My Links
- leviathan's toy box
- Leneia Blackheart's Realm
- Five's page
- If you wish to chat about Nine Inch Nails with a bunch of other people.
- Amazon.com....is a good place to buy hard to find cd's of all sorts, they have helped me find a few.
- CD NOW is another place to find good cd's.
- Excite is another place where you can find me chatting, just look for _VERONYKA_ or some variation of that name. I will most likely be in the Los Angeles room.
- Yahoo. Since I rarely chat in Excite anymore you might be able to find me in here under the screenname veronyka821, most likely scanning the Los Angeles rooms.
- AOL. AOL sucks but I do have it for now, and even when I get rid of it I plan to still have AOL Instant Messenger so I might be there at the name veronyka821.
more will come soon....if you would like me to add you to my list please email me here