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Miscellaneous Links

All these links are to places that have nothing to do with the bands that are featured here. Knock yourself out. Okay so they're not all to musical places but I just couldn't help myself. I put all the super hip and cool places up here, some are pretty interesting. Some may even give you a good laugh. HAHAHAHA!!! See look, it worked for me. Ok I'll shut up now.

Oooh Wow more places....

FU Q! (my buddy noni's page)
OLGA (place to go for tabs)
No Apologies (very cool)
U ltimate B and L ist (search for any band)
Subterranean Garage Dwellers - noni's cousin's band (listen to the jon song its hilarious!)
The Purity Test (you gotta do this)
The Sanity Test (ooh take this one too) (all about cheese - I don't know why I find this so amusing. go there and you may see.) (you can download music tracks here. much less confusing than the mp3 site.) (some VERY funny jokes here. at least I think so.)