"Tiger_Sunshine is married to Tiger_Supra. At the present we do not have her individual stats for her own page so she is listed here."
Hello to all from the great State of Texas, USA! My name is Terry but I am known to most as "Supra" on the Gamin' Zone. I am a very happily married man and my wife is Tiger_Sunshine. We have a son who is 30 years old and then our daughter is 18 years old. I am self-employed and am associated with the jewelry industry.
Playing Spades in the Zone is one of my favorite pastimes. One day I happened across a table advertising "All Welcome" and that is when I met Tiger_Lady43 and Tiger_Tale. I received such a favorable impression of the group that afternoon, I decided to apply for membership. The Tigers I have met have all been friendly, honest and very competitive - this I like and makes for a fun afternoon or evening.
My philosophy in life has always been not to dwell on the past . . . but rather look forward to all the future hostilities! (This applies to the next spades' hand too - LOL!)