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Letter for Norma Nistor

To: ASPC-PV-SM 48656, PO 3400, Goodyear AZ 85338

From: "Sergio Raul Rios"

Date: Mon Apr 29 18:25:30 2002

I am the Rev. SERGIO RAUL RIVERS of the CHRIST FOR ALL CENTER of the City of Formosa, in Argentina. I am the minister of the Pentecostal Holiness Church of Argentina. The Christ For All Center is located to mas of 1.000 km of the capital of Argentina, in the north border of the country. Our zone is very poor economically, and in this time of crisis in Argentina, the food need, clothes and medicines it is urgent. Our Church began with the Project S.T.S (It Saves this Soul), and for direction of our Lord we have extended the order(request) of help to the members of our International Pentecostal Holyness Church in the whole world. By means of this note I want to offer him to you to take part of a project that it includes to reach with the gospel the WHOLE population of a city during the year 2002. You can be a missionary from his home, can help to reach to mas of 300 thousand persons with the salvation, and much more. Our Center has an infantile dining room and for pregnant women, who is not sufficient for the food demand - we need his help-. Our projects include a farm for the food production and the medical assistance.

Thanks to God between the members of our Church there are no needs - God expires with his promises - but around our the needs are great, we want to help with nourishment children before that it should be late and that the bad nutrition should produce intellectual reoutlines in his brains. Help us to help!! It is You a Missionary here in Formosa without moving of his home!! Only we ask him to collaborate with an OFFERING LOVE with a value of 20 dollars. This it is an opportunity from which you can help us to come with the gospel in a hand and a plate of food in another hand to thousands of persons. God has guided us to doing this order of help to each of the brothers of our organization. Please, it consults with Our Lord, and acts already!! Hundreds of children of Formosa need his help. The Pentecostal Holyness Church of Formosa, he needs his help. We go brothers!! We live what we preach!! I hope that you pray to God TO RECEIVE DIRECTION OF on this order of help. PLEASE, should answer this email, with one IF or one NOT, but answer it. IT INDICATES IF HIS COLLABORATION SHOULD GIVE 20 DOLLARS IT WILL BE FOR THE ONLY TIME OR MONTHLY, DURING THE YEAR 2002. Also IT INFORM US if there can do the sending of his OFFERING OF LOVE by means of WESTERN UNION. And if he needs receipt for the same one I am grateful in the Lord in the time that has taken to read this note. I wish him the big Benedictions of our Lord Jesus for his life, family and church. HE SENDS HIS DONATION Addressed to:


Rev. SERGIO RAUL RIVERS - DNI N ° 14.508.757


Colonel Bogado 251 - CP 3600 - FORMOSA CITY -


PHONE: 051-03717-427038

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