years, Diana had come to know the members of the underground Community quite well, Some better than others. Fathers continued silence, spoke for itself.

"You all ready knew about this, didn't you?"

Looking just a little guilty, Fathers eyes met hers.

"No, not about this Barbra person. But yes, I am somewhat aware of the goings on."

"Then tell me Father, Maybe I can help!

Father sat staring at the woman for a long moment. Hesitantly taking Vincent's dream journal from a previously locked drawer, be cautioned Diana on the importance of keeping the secret strictly between the two of them. At Diana's nod, Father plunged in from the beginning.


It was nearing dawn when Vincent paused in his journey. His head quickly snapped sideways, viewing the highway. Blue eyes sparkled in the pre-dawn light as he watched a car traveling in the same direction as himself. A lighted sign atop the vehicle told him that the cab had come from the Manhattan area.

"Can't you go any faster?" came the voice from the back seat.

"Don't get your shorts in a knot lady." grumbled the cabby, "Just a few more miles to go. This is a New York cab, not a 747."

As the taillights vanished from his sight, Vincent had a sense of foreboding. Quickening his pace he continued his journey.


Out on her terrace, Catherine watched as the sky changed from Black to indigo and a light smattering of rain began to fall.

"A shower may be what I need to help me sleep," she said holding her housecoat closer to her slender body, "but a hot one would be more to my liking."

Ducking back into the bedroom, she silently cursed herself for sleeping most of the day, knowing well that this was the main reason for her insomnia. As Catherine stepped into the steaming shower, a yellow cab pulled up outside of the Military compound.


Exiting the rear door of the cab, Barbra paid her fair and headed for the unseen gate.

"Halt, who goes there?" Came a gruff, slurred voice.

Barbra rolled her eyes and hissed. "It's me you numb skull, now hit the switch and let me in!"

The trooper shuffled over to the fence. He was tall, well over six feet and built like an ape. His uniform clung to his massive frame revealing the power he possessed. His brain however was grossly underdeveloped.

"Hey Barbie-doll you're early. What say you and me go to the supply room and see what's cookin'?"

"In your dreams Roscoe, now open the damn gate!"

"Say please." Came the taunting reply.

"You bone head. Major Spence will have your ass for this. Open the damn gate or you won't be worth the mud I'm standing in!"

The rain was pelting down as Roscoe lifted the lever for the gate to swing open. Stepping through Barbra dropped her scarf. Bending to retrieve it, she felt something hard nudge her in the backside.

"Hey!" she yelped, turning to smack him with her muddy neckwear. "Keep that stupid thing over your shoulder where it belongs."

As the article of clothing came in contact with the guard, he grabbed for it sending Barbra into the most putrid mud puddle she'd ever gotten that close a look at.

"YOU DEGENERATE!" she barked, "You're about as useless as a dead plant! Bad enough you keep me out here getting wet, now I'm covered in muck as well." She stomped off toward the building feeling grimy and miserable. As she did she shot one last comment back at the armed watchman.

"God Roscoe, you're such a puke"


Approximately one-hundred and seventy miles away, in a quiet residential area of Rochester N.Y. A family man and respected citizen, readied himself for a regular early, Monday morning flight, out to Valley Stream where a car would be waiting to transport him to the old Valleydale Militia training facility. Standing at his desk, he was sliding the remaining few files back into his brief case, when his private phone rang. Quickly detaching a key ring from his belt he unlocked its case and answered.

"Spence here."

He listened liberally, nodding the affirmative from time to time.

"I'll make the arrangements now," he said re-opening the attaché he had just closed. "Consider it done."

Returning the receiver to its proper place, Spence began thumbing through a file folder. Locating the desired number, he dialed.

The voice on the other end of the line simply answered, "Yes."

"Gabriel's connection has been murdered. All plans are canceled. Get rid of the Chandler woman."

"When and how?" questioned the devotee.

"Today!" barked the Major, "Get Roscoe, he likes this sort of thing. Tell him to watch the balcony, next time she steps out, let her have it. Tell him to aim for the head and shoot straight!"

"So, what are your plans?" asked the other.

"A long vacation with the family and a permanent change of address. The authorities will never suspect a thing. I'm just going to lay low and take it easy for awhile. I suggest for you to do the same."

Hanging up the phone, Major Spence shifted his corpulent frame in the comparatively small chair and loosened his tie.

"Lets see now." he thought aloud to himself. "Where shall we escape to?"


An hour after leaving Fathers study! Diana had managed to rouse Joe from his warm bed.

"Please Joe!" she pleaded. "You know I wouldn't ask if it weren't extremely important!"

'That's a familiar line' he thought to himself.

"Come on Diana, I only bought it last month! Do you know how many years I've waited and slaved to get my hands on a car like that? All my life! I've waited my whole life! Now you wanna take it for some joy ride at five o-clock in the morning, but you can't tell me where you're going or why?"

Diana knew that she would have to strike a pretty tender nerve to get Joe to lend her his baby and feminine charm just wasn't gonna cut it this time. Its true that Joe was rather fond of Diana and God knows he would give her the shirt off his back, but then again, his shirt didn't cost him twenty-seven thousand dollars.

"Please Joe," she begged, pulling forth tears to help melt his heart. "I'll do anything. I'll cook for a year for you. I'll clean your apartment every week. ANYTHING! Please, it's a matter of life and death."

"What's wrong with my apartment?" he said glancing around. "I think it's.... comfortable. As for cooking thanks but no thanks. I've tasted your lasagna, remember?"

Diana had run out of ideas. Now the tears staining her face were real. She'd have to tell him the whole story and hope that he'd believe her. Opening her mouth to begin her tale, she closed it just as quickly. Dangling in front of her face were Joe's car keys.

"Don't worry Bennet," he smiled. "I'll think of something, and listen, take it easy, don't go over fifty-five. I'm still breaking her in."

Snatching the keys, Diana gave him a quick hug. On her way out the door she shouted behind her.

"Thanks Joe, you won't regret this I promise!"

