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Tinkerbell's Site Awards!
**Temporarily Closed. Please check back. Thank you.**

Hi and thank you for applying for my award. Now, here are the rules:

1. No Profanity
2. No links to adult sites
4. No racism or bashing of any race, religion, disability, ethnic group, or sexual prefrence. I can't and won't accept that.
5. Your site can't take FOREVER to load. I'm not THAT patient.
6. I have to like the site. If I don't, sorry!!!
7. Sign my guestbook!

Now that you have followed all the rules, please send me an email (click on the dragon below) and include the following information:

1. Your name
2. Your site name
3. Site URL
4. Which award you have chosen
5. Why you feel you deserve this award

Please allow 7-14 days for me to go over your site and decide if you win the award. If you haven't heard back, by then, you haven't won. If you do win an award, please link it back to my site. Thank you for applying and have a great day!!!

The Awards

Special thanks to Stella, aka USMC Mom, for making the Tinkerbell awards. You are a sweetie!!!

Thank you for applying for my awards.

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