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Good or Bad?

The price of chat

1.Our favorite TV shows (we never watch them anymore)

2.Our figures (the only part of our bodies that get any exercise is our fingers and eye muscels)

3.Our kid (he grew up and moved out)

4.The car (can't find it through all the tall grass that grew up around it in the jungle we call a front yard)

5.The swimming pool (now harbors 14 endangered species)

6.Our jobs (had to quit to because it took too much time away from chat)

7.The house (couldn't pay the taxes)

8.The dog (ran away to find food)

9. The bed (it is covered in programs for faster chat)

10. Spouse (can't figure out why)

11.Friends you would recognize if u saw them (all friends are now chat friends)

12.Spelling skills ("you" is not spelled "u" and "are" is not speller "r")

The Things we have gained

1.Typing skills (improved greatly)

2. Water bill went down (don't shower anymore)

3.No more boss yelling at me (remember I quit my job)

4. Learned a new kind of sex (cyber)

5.Don't need glasses anymore (just sit closer to the screen)

6.Save on the laundry bill (don't wash clothes, who is going to see me?)

7.Gasoline bill is now $0.00 (I never leave the apartment)

8. Stress levels went down (the only time there is stress is when we get booted)

9.Lost weight (can't leave the puter long enough to go to the kitchen)

10.No Worries about skin cancer (never get out in the sun)

11.No more spouse complaining about the time I spend on the puter (they left)

12. $$$ (sold the rest of the furniture don't use it anymore)

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By: BabyRoseBuds

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