Joe stepped out onto his balcony just in time to see and hear Diana take off down the street. Cringing, he muttered aloud. "I must remind myself to ask her if it really does go from 0 - 60 in thirty seconds."


Catherine stepped out of the shower in time to hear a loud knocking at the louver doors.

"Cathy, are you awake? It's Barbra. Come on open up!"

Donning a floral print housecoat, she unlatched and opened the doors. "My God! What happened to you?"

"Long story, mind if I borrow your shower?"

Showing the mud soaked woman to the bathroom, Catherine told her she would find her some clothes to put on.

"When I get myself cleaned up we've got some talking to do. Do you know a Diana Bennet?"

Catherine shook her head, "No, it doesn't sound familiar. Why"

"I'm not sure, but I think she may be crooked. As for Elliot Burch, him and this other guy Vincent, were caught in an explosion on a boat and no bodies were found."

Leaning against the wall, Catherine paled visibly. Weakened knees gave way and she slid to the floor.

"No!" she cried shakily, "Not Vincent."

Barbra helped her to the bed as she spoke. "Joe Maxwell thinks Vincent's still alive, but not Elliot."

"Joe knows about Vincent?"

"Listen," began Barbra, "You rest while I shower. I won't be long and when I come out, I want to hear all about this Vincent guy."

Catherine stood and walked out to the terrace. Brushing the tears from her cheeks, she frowned. "No, if he were dead, I'd feel it. I know he's still alive. I know you're out there Vincent. Please, please God, let him be all right!"

As Catherine turned to re-enter her apartment, a lone figure approached one of the guards. Talking briefly, Roscoe nodded his head and turned to view the balcony. Placing his M16 high on his shoulder, he readied his arm. To his dismay, the floral print housecoat disappeared from his sight as she stepped back through the threshold. Crouching down, he made himself comfortable for the wait.

"She'll be out again." He said with a sneer, "And old Roscoe never misses!"


Five-ten AM. Diana killed the lights and turned off the engine, allowing Joe's car to coast to a stop forty-five feet from the camp behind a small clump of trees. Slowly, she edged her way around the fort looking for an opening.


"He sounds wonderful Cathy. I hope to meet him someday."

As Barbra spoke, she put down yet another item of clothing and sighed. "I guess I'll just have to stay in this towel until my own clothes are dry. It's Mac Donald's you know, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."

"Sorry Barb, I thought we were the same size. Oh, I know," She said, changing into a dainty dressing gown. "Here, put this on."

"Thanks Cathy, this will definitely fit." Wrapping the oversized housecoat around herself, Barbra smiled. "In fact, it fits twice.' They both broke out laughing.

"So, I know all about Vincent's life and family but you haven't said anything about his looks. Is he tall dark and handsome? I'll bet he's cute?"

"How does six foot two, blond hair and blue eyes strike you?"

"Like a ton of bricks!" said Barbra breathless.

"I thought it might."

"God Cathy, How have you been able to stand it? Five years away from the man you love, I would have died."

"That's not all," Catherine dropped her head sadly. "We also have a son, but I don't know if he's with his father, or if they even found him."

"What do you mean, If they found him?"

"He was taken from me at birth by someone I can only call a monster! I can only hope...."

Catherine began crying and Barbra did her best to comfort her. "I'm sorry I even had anything to do with this Cathy. Had I known I was hurting someone, instead of protecting them I would have gone for help sooner."

Drying her tears, Catherine gave a little smile. "Maybe it's just as well it was you. Someone else may not have helped at all. Well, I'm going to make some tea, you want some?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Thanks."

As Catherine puttered in the kitchen, Barbra paced the bedroom's length, thinking. 'How could I have been so stupid I've helped to ruin five years of these peoples lives!' Retracing her steps toward the terrace doors, she noticed that it had stopped raining. It was just after 6 AM and the sun was barely peeking over the horizon.

"Hey Cathy, Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day!"

Stepping out through the sheer curtains, Barbra inhaled deeply the many different scents of dew from the flowers of the surrounding fields.

"It smells wonderful after a rain don't you think?" Catherine's voice came from the bedroom. "Tea's ready."

Barbra lingered just a moment longer before returning. She did not see the M16 pointed directly at her.

"Gee." said Roscoe to himself, "It's gonna be a shame to get blood all over that nice flowered robe. Oh well, too bad."

Diana watched in horror as her dream came back to her in full light. She could see Roscoes' finger twitching at the trigger, trying to get a better aim. Diana, however, was not the only witness.

From behind her came a thundering "ROAR!" as Vincent sprang from the ground and cleared the top of the electrical fencing. Striking out as he landed two feet from the gunman, Roscoe was dead before he knew what had hit him, but not before his finger had completely squeezed the trigger. Vincent saw the feminine figure drop to the floor of the balcony....

"C A T H E R I N E"

Running with all his strength, he had to get to Catherine. When from both ends of the building came a dozen vicious dogs snarling with fangs bared.

Without breaking his stride, he tore a nearby wooden flag pole from it's housing. Using the apparatus as a vaulting device, Vincent dug it hard into the moist ground and flung himself over the terrace wall three stories up.


Chapter Nine

Hearing the roar, Catherine dropped the tea tray and ran out onto the balcony. Barbra lay in a pool of blood, a gaping wound in the left side of her chest.

"Cathy," she whispered, reaching one hand up. Catherine knelt beside her taking her hand.

"I'm here. Oh my God Barbra"

"Cathy.... Please.... forgive me."

"Shhh, don't try to talk. I'll get help."

"Sorry.... I never.... Met.... Vincent."

At that very moment, the living room doors shattered as Vincent hurtled through them. Running in the direction of the commotion, Catherine ran smack into the broad expanse of fortitude emerging from the gate. Vincent roared and grabbed her not knowing at that moment who was rushing him.

Catherine shrieked in pain as sharp claws dug defensively into the tender flesh at the back of her arms. At the same instant he let go his hold recognizing the slight figure before him.

