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20 Questions

So I'll never be on FANatic. Justina, Beth, and Ann have taken that oppurtunity and (with the exception of Justina), disgraced all NSync fans forever. But that doesn't mean that I'm not prepared JUSTIN case (humor me, folks) that chance comes along.

#1: How old are you REALLY? There is just no way this guy is still a teenager. I mean, NO WAY.

#2: Are you a virgin? I'm pretty sure I know the answer, though. I'd just like to see him squirm.

#3: If you were stranded on a desert island, and had to choose ONE guy from the group to be with, who would it be? Keep in mind, a guy has needs...

#4: Why is JOEY in the group? After all, they did hire him after seeing him dance. No vocal auditions ever took place.

#5: When you see a 12 year old at a concert with your name on her forehead, what runs through your mind? Besides dolla dolla bills.

#6: Do you know Kid Rock? Trailer park kiddies gotta stick together after all.

#7: Why did you wear that black "leather" jacket on Rosie? WHY?

#8: Thong or g? And I'm not the only one who's interested.

#9: You're rich, you're young. Why did you buy a mini-van? C'mon baby, it's all about the Z3's.

#10: Tell us a little about your Huckleberry Finn. Ha ha. Sqiurm like a worm.

#11: Wanna hit this or what? Oh... uh...

#12: Who was JC's "caffeine" dealer? Bust that boy's nuts.

#13: Can you please tell us all what the song "Giddy Up" means? And don't even dare say horses.

#14: What do you REALLY think of the Backstreet Boys?

#15: What makes you so freakin sexy? Cockiness is a turn on for me.

#16: What kind of confidence do you look for in a girl? Lying shamelessley that she didn't get plastic surgery DOES NOT COUNT.

#17: If NSync was all over tomorrow, what would you do?

#18: Define love.

#19: Tell me how it was like to be on the New Mickey Mouse Club? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

#20: Why BRITNEY? ??????????????????

What would YOU ask Justin if you had the chance? Send em in!

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