I Want You Back
Tearing Up My Heart
JC's hair has got to go. Is Justin 7 years old in this video? Lance's hair glows in the dark (more than usual). Nice blue shirt, JC, I think I have the same one. Why do they have a motorcycle there? Lance isn't very good at doing the spinning dance. Why did JC hit his head when he doesn't understand. Joey should "accidentally" miss the punching bag and hit Chris. Lance will kill everyone when taking off his shoes, and he borrowed my shirt too. I want to hang from the rafters with JC. Justin can't decide which white wife-beater he should wear. JC looks happy to see Chris. Basketball again? Justin, stick your tongue back in your mouth. Why does JC get fashion advice from Joey? JC doesn't want any make-up, but Chris does (he needs it). Joey actually looks half-way normal in this video. Why is Chris wearing goggles over a beanie? What's with all the jumping? JC's going to fall asleep on the floor, or maybe he just has a tummy-ache. JC "look, pizza." Who grabbed Lance's ear? What is the purpose of the wheel on the wall, and it only has a couple of spokes. Joey turns into JC, much better. Run Justin, run! Why does Joey dance with his tongue sticking out? NO! (close-up of Chris). JC "praise the Lord," and then dancing like an idiot in the background. Lance is wearing the shirt that Joey told JC not to wear. Yeah, JC can play guitar. Chris looks like the guy in the 3 Musketeers movie (Oliver Platt). Bad Lance. Overall: they aren't very good at lip synching. The rooms are ugly, and the video has absolutely no point. It's tearing up their heart so they decided to have a photo shoot, a pizza party and play dress up.
I Drive Myself Crazy
JC is touching the wall. Ahhh! Joey is scary. How did Chris get a girlfriend? Justin re-bleached his ramens. JC, wall. Wall. Why does Lance keep touching his face? Joey is looking at Lance. What does Chris have going on with Justin? Wall. Joey has fleas. Justin looks more scared than crazy. Why is Chris singing to his slipper? I wanna wear bunny ears! Justin was on JC's wall. JC wall. Justin's scene doesn't fit with what he's singing. Fly Joey! JC is hitting him with a spoon, giddy up Joey. Eww, Justin touched the ramen. Wall. Pretty ballerina. Slipper again. My wall :). Joey doesn't know how to wear a shirt. Wall. I think Lance and Joey have something going on. Wall. What is Justin doing to Chris? JC is jealous, Lance is on the wall. JC wall. I always wanted to jump at the TV when I don't like what's on. Nice elephant pajamas, JC. He really looks like he's fighting. Hick girly boy has
pretty flowers. What happened to Lance's girlfriend? She just walks away from him. Are those pj's soft, Joey? Justin is jumping around like an idiot when Lance is at the window. Chris looks like one of the hyenas from The Lion King. Joey is looking at the other girls just before she kisses him. Why does the doctor like Joey? Well, Joey did come up with the idea for the video. Joey spazzing on the floor. Wall. Why did Joey hug the guy at the door? JC thinks he's Elvis with the collar (send him back to the padded room). Overall: I thought you couldn't wear necklaces in institutions. They wouldn't be in the same room. I want to see Justin's hair after electroshock therapy. Get them off the drugs, especially JC, isn't there rehab there? Why were they released from the mental hospital?