"Catherine! My Catherine!" He choked taking her in his arms.

"Vincent! Is it really you?"

Their embrace was brief as Catherine remembered Barbra. Relinquishing her hold, she pulled Vincent with her to the still form six feet away.

"That bullet was meant for me." She sobbed. "They must have thought it was me on the terrace. She's wearing my clothes."

Vincent bent to examine the wound. Barbra opened her eyes at his gentle touch.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered. "I won't hurt you." Barbra glanced over at Catherine. "I... was wrong Cathy." she coughed. "He's... Beautiful!"

A wane smile appeared on the fallen woman's face. "So.....Beautiful."

Vincent gave Catherine a solemn look. Catherine knew that nothing could be done to save Barbra. Lifting her with great care, Vincent took the young woman to the bed, where he tenderly cradled her amongst the satin pillows.

"No good, huh." said Barbra, a trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. She already knew the outcome.

Catherine stepped closer and took her hand. "I want to thank you," she began,"For everything." But Barbra was gone.

Catherine looked to Vincent, tears filling her eyes. He reached out for her and gently pulled her to him massaging her neck as his other arm went protectively around her waist. Rocking her softly, he nuzzled the top of her head.

"Catherine, we are in great danger. We must find a way out."


Diana felt helpless on the other side of the fence.

"I'm gonna owe my life to Joe after this." Running for the car, she searched the glove box for Joe's gun. "Good, and it's loaded too." Starting the engine, she sucked in her breath and put her foot to the floor.

Crashing through the electrical fencing was easy enough. As long as she didn't touch anything metal within the car, the rubber tires would protect her from being electrocuted.

Diana aimed the vehicle for an armed guard who was rushing toward the building. The impact sent him up and over the roof of the car. The dogs were bouncing up and down under the terrace making an ungodly sound. Diana slammed the car into the building, killing two or three and injuring others. Exiting the once expansive transportation, gun ready, she spied a defender of the camp coming for her. Raising her weapon, she fired once. Another shot was heard from behind and Diana was violently moved forward by its force.

She dropped her gun and grabbed her shoulder, pain coursing through it. The first guard was now standing over her, M16 aimed and ready.

"Don't kill her," said the second man. "We could really party with this one!"

"Don't be a fool Grant" barked the first. "There's a guy up there with the Chandler woman and he's big. We're gonna have to dance with him first."

Slapping a pair of cuffs on their prisoner, they lifted her and pushed her in the direction of the entranceway.


The halls seemed to be deserted as Vincent lead the way to the stair well. Cautiously opening the heavy door, Vincent found, to his surprise, an M 16 pointed at him, just inches from his face. Snapping one hand up onto the fire arm and the other into the guards throat, the only sound heard was a muffled gasp, then silence. As the pair rounded the stairs to the first level, Vincent could hear Diana's voice.

"Where are you taking me!"

"You'll find out soon enough, now shut up and walk."

Vincent turned to face Catherine. He placed his hand up to her mouth and guided her back into the corner. Listening carefully at the door he could hear their footsteps fading down the hallway. Vincent opened the door as quietly as possibly and rushed out with a detrimental "ROAR!" Diana dropped to the floor and rolled to one side as the two guards wheeled around firing aimlessly. Diana kicked her feet into the back of Grants legs, sending him to the floor with a thud.

Vincent's leap into the air as he roared, saved his life, taking four or five bullets into his thigh rather than his abdomen. He landed hard on the remaining guard. A deadly swipe of a clawed hand saw to the end of him. The first man would remain unconscious for some time.

Vincent helped Diana to her feet and broke the manacles binding her arms behind her. Grateful, she threw her arms around his neck. Remembering only then about her injury, she winced in pain and stumbled back against the wall. Vincent reached for her as Catherine peered around the door and witnessed the tender scene before her.

Holding her close to steady her, he examined her wound. "Diana, you're bleeding"

"Nothing a little TLC can't take care of. I'll be fine, where's Cathy?"

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw her staring, wide-eyed. Thinking that she was looking at the destruction behind him, he shamefully lowered his gaze.

Catherine ran to him. "God Vincent, you're hurt" Tearing a strip from her dressing gown, she wound it around the top of his thigh and secured it with a knot. "We have to get out of here!"

"Follow me!" said Diana, "This is the way I came in."

Turning left, then right, then left again. The trio found themselves at the main entrance. The sun was bright, but not fully up. The compound was deserted, Joe's car only twenty feet away and voices echoed in the stairwell a floor or two above.

"They must have gone out the main doors, come on!"

"They're coming!" said Diana in a hoarse whisper, "Lets go!"

Helping Vincent into the back sent, Catherine crawled in on top of him. The engine roared to life as three armed guards burst through the doors.

"Keep your heads down!" Diana shouted as spinning tires flung gravel and stone in answer to the Military gunfire. "Damn, that was close!"

The passenger's side of Joe's car had been peppered with numerous rounds of ammunition before Diana had managed to careen back through the break in the fence.

Racing down the highway for home, Diana breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, You two okay back there?"

Lifting her head from his chest, Catherine stared into Vincent's beautiful, smiling blue eyes. She opened her mouth to answer, but was silenced by a deep, long awaited kiss.

"Hey! I asked if you two were..." Diana craned her neck, trying to peer into the back seat. As she did, a clawed had waved her away, indicating more important matters at hand.

"Well, I guess I've got my answer." she said smiling.


Pulling up as close to the drainage ditch in the park as she could, Diana stopped the car. "You two had better hurry before traffic gets too heavy and you're seen."

"Father should have a look at that shoulder." remarked Vincent, drawing up his hood for concealment.

"The hospital's not far Vincent. Furthermore, you need Fathers attention more than I do"

Catherine tried to help support Vincent's weight, as she did, Diana touched her arm.

"Take care of him Cathy, that's one special man you have there."

Catherine smiled and nodded. I know, and Diana, thanks for taking care of him while I was away."

"It's not that I didn't try Cathy, but all he requires, is you!"

