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How YOU Start a WAPD Chapter...
By: Max Keeler

Gather a few interested people who have common concerns and you have made a beginning.

You do not need to hire a lawyer or charge membership fees. The first priority is to attract interested people. Start small. Initially, it may be much like a support group where people can relate their experiences, frustrations, and concerns. Out of these gatherings may come common problems and needs. Record them. Talk about what can be done by your group to alleviate them. The important point is to begin helping one person at a time.

It is my belief a group has more benefits than solving the worlds problems. It also provides an environment where frustration can be shared, encouragement given, and emotional released achieved. Make your members feel welcomed and valued.

Use the experience of the group to help people avoid some of the barriers others have faced. From these experiences, develop a mission statement for your group to follow. Define what the purpose of the group is to be. This mission statement will be revised as you grow and expand your impact to the community. It is important to measure the actions you want to take by this mission statement and the current recourses your group is in possession of.

Schedule regular meetings. Start meeting once or twice a month. It is crucial. The only way a group can survive is to remain active! Between meetings assign members to gather information. Don't try to do too much at first.

Someone might write a letter to the editor of the local paper about something which affects the disAbled. Another might search the Internet for resources which your members can utilize. The WAPD web site has a number of areas which can be utilized or adapted to your needs. Put an ad in the paper soliciting interested people to join your group. Seek out clubs, organization, and churches for interested people. Members of your group may have family and friends that wish to become involved. Anyone who says, "I want to do something!" WELCOME THEM WITH OPEN ARMS!!

As you grow too large to meet in a home, consider asking a church if you may use their facilities to hold your meetings. When your group begins to grow, elect officers to manage the activities and conduct the meetings. Be sure to have a recorder to take minutes and preserve the suggested activities that come from your meetings.

It is also important to be a voice, not only for the disAbled in your community; but for the community as a whole. Consider how you may lend your efforts and voice to community projects.

Nothing can happen until one person takes the action to start a group. Progress cannot be made ;unless interested people begin to be involved. You may be the spark which ignites a flame which will make a big difference in the quality of life all people in your community!! GO FOR IT!!!

Max E. Keler
Director of Chapters


From All of us at WAPD
World Association of Persons with disAbilities
