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My Dad

These are some pictures of my dad, Jeff. Unforntaley he passed away when Iwas 12 years old. I remember my dad as a loving caring father who worked very hard!!!!

Some of my dad's favorite things were goo- goo clusters, Black coffee (which he drank all day, any day), and a tall glass of tea with lots of ice! Some of his favorite movies were the Charles Bronson's "Death Wish" films!
I think I got some of my outgoing personality from my dad because he could talk to anyone about almost anything for hours at a time!
Some of the things he enjoyed was being outdoors working, or barbecuing because he loved to cook!

My dad had many jobs in his life but I think the one he most enjoyed was being a clown! So I fondly remember my dad as a happy man who enjoyed making other people happy especially children!