

  • Sports: Scuba Diving, Basketball, Football
  • Color: Green
  • BSB Song: "Get Down" and "Quit Playing Games"
  • Food: Pizza, Seafood, and McDonalds
  • Snack: Twix and Coke
  • Cereal: Frosted Flakes
  • Gum: Purple "Big League Chew"
  • Instrument: Drums (started playing at 14)
  • Cologne: Gravity
  • School Subject: History
  • Least Fav School Subject: Math
  • Holiday: Halloween
  • Saying: "It's all good."
  • Actress: Signorey Weaver
  • Actors: Robert DeNiro, Bruce Willis
  • Movie: Aliens
  • Music: Nirvana, Journey
  • TV: X-Files, Beavis& Butt-Head, Simpsons, and Mad About You
  • Teams: Miami Dolphins, Chicago Bulls, Oakland Athletics
  • Place: Beach
  • Shopping: Nintendo games, stuff for family, sneakers, and gold jewelry
  • Ideal Date: moonlit walk on beach with perfect girl
  • Hates: Thai food, girls who always fix their make-up or are too concerned about their looks and flying
  • Non BSB Song: Cure's "I Will Always Love You"
  • Models: Cindy Crawford and Claudid Shiffer
  • Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
  • Car: Camaro and Corvette Stingray
  • Brand of Clothes: Nike

    Interesting Info

  • He's scared of the dark
  • He takes his Nintendo with him everywhere and he and Brian often fight over it
  • He's a licensed scuba diver
  • He treats people the way he would like to be treated and tries to keep his friendships intact while on tour
  • He likes a girl with a lot of personality, who would enjoy the same hobbies and like him for the real him... not for being a Backstreet Boy. He's said that he's often attracted to girls with brown hair, but adds, "It really doesn't matter to me as long as they have a good personality and they're really nice..."
  • cloudy skies and rainy days make him sad :(
  • Most Embarassing moment: When the guys threw him out of the dressing room in just his underwear where there were a bunch of girl fans!!!
  • He's the prankster of the group and says with a mischievious grin, "I like to do anything I can think of to those guys."
  • Most evil prank? When he gave their manager, Donna Wright, gum that tasted like fish!
  • He loves driving his family's boat on the Gulf of Mexico
  • Last fall, Nick's dad had to put a fence around family's house to keep BSB fans from taking clumps of grass or picking flowers as souveniers
  • In a fourth grade production, he landed the lead in the Phantom of the Opera
  • He appeared in commercials for the Florida Lottery and the Money Store
  • He was the lead vocalist for the Tampa Bay Buccaneer's pre-game show for 2 years

    Nick's Thoughts

    Future of BSB: "I hope it will be very successful. We want to achieve our goals, which is to be known around the country, that's one of the big things."
    Dating fans: "We like to have a close relationship with our fans. I could go out with one of them, but I don't think it could develop any further."

    Backstreet Boys Official Web Site
    Nick Carter World
    Nick Carter Page
    Official Nick Carter Site