When The Lights Go Out
The Things You Do
ABs is bobbing his head and Scott is just looking around. Now Scott's bobbing his head. That shirt is just a couple sizes too big for ABs. J is in his own little world. Peace to you too, Scott. Two earrings in one ear? J doesn't look too happy having ABs' arm around him, I would be. I feel sorry for J, he's the Kevin of 5ive. Aww, Scott needs me. Those girls don't look like a pit crew. Wow! (J smiled). What's with the goggles? "Let me feel? you up." Scott Evil. What's J looking at? Scott Evil again. ABs, I'm so in love with you too. J and Sean are staring at the floor, very interesting, huh? ABs looks funny when he says "yeah" and turns his head to the side. ABs worships Ozzie Osbourne. I'll give you a chance, Scott. Rich looks gay during his solo, but is there a time he doesn't look gay? Sean must be embarrassed to be near Rich, he's covering his face with his jacket. Rich almost hits ABs. "Yeehaw," Dukes of Hazzard. Overall: what does this song have to do with racing? Who dances at a race track?