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Battle of the Sexes Humor Shtuff Last Updated: December 8, 1999

Here, you will find males battling females in a classic struggle against good and evil. Yessir, a battle of the sexes is underway and below you will find links that bash the sexes left and right.

I have no opinion in this matter. I do not wish to read ranting e-mails telling me that I am a chauvinistic, sexist pig (from either sexes), so I am taking NO STANCE in this matter. I am merely presenting the material. Heck, I'm not even keeping score! Personally, B.O.T.S.'s scare me to death because I neither want to win nor lose: I'd rather the genders live in peaceful, loving harmony (la-diddy-da).

But I gotta rock the boat every once and a while, SO - Here is the battle of the sexes. Have fun.


The Real Man Test
Two New Additions To The Periodic Table Of Elements
Male Answer Syndrome
The Way It Is
The Perfect Man
How `Bout it Men?
Woman Bashing
His/Her ATM
If Men Got Pregnant
The Bribe and Groom
Girlfriend Communication Guide
Computer Gender
College Seminars for Females
