What "Brian" Said To Me

I'm not putting the screen name just because what if it really was him, and also, I think there's some law about having to warn people the stuff they say will be posted, and probably nobody really cares. This happened on April 22, 1999

"Brian": hi....who's this?
Jenny: the person you just imed, so who are you
"Brian": i am brian littrell
"Brian": who are you?
Jenny: sure you are
"Brian": i am....
"Brian": but....if you don't want to talk....
Jenny: im just saying, its not very likely that you are
"Brian": fine...if you don't want to talk, i got some other pretty girls that want to talk to me
Jenny: i didnt say i didnt want to talk, i just dont like people that say theyre someone else
"Brian": i am not someone else...
Jenny: ok fine, hi brian
"Brian": hi....um...what's your name?
Jenny: jen
"Brian": hi jen....jenny
"Brian": i am not someone else because "i'd never break your heart"
Jenny: gee and you didnt even write that line yourself
"Brian": so have you ever been to one of our concerts?
Jenny: nope
Jenny: going to see 5ive though in the summer
"Brian": trader!!! j/k **note: should be spelt traitor. And he wanted to be a teacher**
Jenny: hey and nsync is with them
Jenny: oh and jordan i think it is, from new kids
"Brian": you're breaking my heart
Jenny: sorry, i havent seen any tour dates for you lately, anyway, those tix werent planned
"Brian": oh....
Jenny: yeah i was buying tix for some other concert and my sis told me those went on sale the same day
"Brian": what concert?
Jenny: offspring, you dont want to know what they did in part of the concert
"Brian": what did they do?
Jenny: well, they played "everybody"
"Brian": good...
Jenny: not really
"Brian": "everybody....rock your body...."
Jenny: yeah, and there were dummies for each guy in the group with a picture of their face tied to the head

I guess "Brian" had enough because he didn't say anything after that and I didn't really feel like talking to him much longer.

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