Catherine blushed, her eyes going to Vincent's. "If there's anything I can do for you just let me know."

"Well, now that you mention it." Diana placed her hand on the frame of the door where the window use to be. "This is Joe's car. I told him that he wouldn't regret lending it to me, and it's not exactly something I can cover up or replace. If you would come with me tonight, to Joe's. I mean... seeing you will help ease the pain of seeing the car.

"I don't know?" Catherine was still wary of the man, "I'm not sure if I can trust him?"

"You can trust him Cathy. Aside from Vincent and myself, Joe is the only one whose kept searching for answers to your disappearance. I'll break the news to him before you show up so he doesn't have a heart attack. Will you be there, say eight-o-clock?"

How could she refuse? It was after all a small favor. "Yeah, I'll be there." She smiled.

While the pair hobbled off toward the tunnel entrance, Diana watched after them and sighed quietly. You're one lucky lady Catherine. You're one lucky lady!


The pipes sang out at the couple's return. Tears were shed and hugs received as Father doctored his son. Alone, in the corner of Vincent's chamber, young Jacob sat silently observing this new situation. He had never seen his father so happy. 'Perhaps now that she is back Father will not have time for me?' Jacob felt very lost within himself. 'Who will love me now that Father has her?'

"Come on now! SHOO! I'm sure they want to get re-acquainted. We'll see them later. Perhaps evening meal?" Father directed the question to Vincent.

"Perhaps." Came the gentle reply with a hint of a smile.

The last one to head for the archway, was young Jacob. With the crowd that had gathered in the chamber. Catherine hadn't seen him sitting there. Her hand went up to her mouth as her breath caught in her throat. "Jacob!" she whispered.

"And where do you think you re going, young man?" said the boys father.

"With grandfather. Came the small voice"

"Oh no you don't" Vincent was holding his arms out to the little boy. "I've missed you too much to let you get away that easily!"

"You... You missed me? You still want me?"

"Of course we do Jacob. Why would you think otherwise?"

Jacob lifted his gaze and studied the stranger beside his father. Her eyes we're the same color as his own. If her hair were cut short she would look just like him. He looked back to his father. "Her." He said quietly.

"Jacob," Vincent sighed. "Allow me to introduce you to your mother, alive and well. Catherine, this is your... our son, Jacob." Vincent's throat constricted as the reality of his own words struck him. He trembled as he pulled his son closer.

"Father, what's wrong?" Jacob searched his father's expression.

With tears filling his eyes, Vincent held his free arm out to Catherine. Without hesitation,she entered the embrace, curling her arm around Jacob.

"To have all I've ever dreamed of right here in my arms. My heart is filled. I am truly blessed."

Catherine's hand stroked the boy's hair as she quoted a stanza from Wordsworth's:

'Surprised By Joy'

"But how could I forget thee, through what power,
even for the least division of an hour.
Have I been so beguiled as to be blind to my most grievous loss?
That thoughts return was the worst pang that sorrow ever bore,
save one, one only.
When I stood forlorn knowing my hearts best treasure was no more.
That neither present time nor years unborn,
Could to my sight that heavenly face restored."

Jacob gazed up into the woman's gentle, loving eyes. The other women in the tunnels loved him, he knew that. Mary had cared for him the most, and he loved her dearly, but nobody had ever had that special look of love that filled his mothers eyes at that very moment. Jacob knew then, in his heart, that everything was perfect and well with his world.

"I love you Father. I love you too... Mother."


That evening as Catherine dressed for her visit to Joe's, Vincent hobbled up behind her. Resting his great hands upon her shoulders he breathed in the scent of her hair. "Are you sure it is safe for you to venture above?"

"No, I'm not." Catherine turned into his embrace. "I'm scared to death." "Than we will send a message to Diana asking her to bring Joe to the park, by the South gate. I will be close by should you need me."

With the note carefully worded and on its way, Vincent placed his hand over hers and gently whispered.

"Catherine, we must talk."

"About you and Diana? I'll do my best to understand Vincent. I know things change over time and..."

Vincent placed a finger to her lips to silence her. "No, not about Diana. We need to talk about us."

Catherine nodded and sat quietly.

Pulling his chair closer Vincent reached for her hands and held them. "She is a friend, nothing more."

"When I thought I'd lost you, It was... the end of my world. Even after I had found our son." Vincent shook his head, "I don't know. I still did not want to continue in this life without you. Your memory consumed me, Eating away at my soul like a demon... I relived time and again... the moment you were taken from me.

"Vincent you..." began Catherine".

"No, Please, I must say this." Tears fell freely down his face. "I know I am being selfish... that to ask this of you could destroy all that we are. Catherine, Please..."

Vincent lowered his face to her hands and kissed them tenderly. "Stay here with us. Be a mother to our son, he needs you. No... no" he stammered. "That's not all of it...

Raising his head, their eye's met. "I need you Catherine, with me, beside me. I want you in every way, and if you will have me... for what I am... Then my prayers will be forever answered. For us to become... lovers. Husband and wife in this, our community... our world."

Sliding his larger frame from the chair onto his good knee, Vincent lifted Catherine's hand to his heart.

"Catherine, Will you marry me, share this world with me, be my wife and lover, spiritually and physically?"

Lowering his head, he sensually brushed his lips to her hand. Looking up into her tear filled eyes, his expression was one of concern, for Catherine's answer was not immediate. Waiting a moment longer, Vincent let go his breath. He was feeling a great sense of loss.Perhaps time had changed things. As he opened his mouth to speak, Catherine put her fingers to his lips.

"Vincent, I've loved you for so long. I can't look back far enough and remember you not there, or a single day into the future without you. I've loved you so much, that if ever there were a choice between your life and mine, you would remain here on this earth. I've loved you so true, if I were the only woman in the world, you would be the only man with companionship. I've loved you so strong. I feel that the only mistake I've made is in not knowing you sooner. And I've loved you so right that if I had my life with you to do over again, the only thing I'd change would be my name."

