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Prison Forum


Arizona Daily Star

The Prison Ministry at St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church will present a public forum titled “Prison Issues in America and Arizona” at 10:15 a.m. on Feb. 8, 2015 at the church’s east gallery, 4440 N. Campbell Ave. There is no charge.

Among the questions to be addressed: Why does the U.S. have the world’s highest incarceration rate? Why is the state of Arizona sixth in prison population but only 15th in total population? Who are the winners in the prison industry? Why is solitary confinement such a big problem? Why are 32 percent of current Arizona inmates there for parole or probation violations? Why do people in the church need to know about all this? What can ordinary citizens do to help?

The presenter will be Rebecca Fealk of Read Between the Bars, a volunteer-based Tucson organization that gets free books directly into the hands of inmates and advocates for prison reform.

For more information, email the Rev. Vicki Hesse at


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