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Well well well. Looks like I got a new setup, huh. Well I did this because I was sure that you were real tired of waiting for all the pictures to load, so I thought of a great idea. Why not have everything all cataloged and stuff? Well you either like it or you don't, but it's here to stay. Ok have fun kiddies. (Oh yeah, and the pictures from Santa Barbara aren't that great, because they were far away and I didn't have telephoto. I had to magnify them when I scanned them)

Group Pix

clip from "Don't Want You" video.

photo from SPIN magazine.

photo from Women In Rock. (scanned by Rhett @ Complications


close-up of Theo (onstage).

she looks like a 70's person. (scanned by Rhett @ Complications

very old... she has brown hair.

Theo's CK Be ad. (contributed by Emily)

Theo with Yaniv Sharon, star of Terror Firmer.

Pic of theo from Rolling Stone.


all dressed in green.


the best drummer ever!

keeps on rockin'...

In Pairs

Fly Girls ad with Theo and Squid. (scanned by Rhett @ Complications

Drawn by Gina! (scanned by me)

back of cd insert from Pretty Ugly

back of cd insert from Luxury Problem

Santa Barbara: 7/9/99 (scanned by me)

all the 'chicks.

theo jumping.


squid's vocal solo (FDS).


theo and squid.

and gina.

theo and chip.

Warped Tour (contributed by Tammy)

theo signing a thingy.

theo squid and gina signing stuff.

theo onstage at warped.

Thank you to Tammy for the Warped pics and the Rolling Stone pic of Theo. You may use any of the pictures I scanned on my site as long as you link back to it and give me credit.

Please please please send me any pictures that you would like displayed that are not up here... no not that kind, you sicko! =) Of the Lunachicks of course!