"It would be an honor and my privilege, to become one with you. Your wife and lover, spiritually and physically, until the end of our days. Yes Vincent, I will marry you."

Lowering her head to his, Catherine kissed him deeply. Slowly they rose up into each others arms. Once at full height Vincent broke the kiss to rain tender little kisses over her face. With each kiss, he whispered softly.

"Oh Catherine, my Catherine, I'll love you... always."


Catherine arrived early at the park to avoid being seen emerging from the secret gate. Vincent remained inside the tunnel. Out of sight, but within earshot. Catherine could hear the pair arguing as they approached.

"You promised Bennet. You promised you'd look after my car. You won't regret this Joe, I Promise! Those were your exact words. Now you've got me out here on some wild goose chase about Cathy being alive! I don't know why I let you talk me into these things."

"Joe, Trust me. Have I ever lied to you?"

"Yeah!" He said his voice rising in pitch. "Look at my car!"

"I said you wouldn't regret lending me the car. I didn't say it wouldn't end up with... a few bruises."

"Is that what you call a few bruises? Diana, you killed it. I'll never get the chance to own another one like it."

Joe continued to mumble to himself as he walked a little faster, seemingly to get ahead of Diana. "All my life, I've waited all my life. Then she drives it into a brick wall! I barely had it a month and..."

Joe rounded the bush and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Cathy?" he whispered. "CATHY!"

Running forward, he threw his arms around her. Joe lifted Catherine off her feet and swung her in a complete circle before returning her to solid ground.

"My God Cathy, we thought... I thought... God, are you a sight for sore eyes... Hey! where the hell have you been anyway? Do you know how long I've been combing the streets and digging in files searching for you?"

"See Cathy," Diana had come up behind Joe and slapped her hand down on his shoulder."I told you he could be trusted."

"Trusted?" uttered Joe turning back to Catherine "What's this? You've always been able to trust me!"

"After Moreno, I didn't know who I could trust and who I couldn't. Can you ever forgive me Joe?"

"Hey Kido!" he said holding out his arms. "Anything for you!"

Catherine stepped into the embrace with tears in her eyes.

"It's good to have you back in the land of the living Radcliffe.

"Thanks Joe, It's good to be back."

Diana tapped Joe on the shoulder. Turning, Joe spoke before she could. "Yeah, okay, so I don't regret lending you my car, but you still owe me one Bennet!"

"I know Joe, and it's a debt I'll gladly pay."

Joe pulled his collar up and crammed his hands into his trench coat pockets.

"It's a bit cool out tonight. How be we find a restaurant and grab a cup of coffee, talk over old times so to speak?"

"Sounds good to me!" said Diana.

Vincent, hearing where the conversation was leading, backed farther into the tunnel preparing to head back to his chamber and wait for Catherine's return. He had hoped she would return with him. Yet he knew that he could not keep her from a life of her own. She was after all still Catherine. She needed time with others as well, not just him. With a heavy heart, he waited by the gate until he was sure they were gone, not wanting to give his hiding place away with the creeks and whines of the old portal.

Now with the voices fading into the night, Vincent tripped the switch. Walking through, he closed the Iron Gate behind him and prepared to reach for another lever that would secure his world once more.

"Vincent wait!"

Vincent whirled around to see Catherine, standing on the site he had previously occupied. "Catherine, I thought..."

"No," she breathed smiling, "I'm coming with you."

Vincent's stride took him passed the threshold to his lady's side. Taking her hand in his, he smiled back. "Yes Catherine, lets go home."


Chapter Ten

Knowing how Vincent felt about public display, Catherine let go her hand hold as they entered Fathers study. To her surprise, Vincent moved closer and wrapped his arm about her shoulder, massaging it gently. She turned to look at him and found a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Vincent gave her a little squeeze and guided her around the stairs.

"Well, what have you two been up to then? Off exploring I suppose."

Closing the book he had been reading, Father folded his hands on the desk and waited for one of them to answer.

"And learning new and wonderful things!" said Catherine gazing at Vincent in wonderment.

"Indeed!" Vincent smiled as he sat in the chair across from Father and gently pulled Catherine onto his lap. Lightly caressing the small or her back, he spoke again."There are many unexplored regions we have yet to discover."

Father lowered his gaze as Vincent nuzzled under Catherine's chin. A moan escaped him as he did.

"Ah, Mary has just put Jacob to bed. So the rest of your evening is free."

"Oh no." voiced Catherine bleakly. "I was hoping..." her eyes were filled with discontent.

"She's only just taken him." Father intervened. "If you hurry, you can meet them in his chamber."

"Thank you Father. We will say our good nights as well. Catherine and I have had a very long day."

"Yes, or course. Sleep well, and Catherine, It's so good to have you home!"

Cheerfully the couple left Fathers study hand in hand.


"And they lived happily over after."

Catherine placed the Little Golden Book on Jacobs beside table. "Does he always go to sleep so quickly?"

"No." pondered Vincent, "That length of story usually takes twice around before his eyes becomes heavy. Perhaps it is the contentment he feels, knowing he has both his parents close by to watch over him."

"Oh Vincent, I've missed so much of his life. I can never make up for that."

"And so much more you have yet to share with him. We have a future to look forward to now. Dreams waiting to be fulfill. Dreams that only you can bring to light."

Walking back to Vincent's chamber, Catherine paused at the archway. Turning to face him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a lingering kiss.

"Good night Vincent." smiling, she stepped back.

With their hands still touching, Vincent tightened his grip. "Where are you going Catherine?"

"It's all right Vincent. I'll be in the guest chamber. I'll be close."

Vincent lowered his head and Catherine noticed he trembled slightly. "What's wrong?"

"I was... I wanted...I was hoping..." he stammered glancing behind himself into his chamber. Vincent took a deep breath. Looking directly into her eyes, he now felt his courage forged, a whisper of a smile upon his lips.

"Will you... sleep with me Catherine?"

"In your chamber?"

"Yes, in my bed... with me."

