I saw my first episodes of the MMC on the Labor Day Marathon and it was scary.

Ju-Ju had a perm, but that might be his natural style since he was so young and didn't know how to use an iron then
JC actually ate food then, but it was cat food, werewolf chow, hamburger made of 2% beef, and spaghetti which he ate with his hands (and we thought it was J that had the bad manners)
What was with the character Wipeout?
JC was a troup leader...haha so we weren't wrong in thinking that before
That was NOT JC dressed as a bear in that skit
*NSYNC stole that dance move in TUMH where they kick and jump back from the MMC

Quotes From Them
Even then JC referred to himself as "The Great One"
JC called Justin (very appropriately) "Diaper Boy"
"I'm starving" JC didn't know he would be saying that in a couple of years
"This place is wicked" Well JC, I'm not sure what to make of that quote, other than they made him say that
"I'm not crazy" Sure you're not JC
Justin seems to think that "[he's] older then [he] looks"
Now this is really scary, Justin said "Firey explosions are really cool...boom boom"

MMC Got It Going On Funky Style
JSC Got It Going On Funky Style

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