Blake's Highlights
Blake has been competing since 1997, in this little time, he has managed to show everything that he has to offer.
13th NISS, July New York- NY (Vert)
6th ASA, July Oceanside- CA
2nd NISS, July Huntington Beach- CA
5th ASA, July Boulder- CO
1st NISS, July New York- NY
2nd XGAMES 99, July San Francisco- CA
3rd ASA, June Milwaukee- WI
1st NISS, June Boston- MA
3rd ASA, June Salt Lake City- UT
2nd ASA, May Ontario- CA
2nd ASA, May Richmond- VA
- 1st NISS, July- East Coast Finals
- 1st ASA, April- Thailand
- 2nd NISS, September- National Finals
- 2nd ASA, July- Woodward, PA
- 3rd ASA, June- Ontario, CA(vert)
- 3rd ASA, July- Goodwill Games NYC(vert)
- 4th IISS Febuary- Australia
- 15th NISS, July- East Coast Finals(vert)
- 17th ASA, September Toronto- Canada(vert)