"Vincent, are you sure?"

"Catherine, I now believe that... for us, all things are possible."

Catherine closed her eyes, but the glistening droplets managed to squeeze their way through.

"If you would prefer not to... I will understand. I will always respect your decision."

"No!" she cried, "It... It's not that. It's just that... I've waited so long to..."

Catherine tried hard to calm herself, to pull forth just the right words.

"We have waited for too long Catherine" Vincent took Catherine by the hand and nervously led her to his bed. "But if you are unsure..."

Shaking her head she followed.

As Catherine sat on the bed, Vincent bent to remove her boots. Returning to full height, he began untying the thongs that held his vest closed. Catherine stared wide-eyed, but definitely intrigued.

Now, wearing only his cords and an unbuttoned long sleeved shirt, Vincent knelt down before her. He took her hand and placed it on his broad generously furred chest. Catherine's hands trembled as she took over and slid the material from his shoulders, allowing her hands full range. Vincent threw his head back in a silent roar. Only his breath was audible.

Without realizing it, Vincent's hand strayed up to fasten themselves to her shoulders. Catherine quickly unbuttoned her own blouse, revealing tender white flesh. Vincent lips parted, his breathing became ragged as his eyes left a burning trail of desire down the front of her torso.

Keeping the Dark Beast in check was not a problem. The bloody rage that blocked it's vision was not there. Only an all encompassing love that enveloped him, enveloped both of them.

Releasing his hold on Catherine's shoulders, Vincent slid the silken material from her. He traced delicate swirls up her arms with his claws as he tugged gently at the final cover that kept her beauty from his sight. With little assistance, Vincent tossed the garment to the floor. He sucked his breath in sharply. "Catherine!" he whispered, "You are so beautiful!"

A tear fell from the corner of his eye. Sweeping it away with the tip of her finger, Catherine touched the salty crystal to her tongue.

"Your tears are my tears. Don't be afraid Vincent."

Daring to graze he leaned closer and brushed his lips to her collarbone. Then pillowed his cheek atop her breast and took in her scent.

"Your heart threatens escape." he rumbled dreamily "I can hear it calling to me."

"Tell me Vincent, what is it saying to you now?"

"It speaks to me of your contentment, trust and completeness. It echo's my own."

Vincent stood and drew her up into his embrace. She inhaled deeply and shivered with delight at the exquisite essence that could only be Vincent.

"Oh Vincent! You're more beautiful than I ever imagined."

Vincent's fingers danced lightly over her exposed shape.

"You're skin is as soft and delicate as... as the purest rose that ever bloomed. I had not realized that flesh upon flesh could cause my senses to respond in so many different ways. You have always stirred feelings deep within me Catherine, But now... holding you in my arms... this way, ummm."

"I know!" she breathed.

Gliding his hands down her back, Vincent hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her slacks. Stooping before her, the final two garments were removed in a single flowing movement. Vincent's eyes traveled up to the thatch of hair before him. Suddenly his breathing became ragged. Grasping Catherine by the hips to steady his wavering balance, he tried to calm himself. He then sat hard upon the floor of his chamber and felt shame at his loss of control.

Catherine pulled a quilt from Vincent's bed and sat on it beside him. She placed her fingers on his jaw line and gently turned his face to meet her gaze.

"I love you Vincent." Kissing him, she parted her lips slightly, invitingly. Her hands moved down to the enclosure of his trousers and she unfastened the four buttons. She rose to her knees and urged Vincent to do the same. He complied.

Slowly she edged his cords down over his hips until his swollen manhood was pulsing proudly before her. Catherine stood, drawing Vincent up with her. She was ready now, but for Vincent's sake, she would give him as much time as he desired.

Vincent completed the removal of his britches. He stood before the woman he loved, and searched her expression for any signs of repulsion, but found instead a burning, irrepressible desire as Catherine's eyes caressed his body with love and admiration. Now it was her turn to tremble.

She sat on Vincent's bed and slid herself towards its center. Holding her arms out to him her voice was deep with passion.

"Come to me Vincent!"

He stood motionless for a moment, clenching and unclenching his hands. His breathing had still not evened itself out. Mentally pushing himself forward, he came to rest at Catherine's side. She turned and snuggled into him, murmuring words of encouragement. Vincent felt himself relaxing as she bolstered his confidence.

Sliding a hand down between them, Vincent bravely aimed for her most sacred part. Gently he stroked the downy soft hair as she opened herself to him. She sucked her breath in sharply at the sensation of his claws tenderly probing her moistness.

"Oh Vincent"

Vincent shifted, positioning himself above her straddling her hips. Alternating, he licked and nipped a trail of passion from the base of her throat to her pelvis, fueling the liquid fire that raged between them.

Unsure as to whether it was animal lust or human desire, he hesitantly nuzzled her just above the pubis. Catherine combed her fingers through his hair. Gently taking large handfuls she urged him to continue his endeavor. At Catherine's insistence, coupled with her heady scent, Vincent introduced his muzzle and sensually bathed her with deep slow, penetrating strokes. Catherine rocked her hips in time with his arrhythmia.

With both hands he seized her buttocks, halting her movements. Quickening his pace caused her to arch her back and moan insistently.

"Oh Vincent, Oh, Oh God" she breathed.

Vincent could feel his own need begging for release. Sliding Catherine's form down to meet his, he mounted her, growling as his shaft was buried to its full measure within her. his thrusts were long and deep and he expelled each breath with a groan.

Catherine voiced her own pleasures with rapturous squeals as she clung to his massive frame matching his frenzy.

They cried out in unison as their bodies shuddered to completion in the final throws of their lovemaking, Sated, Vincent withdrew and rolled to lie at her side. Taking her into his powerful embrace, he kissed her with tenderness.

"I love you Catherine, more than life itself."

"Mmm, I've always known that and hearing you say the words is music to my heart."

Content in their love, they lay caressing one another until sleep over took them.


