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Computer Touch Typing for Children

Barbara Oliver, COTA

"Benefits of acquiring keyboarding skills include the enhanced use of time and effective use of computers."

Elementary/Middle School Keyboarding
Strategies Guide, 1992.

You can receive more information about touch-typing or the Typing Pilots program by sending an email with questions or comments to:

Please include your name and the words "Touch-typing" in the subject line. Thank you!

Page 4
Keyboarding For You

With the advantage of early training, a growing
population of students will benefit from learning the
most basic computer access skill of all … TOUCH-TYPING!

Program Director - Facilitator
"It's been my experience that 1st through 3rd grade is a good time to introduce keyboard training. By following simple yet effective techniques, children can learn to navigate a computer keyboard skillfully by touch. I love teaching young students to touch-type and know it will be one of the most practical tools in their academic toolbox." Barbara Oliver

Barbara Oliver, COTA, developed specialized methods for teaching keyboarding while working in public schools and rehabilitation centers, with hundreds of adults and children who achieved great things in spite of their disabilities.

Ms. Oliver is employed as a Tulsa Public Schools therapist, and provides local private tutoring for touch-typing and handwriting.

Page 1: Why Touch Typing?
Page 2: Language at Your Fingertips
Page 3: Typing Pilots Goal

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 ||| BarbarasGate Home ||| Pg. 1 Touch Typing Home ||| Pg. 2 Language at Your Fingertips ||| Pg. 3 Typing Pilots Goal ||| 2003 Computer Class |||