//Let's Talk var vname var vlname var mocon var molcon var valquest1 var vallquest1 var plquest01 var pquest01 var lquest1 var quest1 var clback var cback var cback = "Yes" function LetsTalk() { vname = prompt("What is your name please?","") vlname = vname.toLowerCase() if (vname != "" || vname != null) { //if (vname == "Mo" || vname == "Monique" || vname == "mo" || vname == "MO" || vname == "monique" || vname == "Lil Sis" || vname == "Baby Sis" || vname == "Lil sis" || vname == "Baby sis" || vname == "lil sis" || vname == "baby sis") if (vlname == "mo" || vlname == "monique" || vlname == "monique martinez" || vlname == "lil sis" || vlname == "baby sis") { alert("Hey baby Sis, I love you so much Sweet Heart...") mocon = prompt("Are you liking this yet?","") molcon = mocon.toLowerCase() if (molcon == "yea" || molcon == "yes" || molcon == "it's alright") { alert("There is certainally more to come dear. So just hold on.") alert("The main parts of my pages are complete now.") alert("I need to do more programming and add my links page for the different catagories") }else{ alert("ahhh, but you just don't know what you see yet. Once you get in good, you'll have it. You'll say yes the next time.") } }else if (vlname == "valaryee" || vlname == "valaryee ferrante") { alert("Hi Smart Girl. I knew you'd like to talk to me...") valquest1 = prompt("Howz school at this time of the year?") vallquest1 = valquest1.toLowerCase() if (vallquest1 == "great" || vallquest1 == "doing good" || vallquest1 == "good" || vallquest1 == "hanging in there" || vallquest1 == "wonderfull" || vallquest1 == "it's fun") { alert("I am so proud of you Sweet Heart. You are truely remarkable. I always knew you would do great things.") alert("I love you very much Sweet Heart.") }else{ alert("I am here to help and/or talk to about anything that my be causing you any problem whatsoever.") alert("Write to me, talk to me, let me help. I have no doubt that you will do great. I love you so much and I really miss you a lot.") } }else if (vlname == "dad" || vlname == "al" || vlname == "alfred" || vlname == "alfred ferrante" || vlname == "alfred d. ferrante") { alert("Hey Dad, checking out my button I see... I'm getting better and better. I love this programming stuff.") alert("Remember always that I love you very much and I really miss sitting down face to face with you and just talking about stuff.") }else if (vlname == "patricia" || vlname == "pharris" || vlname == "patricia harris" || vlname == "pharriss" || vlname == "patricia harris-harris") { alert("Hey Girl!!!..., checking out my button again... You will notice that I've included the -toLowerCase() function. This is to conver everything to lower case.") alert("Now I can have my posible answers in all lower case and get more hits on a conversation.") pquest01 = prompt("How is your web site coming along?","Good") plquest01 = pquest01.toLowerCase() if (plquest01 == "good" || plquest01 == "alright" || plquest01 == "soso" || plquest01 == "it's coming" || plquest01 == "you know me") { alert("You're getting it, just keep going. You are doing very well. We'll talk about programming once you get a good grasp on HTML.") alert("Cut and paste is okay for now but we will be getting into programming shortly. You're doing just fine.") }else{ alert("Let me know what kind of help you need by way of email or just call me and we'll get you going okay. It's cool.") } }else{ alert("hello, " + vname + "!" + " Welcome.") alert("I think everything is coming together. Hey " + vname + ", send me mail today...") } } quest1 = prompt("Do you like my page?","") lquest1 = quest1.toLowerCase() if (quest1) { if (lquest1 == "yes" || lquest1 == "yea" || lquest1 == "yep" || lquest1 == "i do" || lquest1 == "certainally" || lquest1 == "it's alright") { alert("This really makes my day " + vname + "," + " coming from you...") cback = prompt("Do you think you might visit again?","Yes") clback = cback.toLowerCase() if (clback == "yes" || clback == "yea" || clback == "yep" || clback == "yes i will" || clback == "i will" || clback == "of course" || clback == "certainally") { alert("Great " + vname + ", make it soon. My page changes fast.") }else{ alert("Sorry to hear that " + vname + ", could you send my email to explain...") } }else{ alert("Send me some email to let me know how I can make it better or easier.") } } }