Man, Justy, You Did it Again
Ugh! I must admit this... he is sucha little dork. Well, so what he's six-foot or so.... But this guy has done it again! He's resulted in ticking me off! I have lost respect in our Justy. It may return if the li'l dork cleans up his act, but in the meantime, Justin Randall Timberlake: you need to lay off.
Did anyone see Music Mania on UPN? The first thing that got me to "rreowr" at the television was when Bill Belamy was joking around, saying that 'N Sync was gonna let him join the group. They're all laughing -- hahahaha -- when Justin, who is also laughing, suddenly adds, "Yeah, we gonna add a li'l colour to 'da group. A li'l colour, y'know? A li'l colour." Bill Belamy looked just slightly taken aback then added, "Yeah, a little colour." Think about this: why, in God's name, did Justin even have to bring up that fact? I mean, do we care about the subject of blacks and whites? Hell, no! (except when it comes to Justy and his ebonics....)
Now, I am so not the type to jump at rumours and start slashing at the person who told me. Nah, 'cause, obviously, most rumours are s-o-o-o-o not true. Well, do TV shows lie? Maybe. Could be. Do magazines lie? Constantly. Very often. Does 'N Sync lie? They be human, right? (um) Well, if you are up-and-at-'em on that stupid little subject of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears bein' as "one," then read on, little one!
The second thing that got me to "rreowr" was the fact that my friend, Christina, called me up on 'da phone and said, "Dude, Linds, turn to channel thirteen for Extra! quickly! Now! Now! Now!" If you don't know, Extra! is a gossip-y type show. It tells things that have been proven so they are not classified as rumours, but as floating truth. What's the latest thing that popped up on the television screen?
"Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync sharing a hotel room? Oh, and I thought they were just friends."
Oh, sure, that's a nice thing to turn the TV on to. That's like opening to, "They slept together and, guess what! Nine months later--" and so on. (false! just laugh, I made that up) Anyway, what the furry freak? The first thing I said to the lady who reported this (on TV) was, "You fuzzy little golden chicken nugget! Go away!" But I listened and realized - it was true. Or was it?
The show that's after that is E!. It's another "gossip-y" show like Extra!, but a little better. As in, they show the proof. And guess what the subject was! (look up) Yeah, exactly. Same topic. Dude, this was getting me ticked. I mean, sure, I'm a JC person, but the entire Justin-and-Britney thing is goin' a bit too far, if you ask me. I have heard enough about her! Ugh. And guess what. E! had proof.
Yes, proof that Justin Randall Timberlake and Britney "B.S." Spears had shared a hotel room. I'd rather not give out the "proof" in accidental case that this information is just "gossip-y" rumours flyin' 'round downtown, bay-bee! You get the point.
Kinda frightening, eh?