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The Justin Quiz Results

Mostly A's

You are a very innocent, homey kind of girl. You look for a more feminine type of man who can go shopping with you and paint each others' nails. Justin is not this type of guy, obviously. Sorry. Flock towards the shy, Southern girl-- err... boys.

Mostly C's

Humph. 1 word: THERAPY.

Mostly D's

You are flirtatious and are a big supporter of PDA (Public Display of Affection). Sorry to say, but you probably will never get married because of your flirtatious manner and charm. You get laid more than you blink, and are not ashamed to admit it. Justy ain't the one, but chin up... I see a Brooklyn native, with fluorecent pink hair in your future.

Mostly E's

Girlfriend, you're a nutcase. Insane about comedy, even at your ripened age. You're hilarious, but can't quite grasp how come you are the only one laughing at your oh-so-funny jokes. Although, JuJu isn't quite your boy-toy. Just follow the dread clippings and you'll be on your way to happiness.

Mostly B's

Congrats!!! You and Justin are a match made in jheri curl heaven! Ya'll are so much alike, it's almost scary. If I were you sister, I'd haul my ghetto booty down to O-Town and find me that curly haired piece o heaven.

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