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Jayne's Cabbage Patch Rescue House
Adoption Center Pg. 2
    The kids for adoption on this page have had their boo-boos  fixed and some may have been washed. They come with the clothing described (in most cases they would like something fancier but hey, they can't have everything thing they want) and for a complete Medical Report please e-mail me and ask. They all come with a name but feel free to change it. In some cases the kids didn't like the name I gave them anyway. Also make sure to ask any questions you might have before adopting.
   Please remember that I am Canadian but that all prices on this page are in American to make it easier for the majority of buyers (sorry fellow Canadians).
   When writing about adopting a kid please remember to include the dolls number as well as your name and address so that I can find out the shipping charges as quickly as possible. Also make sure to read my conditions of sales before choosing to adopt.
   If you would like a picture of a doll, and I have one of them, just write. (They don't seem to be showing up right now. Still learning. Sorry)

Name: Adam James
Year: 1983 black without date
Type: Coleco Kid
Head Mold Number: 3
    This young man is the cutest little guy I have ever seen. He is bald but the most amazing thing is his eyes. They are blue but they look a little different then most kids eyes,  they have the most beautiful sparkle to them. Also his previous owner was a little attached to him and wrote her name on his back. He however has the same personality and would love to get very attached to a new family, it would really help to if they loved teddy bears as he just adores them.
Adoption Fee: $ 5.00

Name: Damien Todd
Year: not sure but signature is Pink
Type: Hasbro Sippin Kid
Head Mold Number: 4
    Damien has led a rough life but for all of that he still has an over abundance of love to give a new family.His burper seems to have had sugury done on it and doesn't work anymore. Because of this surgery his arms and neck have been re-sewed in a few places.  However his is a joy, with his tuft of brown cornsilk hair and pretty green eyes. Also, as you would expect his is accident prone and way too energetic for his own good. Would someone like to tame him?
Adoption Fee: $3.00

Name: Natasha Dawn
Year: not sure but signature is blue
Type: Hasbro Babyland Kid
    Natasha is so soft and cuddly any like child would love her. She has a little tuft of red hair and pretty chocolate brown eyes. Her body is pink and she is wearing a light green bib too. Her little hat is also pink with a white patterned fringe. There is a purple stain on the fringe however is is a pretty shade of purple. The best thing about this little charmer is that when you squeeze her tummy she squeaks!!!
Adoption Fee: $3.50

Name: Suzie Lee
Year: not sure but signature is blue
Type: Hasbro Babyland Kid
    Suzie Lee is little miss Personality. Her open mouth and sparkling brown eyes give testimony to this statement. Her body is the same as Natasha's and she too squeaks. She is in the most beautiful condition and would like to be adopted by a family who loves children so she can play with them all.
Adoption Fee: $4.00

Name: Rachel Diane
Year: not sure by signature is blue
Type: Hasbro Splahin' Kid
Head Mold Number: ?????
    Rachel is a very determined young lady. She keeps her strawberry red hair short and easily manageable so that when she swims it isn't in the way. This is because she is determined to be an olympic swimmer one day. She comes already for the pool wearing her purple and green bathing suit which has flowers on it. She also has her fleecy purple bathrobe for when she is done. Rachel has a perpetually happy personality and because of this is always smiling showing her mouth full of beautiful teeth. Her blue eyes also display her happiness when they twinkle.
Adoption Fee: $ 5.00

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