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*** Cyber Surfing Kitty ***

sick kitty

Meet "Marvin", our newly adopted kitty. He has been quite sick and lost his right eye when just a baby by a mean ole bird pecking it out. He is a little shy right now, but we will be taking real good care of him and when he feels like it he will start cyber-surfing with Mel and me.
See Marvin's junglejim below. When we got it for him, he was very happy. I was going to get him a bed too, but he just wanted this as his bed and play area, so he could feel safe and comfortable and not be disturbed until he was ready. So we all agreed that this would be fine with us. We have set it near the computer so that when he feels like investigating what we are doing, he can do so without being disturbed or scared.

cat resting

parrot flying
junglejim marvin cat sick award

My name is "Marvin" and this is where I sleep and play! I'm adopted and have a real good home now with lots of love and lots of friends to play with. There are many more sick kittys that need a home with lots of love. If you can give a good home to a cyber-sicky like I was, then go to CyberCats and help my friends. The parrots' name is "Skeets" and he's adopted too and he likes to scout out our cyber-cites first. He wants to make sure everything is safe for us, because he knows I'm still a little afraid of birds, but I'm not afraid of Skeets, he's a real cool parrot and he talks too!

My new mommy "Gloria" bought a little padded bed and attached velcro straps, kinda like a dog harness and she attached this to "Mel" that's my great dane friend who lost her left eye in an accident several years back... anyway this outfit is real cool and it's so I can ride around on Mels back and between us we have two good working eyes, hee hee, I think this is real funny because I use my left eye and Mel uses her right eye and we can see just fine between us and we don't mis anything. Now that's what friends are for, they help each other out and Mel and I are real close because of our common bond.

cyber pet award
coulter kittys
Marvin's Award
19 July 1997

Dear Gloria, Well, of course Marvin is more than welcome to the Compatible Kitty award. He is just adorable! AND he is the first cyber-kitty to win this award--Congratulations! Shannon

cat & mouse line

punk-k punk-i punk-d punk-z
kidz award
punk-a punk-w punk-a punk-r punk-d

rozie's alphabytes

Award nominees can be pre-teen or teen.
They can nominate themselfs or be nominated by parents, friends, or other Kidz.
They will need their own web page and display their very own pet or pets.
These pets can also be adobted cyber-pets.
They must display their pet/pets and talk about how they care for, feed, and interact with them.
We would all like to know, just how smart is your pet!
If you receive the award and have a banner, I will use that on the award winners page with a link back to you.
make a banner If you want to create a banner, use the banner generator and try to stay in the 400 x 40 or less range and 5kb or less.

To Apply for this Award Here
Thank you Philip Suh for creating and donating this kidz award!
Be sure to visit Philip's Fun and Wacky Site!

Be sure and visit the Winners!

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Cyber-Pet Adoption Center Ring

This Cyber-Pet adoption center ring site
is owned by: Gloria Bearss
Glen-Glo's Great Danes

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