At Three AM, Vincent felt a chill. Waking, he pulled the cover up and rolled to embrace his love. He reached out for her, but she was not there. The sheets were cold. The quilt that bad been on the floor was neatly folded and back in place. Vincent sprang from his bed, heart racing.

"Catherine?" he listened carefully "Catherine?" only silence. "Noooo!"

His hands went to his head, holding it fiercely. He bent over double as if in pain. Sinking to the cold floor of his empty chamber, he cried loud and hard, his sobs echoing off the stone walls.

"No Catherine No! It wasn't a dream... It was real! I held you in my arms! I felt your warmth against my skin! Our hearts sang together as we loved!"

Catherine ran into the chamber, out of breath. "Vincent? Oh Vincent No!"

Catherine had heard his cries of despair and the sight that beheld her, ripped through her heart like a knife. Stark naked, Vincent was kneeling, his hands clasped to his abdomen, forehead pressed to the floor as he cried and rocked forward.

Catherine knelt before him and touched his shoulder speaking softly "Vincent,I'm here!"

His head snapped up so fast that it made her jump. Grabbing for her, he crushed her to his chest with a force that nearly squeezed the life from her.

"Catherine! Oh Catherine! I thought I'd lost you. That it was all a dream. I... I was so frightened. There are so many things I wish to tell you... share with you!"

Catherine had managed to get him back into bed. She stepped to the foot to retrieve the quilt, but Vincent quickly reached for her pulling her back.

"No Catherine, don't go!"

"I'm here Vincent, I'm not going anywhere. You're cold, you need a blanket."

Vincent released his hold allowing her access to the quilt. Covering him, she lay down at his side and caressed his cheek.

Father entered their chamber at nine-thirty AM, to find Catherine sitting on the edge of the bed looking extremely weary.

"Catherine, what is it, what's wrong? You look terrible!"

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked to him and tried to explain.

"Father, I left the chamber last night. I was having trouble sleeping and I didn't want to disturb Vincent. I went for a walk. Vincent woke up while I was gone and panicked. He thought it was all a dream. Oh Father, if you could have seen him. He was so heartsick. He wouldn't let me leave his side. He's been so restless, crying out for me in his sleep."

"I see, well, why don't you lay down beside him and get some rest?"

"I would but, after he went back to sleep, I tried to get up to relieve myself and Vincent took hold of my nightgown."

Catherine leaned forward to display her dilemma. Vincent's hand was tangled in the back of her nightclothes. His claws had torn through the material of her nightdress and panties making it impossible for her to discard either garment. Catherine was anchored to the spot.

"I've been sitting here since four this morning."

Her legs were crossed and there was a definite pained expression in her eyes. "Can you get me out" She pleaded in a whisper.

With gentle pressure, Father pried open the massive hand that held her captive. Before he could right his posture, Catherine was gone.

Father stood looking at his son. 'He seems to be sleeping peacefully now. Perhaps given a few weeks Vincent will come to realize that Catherine truly is back to stay. Then he can finally put his fears to rest.'

Father sat down to wait for Catherine's return. As he did he found himself studying the young man before him.

Even as Vincent lay on his side, he could see that his chest was very broad, and his shoulders, those biceps. The power within that immense body he was sure, had never been tested to its breaking point. Unfortunately the heart and mind had.

Vincent had spent most of his young life guarding himself or being shielded from pain like that which Catherine had brought into his world, but then, there has never been anyone who has brought him so much joy, given him such unconditional love. And a child, Vincent's child... Who would have ever thought?

"Catherine? Catherine?"

Father was startled from his reverie. "Vincent wake up." he soothed. "Wake up, It's all right Catherine will be back from the bathing chamber very soon." The older man smoothed back his son's mane and gently caressed his temple.

"Father... was it a dream then?"

"Yes Vincent, it was just a dream. Try to tell me."

Swiping at a tear on his cheek, Vincent's voice was low and choked. "Catherine... she was... in danger." Shaking his head sadly he lowered himself back onto the pillow. "Father, the dreams are returning... why?"

"I don't think they are Vincent. You've had an extremely exhausting week, and your injuries, however minor, have caused a slight rise in your temperature. These are factors that must also be considered. I am sure in a week or two everything will be as it was before all of this began."

Catherine entered the chamber, dressed so it seemed, for work. Father closed his eyes against what he thought his son must be thinking. Vincent sat up, his eyes trailing her slight figure.

"Catherine? Where are you...?" His expression was filled with question and worry.

"I'm going up to see Joe. I'll only be gone a few hours. There are a couple of thing's Joe and I have to discuss, and Vincent, when I return there are a few matters you and I need to get straight." Throwing her coat over her shoulder, she turned to leave. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Mouse said he would guide me up. Father, with your permission and if he's feeling up to it. Can Vincent meet me when I'm finished?"

The Doctor looked to his patient. A silent nod was all that Vincent could manage. Catherine smiled and left the chamber.

Father looked to Vincent's hopeless gaze. He leaned forward to stand but Vincent halted him with a gentle hand to the older man's shoulder. "No Father, she must be allowed to follow her own path." Recognizing his own words, Father smiled weakly. "Vincent, I am sorry, I...I had no idea."

Rolling to his side, Vincent buried his face in Catherine's pillow. Father left, wishing he could offer his son words of comfort.

It took Catherine nearly forty-five minutes to reach her destination. Entering the coffee shop on the first floor of the building that housed the D-A's office, Joe spotted Catherine and called out.

"Catherine, over here!"

"Hi Joe, sorry I'm late."

"Time hasn't changed you has it Radcliffe?"

"You'd be surprised." Catherine wore an impish grin as she sat opposite her long time friend.

"Yeah, try me."

"Okay, Do you remember me telling you about a special someone in my life?"

"Yeah, Five years ago. I remember. What about him?"

"Were getting married Joe."

"Ma... Married?" Joe expelled his breath. "Well, congratulations Cathy. When's the big day?"

"We haven't made plans yet, but I suppose within the month."

