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About Me


Welcome to the page all about me

The early years:
I would go down to Southern California every summer to visit my Grandparents. They were a block from two beaches, the big beach and the little beach.
I would ride my horse every once in a while, because I was in pony club. I never did ride her every day though.
I would ride bikes with my brother and his friend, Yes I was a tag along but what are little sisters for. Of course they tired to ditch me and a few times I turned around and went home.
I participated in Pioneer Club and went to Summer Bible School for a few years when I went to the First Babptist Church.
I went to public school until 4th grade then I was Video home study till my Freshmen year of high school.
I joined up with FFA and enjoyed competting in the following contest during my high school years: Farm Record Books, Opening and Closeing, and the Sierra College Field Day Contest. I Showed market lambs at the local county fair from 1997 to 2001. My last market lamb didn't make it to the fair due to certin circumstances.
I graduated from Nevada Union High School in the Class of 2001.

During August 2001- August 2004:
me:0ق I attended a junior college called Golden West, which is near where my grandparents live in Huntington Beach. I would stay with my Grandparents during the semesters that I went to college, and I would stay with my dad during summer and winter breaks. During the summer of 2002 I sold knives. Yep thats right I had worked for Vector Marketing Corperation selling Cutco. In January of 2003 I worked for the College Bookstore in my home town. I then continued to work there during the summer and winter breaks since.


My parents own horses, sheep, dog, and cats. We use to own geese, rabbits, and chicken, but when I left for college they had to go. We have one dog named Benny. Benny is really Mom's dog. Two cats (was three) at the moment their names are Fuzzy, Kitty (died), and Cali Sue. Kitty (was) and Cali Sue are actualy Mom's, cats but their mine when it comes down to it. They have two horses and their names are Kona and Amber. Kona is Dad's, and Amber was mine while I lived with them. Kona is a Palimino Quater Horse that looks like Mr. Ed. Mom's old horse was Tele, and he was a Morgen Palimino. Tele passed away in June of 2004. The horse that was called mine, Amber is a Champyne Quarter Pony. The sheep are my brother Shawn's, and I named both of them for they were mine till I left for college, their names are Sweety and Hope.

me recent:

So what about me now: In June of 2004 I met my husband Shaun and his son Kace. Shaun and I dated a for a few months then got married. Since then we have been living as a family in a small apartment. We would love to get into a house but untill I can find a better Job outside of the College Bookstore we are stuck here. After I met Shaun I started to lose quite a few pounds. In one year I lost 30 pounds and I feel much better because of this.
I've been collecting ponies since August of 2003 when the new generation was released in stores. I collect the old and new My Little Pony. My favorite ponies in my collection are the Flutter Ponies, Petite Ponies, and Season Ponies.I am a Christian and I attend church on a regular basic. I went to Spirit West Coast in 2000. It was so much fun I plan on attending again some day. I like to go to concerts, contest, movies, pony meets, and amusment parks like Great America. My favorite TV shows are The Pretender, and Alias. Christmas 2005 my son Kace gave me The Pretender season 1 DVD. My favorite cartoon is Garfield, probaly because I like cats so much.
Well God Bless you and come back soon.
Thank you for comming to my Web Page!

Me and Sarah 2005

Sarah wanted a more recent picture of herself along with a picture of me. So we used my digi cam and posed for it till we got a decent picture

Grandma & Me

I went on a camping trip to the Eagle Lake in California, in June 1999 with my family and grandparents. It was lots of fun, especialy when dad and I went out in the paddle boat together.

Petite Ponies
Here is my petite pony collection as of November 2005. My goal is to get the 3 shop playsets and as many petites as I can find.

If you would like to contact me, you can send me a message on aol instant messenger, ranchlamb, or yahoo messenger, bunny83_01.

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father : 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Angel Faith
Faith's tag

If you have any question or comments e-mail me

My Graphic Arts
Sassy the bunny
Amber the horse
My Family
Some of My Friends
A Few Long Jokes
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