"I guess you won't be back to work right away? Well that's all right, I'm sure we can struggle by awhile longer. Just for the record though, when do you figure? Next month, the month after?"

Joe looked at Catherine with anticipation. "What? You need more time? No problem Cathy, Take all the time you need. I'm just glad you're back and soon to be...."

"Joe! Joe!" Catherine was trying to interrupt. "Joe, I won't be coming back."

"Won't be coming back? Why the hell not?"

"I can't."

"You can't, won't, or he won't let you?"

"I don't want to Joe. Look you said yourself you've had a hard time of it since my disappearance five years ago. Now picture yourself as my lover. I disappear and twice you risk your life trying to save me. The second time you find out we have a son..."

"You have a son?"

"Yes Joe, but he'd been kidnapped by Gabriel. I was dead, so that child was all he had left. He risked his life countless times trying to rescue a child he'd never even laid eyes on. He raises him for the first five years of his life. Then to find out I'm alive? Again he risked his life, and took the chance that our child would be left without both parents. You see Joe! Are you going to want me to go back to a job that has been the cause of so much sorrow and grief?"

"I guess I hadn't thought about it that way. "

"I'm sorry Joe, I won't put them through the daily torture of not knowing from one night to the next whether or not I'm going to make it home for dinner."

Joe looked shattered. "I see your point Cathy. I guess I just took it for granted that you'd come back."

"I'm not going to work anywhere. I'm going to stay home and raise my son. Who knows, maybe by this time next year, I could be changing diapers."

Joe reached across the table to hold her hand. "I'm gonna miss you Cathy. Will you be staying in Manhattan?"

"Not really."

"Well then, where are you staying? Maybe I can drop by just to say hi and maybe meet these special men in your life."

"Sorry Joe, I'm keeping a low profile for awhile. I'm moving in with my in-laws, but the where-abouts is secret? You could say I'm going underground. It could be years before I surface again.

"So, that's it?" Joe said throwing his hand up in the air. "No forwarding address, no see you around Joe, just good-bye?"

I'm afraid so." she sighed. "Five years is a long time to be away from the ones you love."

"Catherine glanced at her watch. "Speaking of time, I've gotta go. If you really need to get a message to me, see Dr. Peter Alcott. He'll know how to reach me. Take care Joe."

Joe stood up as Catherine stepped away from the table. They shared a heart felt hug, and Joe watched with sadness as she left the coffee shop. Catherine had been gone longer than she had planned. She was in a great hurry to get home to Vincent and her son.


It seemed as though hours had passed since Catherine had gone top-side, sitting on the edge of his bed, fully dressed Vincent was finishing a strong cup of tea. As he lifted it to his lips, his body became temporarily immobilized and a sharp pain honeycombed his left knee, then dissipated. Reaching for his cloak he hurried from his chamber. He found himself walking toward the old entrance to Catherine's apartment building. Stopping, he shook his head. "Where am I going? What was that I felt?" He was about to turn back when he suddenly felt angry and foolish at the same time. Then stupidly enough he felt thankful. Holding his hands to his head, he leaned against the wall "Am I going mad? Could I truly be so distressed that..."


Vincent's head snapped up to listen. "Catherine has returned. She wants me to meet her." His heart beat wildly as he continued on his way toward the abandoned entrance.

Vincent's footsteps took him around the last corner and through the archway. Pausing, he looked upon the beauty of the woman sitting on the tunnel floor, tracing her fingers in the dirt, All the pain he'd felt from her going above.... forgotten, his thoughts were filled with love for her, for a second chance at what he had nearly lost... nearly threw away. Their hearts had chosen each other and Catherine had chosen him. Vincent let go the breath he had been subconsciously holding.

"You are more than an angel Catherine." he said softly, his voice filled with passion. "You are a breath of heaven."

"Vincent!" she squeaked, jumping slightly. I didn't expect you so soon."

"I did not mean to startle you. I'm sorry."

Catherine expelled her breath. "You must have run all the way. How is your leg?"

"No" he said in a confused tone. "Strangely enough I was already on my way here when I heard your message."

"On your way here?" she questioned.

"Yes. I... I felt a pain... in my leg and then... nothing. I.... took up my cloak and left. I didn't know where I was going. When I stopped to consider this, my emotions became so complex, I felt angry and yet foolish." he snorted. "Then I felt thankful." He shook his head and bent down to Catherine as she had not yet stood up. Offering his hand to help her up, he noticed her expression. Wide eyed, mouth open. A look of pure shock.

"Catherine? What's wrong, Are you all right?"

Kneeling down, he placed his hands on her shoulders, He could feel the tension. "Catherine?" But there was no answer from her.


Turning her gaze to meet his, her mouth moved, but no words were forth coming.

"Catherine? What is it?" his voice replete with concern.

The haze in her eyes seemed to clear. A smile now replaced the open-mouthed expression of a moment ago, Bewildered, he touched his finger tips to her chin and directed her gaze.

"Catherine I..."

"Vincent!" she interrupted excitedly. "My knee. I hurt my knee!"

Vincent moved to examine the injury.

"No" she breathed. "I was angry for not being more careful, for my foolishness!"

"Catherine?" Vincent was extremely confused.

"Don't you get it!" she said grabbing his vest and shaking it. "Those were my feelings!"

Vincent cocked his head to one side, a puzzled look upon his face. "Your...?"

"Yes Vincent!" she burst in. "My feelings! Angry that I could be so careless, so foolish, but then I was thankful that you couldn't feel my pain and rush to my rescue unnecessarily. Vincent, What you felt... was me!"

"Catherine," he whispered.

Nodding her head in the affirmative, her eye's filled with tears. "Yes Vincent. The Bond... It's coming back."

Vincent's eyes also brimmed with tears, his lower lip quivered, and his hands trembled as he took her in his arms. Catherine nuzzled under his chin wetting his vest with tears of joy.

Their hearts and souls sang with love, as their bond was once again reborn with immeasurable fortitude.

Written by: Darlene
June 1990
© Copywrite

The End

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